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Reds Tidbits (2009 season)

Thump;1508642; said:
Just saw on ESPN where Volquez may need Tommy John surgery.
Interesting. My 9-year-old stepson knocked his Edinson Volquez bobblehead off his dresser yesterday and the arms broke off at the elbow.

I didn't realize it was a voodoo bobblehead ...

I wonder when we'll have Willy Taveras bobblehead night? :sneaky: I'll slam dunk the fucker onto my driveway!


  • volquez.jpg
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Dryden;1508780; said:
Jim Day interviews Rolen and asks about the critics re: Rolen's age and durability.

Rolen: "Well, let's find out. I'm 34; I'm not dead."


Give him 18 months with the Reds, he'll wish he was. Seriously though, glad to have him hope he tears it up.

Also seriously... his total games played, AB's and OPS the past 5 years.

2005: 56 games/ 196 AB's/.706 OPS
2006: 142/521/.887
2007: 112/392/.729
2008: 115/408/780
2009 ytd: 88/338/.846

Other than Bonds (and we all know why) guys usually don't get better as they get older, 2005 was Rolens year 30 season. JR Griffey should have acquainted Reds fans with the fact that sustainable excellence after age 30 is rare indeed.

I see a guy on the downside of his career having a nice resurgent season. I also see a GM who just bought high and over paid through the nose to do so.
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Dryden;1508666; said:
Interesting. My 9-year-old stepson knocked his Edinson Volquez bobblehead off his dresser yesterday and the arms broke off at the elbow.

I didn't realize it was a voodoo bobblehead ...

I wonder when we'll have Willy Taveras bobblehead night? :sneaky: I'll slam dunk the fucker onto my driveway!

Could be worse. Indians had victor martinez bobblehead day today...the day after they traded him to the red sox.
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I wonder what's going on? For anyone that missed it, Rolen was ear-holed in the 7th last night, but wound up getting up under his own power and could be seen telling Dusty he was fine. Dusty pulled him anyway to be evaluated.

Now, JD has today's lineup:

Taveras CF
Rosales 3B
Votto 1B
Phillips 2B
Nix LF
Gomes RF
Hanigan C
Janish SS
Harang P

So Rolen is being held out another day.

Also, Volquez had Tommy John surgery this morning. Out 12 months, minimum.
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FYI, haven't seen a verified, published report on this, but the Blue Jays are paying 100% of Rolen's salary this year (this is why Roenicke was thrown into the deal) and the Cards are still on the hook for 4m of Rolen's salary next year due to terms of the original trade to Toronto, per Grande's explanation yesterday.
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Rosales batting second? He doesn't even play SS!

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Dryden;1509687; said:
Taveras CF
Rosales 3B
Votto 1B
Phillips 2B
Nix LF
Gomes RF
Hanigan C
Janish SS
Harang P

2, possibly 3, position players who are legit every day MLB caliber players and 5-6 guys who are in AAA or coming off the bench for a real team.


The race for the overall #2 pick continues.
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Dryden;1509691; said:
FYI, haven't seen a verified, published report on this, but the Blue Jays are paying 100% of Rolen's salary this year (this is why Roenicke was thrown into the deal) and the Cards are still on the hook for 4m of Rolen's salary next year due to terms of the original trade to Toronto, per Grande's explanation yesterday.

If true we still paid 2M next year for Rolen and gave up 2 prospects. Not as bad as 6M but I still can't agree with taking on salary and shipping out prospects for the privilege of doing so.
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