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RB Maurice Wells (Official Thread)


Either Buckeyes or Jackets for Sandalwood's Wells

Maurice Wells, the Times-Union 2004 Super 24 Player of the Year, has narrowed his collegiate decision down to two schools -- Ohio State and Georgia Tech.

The Sandalwood running back said he has not verbally committed to either team and will announce his choice on January 15 at the Army All-American Bowl, which is played in San Antonio and will be broadcast live on NBC.

Wells won't be able to sign with either team until national signing day on February 2.

"I like the teams about equally right now," Wells said. "I haven't decided on anything except that I like both those schools."

ESPN ranks Wells as one of the nation's top 100 recruits and the 11th best senior running back in the nation. In addition to Ohio State and Georgia Tech, Wells is being recruited by Southern Cal, Maryland, Florida and Florida State, among others.

Wells' coach, Adam Geis, said he thinks Wells is leaning toward the Buckeyes.

"If I had to bet right now, I would say Ohio State," Geis said. "But most likely nothing is written in stone."

In his junior season, Wells rushed for 3,075 yards, which is the second-highest single-season rushing total in state history. This season he had 1,836 yards despite missing time with a hip pointer.
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What a great recruiting statement that would be. Get an impact athlete at a position that is lacking at OSU. I really like Pittman and Haw but it was not that long ago that the Bucks were overflowing with studs at the RB position.
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FWIW, Helwagen mentioned Wells being in contact with Gwaltney. He said there was a possibility of them playing on the same team being the 'thunder and lightning.' OSU is the only school that they have in common. How sweet would it be to pick up a few top-notch RB's for the class.
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Swimmer said:
FWIW, Helwagen mentioned Wells being in contact with Gwaltney. He said there was a possibility of them playing on the same team being the 'thunder and lightning.' OSU is the only school that they have in common. How sweet would it be to pick up a few top-notch RB's for the class.
USC was also on each backs final 3. I don't want to be paranoid...but I have visions of Petey's jet from last year.
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JCOSU86 said:
Oh, OK. Thanks for the clarificataion, KSB. I didn't think this guy had just crawled out from under a rock and still thought the Ol' Ball Coach was still at Fla.


No I haven't just crawled under a rock

Meyer to florida-HH has said in the past to worry more about Uf than GT
Spurrier-SC-I think he will be scavenging all over the place the next month
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On Rivals, Montario Hardesty (RB- 190 lbs) stated that OSU coaches are due in-home to visit him this week, though OSU doesn't appear to be in his top 4. Considering OSU's stated goal of 1 big and 1 speed back, (and 190 lbs isn't a big back) I hope this isn't a sign of where Maurice Wells is leaning. I've felt good about OSU and Wells for a long time but it's food for thought. Hopefully this is a backup plan, but I firmly believe that the OSU coaches know where Maurice Wells is going by now- he's announcing the 15th, right?
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This probably is a backup plan, but not necessarily for Wells...

... Gwaltney is clearly not an tOSU lock. While I think we have a good shot at landing him, there's no reason to plan on getting him (whereas Wells seems to be a pretty high probability).

Yes they want to land one big back and one small back, but if they can take a second 4-star small back rather than resort to a third or fourth option big back, they probably would do it.

Also keep in mind that this would keep the "big back" position open for Chris Wells and/or Moline next year.
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