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Reds Tidbits (2009 season)

Jaxbuck;1508399; said:
I predict the inevitible Rolen extension after he has a good 20-30 games to be the next significant low point.

You can bet on it. Thom reported that Walt was talking about Rolen "being a positive influence on this team beyond 2010." The one positive I do see about this trade is that they reported that Rolen really wants to be here. How many major leaguers really want to play for this team??
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MuckFich06;1508423; said:
How many major leaguers really want to play for this team??
I'll venture a guess all the 35+ year old players with bad backs, sore shoulders, and bum elbows figure if they play on Dr Timothy Kremchek's home team, they're already in Cinci when they need pieced back together.

Don't know about 2010, but Walt's assembling a hell of a team for when they reinstitute Old Timers' Day.
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MuckFich06;1508423; said:
You can bet on it. Thom reported that Walt was talking about Rolen "being a positive influence on this team beyond 2010." The one positive I do see about this trade is that they reported that Rolen really wants to be here. How many major leaguers really want to play for this team??

Barry Larkin and Jr Griffey come to mind. I expect the same kind of sad result here.

Aging, oft injured vet who is a shadow of his former self sucking down a huge percentage of the teams payroll while sitting on the DL. Stop me if anyone has heard this tune before.
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Jaxbuck;1508433; said:
Barry Larkin and Jr Griffey come to mind. I expect the same kind of sad result here.

Aging, oft injured vet who is a shadow of his former self sucking down a huge percentage of the teams payroll while sitting on the DL. Stop me if anyone has heard this tune before.

You need to step back and see the big picture, Jax. Rolen is a veteran presence in the clubhouse and provides professional ABs.

You just can't put a pricetag on that.
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Dryden;1508462; said:
You need to step back and see the big picture, Jax. Rolen is a veteran presence in the clubhouse and provides professional ABs.

You just can't put a pricetag on that.

:slappy: When I heard the Reds had made a trade on the radio today, first they said who the Reds gave up. So, I'm thinking, man, we must of gotten some decent prospects. Then, I hear the trade was with Toronto... for shit, Rolen. It was a bad trade when they were .500 a couple of weeks ago and now it is simply terrible. Hope I'm wrong, but unlikely. On the game tonight, that's exactly what they kept talking about that was why Walt made the trade, on field and clubhouse leadership. They also talked about Rolen's conditioning and what "great shape" he is in. I didn't know being old with a bad back qualified as being in "great shape." Like I said earlier, at least he wants to be here and is a positive guy which is better than bringing a cancer into the clubhouse.
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MuckFich06;1508485; said:
:slappy: When I heard the Reds had made a trade on the radio today, first they said who the Reds gave up. So, I'm thinking, man, we must of gotten some decent prospects. Then, I hear the trade was with Toronto... for shit, Rolen. It was a bad trade when they were .500 a couple of weeks ago and now it is simply terrible. Hope I'm wrong, but unlikely. On the game tonight, that's exactly what they kept talking about that was why Walt made the trade, on field and clubhouse leadership. They also talked about Rolen's conditioning and what "great shape" he is in. I didn't know being old with a bad back qualified as being in "great shape." Like I said earlier, at least he wants to be here and is a positive guy which is better than bringing a cancer into the clubhouse.

I wonder if Steve Finley knows Marty has a new man crush?
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Haven't posted here in a couple of months, but all I can say as a life long Reds fan is that it's not smiling Bob or WK or even Dusty who are idiots, it's me for being a hopelessly loyal dolt :(, why oh why can't I be a fair weather fan like so many others in this world, then I wouldn't agonize over the pitiful Deds or Bungles :smash: thank God tOSU football is close followed by tOSU BBall
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GrizzlyBuck;1508638; said:
Haven't posted here in a couple of months, but all I can say as a life long Reds fan is that it's not smiling Bob or WK or even Dusty who are idiots, it's me for being a hopelessly loyal dolt :(, why oh why can't I be a fair weather fan like so many others in this world, then I wouldn't agonize over the pitiful Deds or Bungles :smash: thank God tOSU football is close followed by tOSU BBall

I'm thinking we need to form a support/survivors group for Reds fans.
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I'm really confused by the Rolen trade. Is this supposed to be a sign that the Reds still think they're in the race for a post-season spot? If so, why Rolen? Is he really that much of an upgrade at 3rd? I mean, I'll take him over Encarnacion for the remainder of the season, but really, the upgrade is negligible given the deficit and the team's remaining problems.

If it isn't a sign that the Reds still think they have a shot, then why the hell did they make the trade? Rolen is on the steep side of a downward slide towards the end of his productivity and career. Shouldn't the Reds be looking to get younger prospects that can help them in two or three years? We finally have a young nucleus to build around, and I don't see how Rolen fits into that.

Can someone help me out here? Anyone? Well, at least I'm not an Indians fan.
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sepia5;1508646; said:
Can someone help me out here? Anyone?

In all honesty, no. It was a dumb move spurred on by what I can only guess to be a completely false perception of how close to being a contender the team really is.

Under whatever color sky the world has in which they live, the Reds brass are sitting back congratulating themselves on adding the final piece to the puzzle.

Under the blue sky in the world in which I live, I sit back and wonder how in the fuck I get a MLB GM's job. Seriously. It pays well and the standards of success are generous to say the least. Given the shit pulled by the supposed experts within this franchise the past 30 years I can confidently say I couldn't do any worse. Of course the same could be said of a drunken blindfolded chimp throwing darts at a spinning wheel but that's beside the point.
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