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Record Breaking 2009 Draft for Buckeyes?

billmac91;1065419; said:
1. James Laurinitis
2. Malcolm Jenkins
3. Chris "Beanie" Wells
4. Alex Boone
5. Brian Robiskie
6. Todd Boeckman
7. Marcus Freeman

No way is Boeckman a first-round QB. We had a Heisman QB with outstanding senior-year passing stats get drafted in the fourth, so what make you think Boeckman is a first-round after his last three games? Boeckman will lucky to be a first-day pick.

I think Beanie seriously considers coming back for his senior year if he doesn't win the Heisman this season.

Boone has improved but I don't see him as a first-rounder...last year's draft had only three OTs picked in the first round. Maybe mid- to late-second round.
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MililaniBuckeye;1070657; said:
No way is Boeckman a first-round QB. We had a Heisman QB with outstanding senior-year passing stats get drafted in the fourth, so what make you think Boeckman is a first-round after his last three games? Boeckman will lucky to be a first-day pick.

I think Beanie seriously considers coming back for his senior year if he doesn't win the Heisman this season.

Boone has improved but I don't see him as a first-rounder...last year's draft had only three OTs picked in the first round. Maybe mid- to late-second round.

Considering the lineman and personnel we lose off of next years team I'd be shocked if he came back for his senior year. RB's have a short shelf life in the NFL as well.
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MililaniBuckeye;1070657; said:
No way is Boeckman a first-round QB. We had a Heisman QB with outstanding senior-year passing stats get drafted in the fourth, so what make you think Boeckman is a first-round after his last three games? Boeckman will lucky to be a first-day pick.

I think Beanie seriously considers coming back for his senior year if he doesn't win the Heisman this season.

Boone has improved but I don't see him as a first-rounder...last year's draft had only three OTs picked in the first round. Maybe mid- to late-second round.

just based Boeckman off of Mel Kiper's junior QB list....he had Todd ranked #2 as NFL QB prospect. Mel liked Todd's release, mobility in the pocket, and quick reads. His list and analysis may have changed, but he said by the end of his enior campaign he thought Todd would be the #2 rated QB. This was on ESPN radio, college gameday program btw.

I don't necessarily agree, but NFL GM's are suckers for size

6'5 - 240 lbs will do more for him than anything else

Alex Boone is a guaranteed first round pick next year. No question about it.
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DaytonBuck;1070660; said:
Considering the lineman and personnel we lose off of next years team I'd be shocked if he came back for his senior year.
Haven't been paying attention to recuiting, have you?

billmac91;1070664; said:
...I don't necessarily agree, but NFL GM's are suckers for size...

Alex Boone is a guaranteed first round pick next year. No question about it.
Which is why so many first-round QBs are busts. Oh well, that's the GMs' loss.

It would be nice if Boone played at first-round-pick level. He's been pretty solid, but not as dominating at his position as some of our other first-round OL were...
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MililaniBuckeye;1070675; said:
Haven't been paying attention to recuiting, have you?

Which is why so many first-round QBs are busts. Oh well, that's the GMs' loss.

It would be nice if Boone played at first-round-pick level. He's been pretty solid, but not as dominating at his position as some of our other first-round OL were...

Ya, I agree. Maybe lacks that mean streak guys like Pace and Mangold seemed to have. He still did a great job this year. Several of the more legit mock draft sites had Boone as a late first rounder this year.

Long and Ryan Clady of Boise St. will be the first OT's taken and Boone probably would have been the 3rd. Some sites had 3 OT;s going, others only 2.

Boone and Oher, who I think declared and then withdrew his name will be OT 1A and 1B going into next years draft IMO.
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Boone caves in the left side of the line in run blocking. When it doubt Beanie always cut it back to Boone and Rehring's side and it would generally be sealed off and Beanie would get a big gainer.

He may have some work to do in Pass Protection but he's a sure-fire first rounder.
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OregonBuckeye;1070704; said:
Troy- 6'0"
Todd- 6'5"

Todd definitely has a chance at going in the 1st round.

Boeckman might have a chance but it is awfully slim, unless he has an amazing season next year. If he has more games like Illinois, scUM, and LSU this past year, his height will only help him get drafted by the 7th round.

Krenzel and Troy were both 5th rounders, and both were better players than Boeckman is (and most likely will be). Hoying was the highest drafted "modern day" QB from OSU and was drafted in the 3rd after breaking a great deal of records that year. Just don't hold your breath about him being a 1st rounder. Everyone should be ecstatic if he's a 1st day selection.
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BuckTwenty;1070754; said:
If he has more games like Illinois, scUM, and LSU this past year, his height will only help him get drafted by the 7th round.

Not to be rude but, duh! :biggrin: I just highly doubt we'll see many of those games next year. I don't think he'll ever be the cold blooded killer Troy and Krenzel were in crunch time, but he'll improve a lot over the offseason like most 1st year starters do and so will his teammates. Some of you are also really underestimating just how much NFL GM's love 6'5" QB's. There are too many things working in Todd's favor next year for me to believe he'll slip past the 3rd round.
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