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RB Maurice Wells (Official Thread)

i am a big MoW fan - but it is tough to say that he needs more carries with Beanie, who needs 20+ per game next year, and Saine who I think is our second best inside/outside runner.

I would like to see MoW at slot, WR (in 5 sets) or even on special teams. Or perhaps even experimenting with him at DB like Gamble?

Either way he is a great teammate and Buckeye.
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This is where we get into issues around here...

Not a bad post...not sure why it was posted or why it was dug up...but initially, not bad.

Then it slowly derails until someone feels the need to slam a kid.

I don't get it.

Why even post it?

Anyway, back to Mo...with some sense please..
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Sportsbuck28;1088880; said:
I just love how the guy pass protects.. I mean for a little guy out there compared to the LB's and DLmen coming at him, he throws his body around and really smacks some people in the mouth.
:30 sec mark
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFrXA7xDgl4]YouTube - Ted Ginn Jr 2005[/ame]
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Man I miss that Scarlet #7 flying down the field. :(

Oh well, at least he's a Dolphin!

Back to Mo:

Mo's intangibles guarantee him playing time regardless of if he is getting carries or not. The swing pass to Mo in space is a beautiful thing and we need to see more of it. How about a screen to Mo Wells. Everyone knows we have him in to block on passing downs, how about setting up that middle or slip screen to him once in a while?!
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I'll be using this for every TD Mo scores this year...



MD Buckeye;1133435; said:
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Poe McKnoe;1189745; said:
Am I the only one that thinks Mo Wells needs to switch it up?

Come on, Mo. It's your senior season.

Shave off the dreads. Go bald. Please!

Agreed, it may be a signature look, but shave off that ten pounds of hair...
It's gotta be good for at least a .2 second deduction in the forty times

As far as his senior year, I'm hoping we do a better job at getting him in space when he does get the ball. Let's face Mo ain't gonna run anyone over
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