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RB Maurice Wells (Official Thread)

The biggest thing is for him to have aother ear.
Yeah, those freshmen never listen well :wink2:

He'll get his time to shine. It seems more and more each year that people tend to "give up" on players if they don't make an immediate impact. Sometimes it just takes guys 2,3,4, maybe even 5 years until they get it. Guys like Everett, Downing, Holmes, Kudla, etc. didn't make immediate impacts, but have turned into decent players.

Who knows, maybe he'll be like Tyree and wait till his senior scUM game, then will go for 250 and 3 scores. I could live with him having a career like that...
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RB Maurice Wells

Why is everyone so quick to write off Mo Wells. I think in the limited time he got with the first time (minus the fumble at Meatchicken) I think he showed excellent vision and a great burst. Granted his future may not be in tOSU's backfield, I still think he should be on special teams or something. Don't want to put him in the same category as Brandon "Bam" Childress of overhyped recruit?
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Why is everyone so quick to write off Mo Wells. I think in the limited time he got with the first time (minus the fumble at Meatchicken) I think he showed excellent vision and a great burst. Granted his future may not be in tOSU's backfield, I still think he should be on special teams or something. Don't want to put him in the same category as Brandon "Bam" Childress of overhyped recruit?

Who is writing MoWells off or wanting to move him? From what I have read, people are giving their respective opinions on what they think he needs to do in the off season to compete for carries next year!?

I think we have a stable of backs that will compete for the position next year and moving forward, not the least of which is MoWells or Erik Haw.

If I have missed an entire discussion that prompted your post Bateman, forgive me...
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There are still people that think Mo Wells can play the Reggie Bush role -- run a little and split out to create matchup problems. Not only will the extra time help him get bigger and learn the system, it will also give him a chance to work on his hands and route running.

If Chris Wells doesn't rush for > 1,000 yards, I wouldn't want to be around to see what some of these posters will have to say about him. Of course, he could gain 2,500 yards and get Heisman votes - and some "fans" would still be disappointed.
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There are still people that think Mo Wells can play the Reggie Bush role -- run a little and split out to create matchup problems.
Mo Wells is not Reggie Bush, and as such Mo Wells will not be used in those situations as a slot reciever when we have the talent and depth at the WR postion. Chris Wells will get some quality time at tailback in passing downs once he picks the blocking schemes up.

Not to knock Mo Wells, but I dont think he'll be utilized in the way you think he will. I believe that he could create some awesome mismatches but that he will be used mostly on special team coverages and returns, while getting a few carries every game. IMO.
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If Chris Wells doesn't rush for > 1,000 yards, I wouldn't want to be around to see what some of these posters will have to say about him. Of course, he could gain 2,500 yards and get Heisman votes - and some "fans" would still be disappointed.

I don't think there will be any disappointment at all, atleast not here on BP as long as Antonio Pittman is around. I expect him to eventually see 10-15 carries a game, which should net him around 600-700 yards. Anything more than that as a frosh is gravy, anything less would be no big deal. Remember, Pittman is still the man, and MoWells deserves some carries too.
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I think Wells and Haw both have a lot of potential. I also believe Pittman and Beanie are going to make it very tough for either guy to get much time at RB, in a starters role. Both have great speed and could make good 3rd down backs if they focus on pass catching and blocking. Both have very real possibilities to be outstanding Kickoff Returners if they focus energy there. And as Nick Goings proved, you don't have to start at OSU to make it to the NFL.

They are not going to be given anything, but if they work hard, they will get playing time and visibility, even with Pittman and Wells around. Someone also always gets hurt.

Work hard and things have a way of taking care of themselves.
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I chatted with someone who spent some time with Bill Conley recently. Conley told him that they want Wells as a slot WR and still some RB as well, plus maybe returning kick off's with Ginn. Conley said just get him the ball in space and let him go. They pointed out that in the second half of the Fiesta bowl, Wells had a few plays as a slot WR in the spread.
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I chatted with someone who spent some time with Bill Conley recently. Conley told him that they want Wells as a slot WR and still some RB as well, plus maybe returning kick off's with Ginn. Conley said just get him the ball in space and let him go. They pointed out that in the second half of the Fiesta bowl, Wells had a few plays as a slot WR in the spread.

Thats actually a pretty good idea. Looking at his size and speed capabilities, he some-what remindes me of a Bam Childress.
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