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RB Maurice Wells (Official Thread)

Running backs to come out of Ohio State. I would like to see him used more. He is a Fred Taylor, Ladalian Tomelson type of runner. He can change direction and create.

What do you think?:drunks:

I think it Michigan Week and I don't give a fuck about anything that's happening past about 4:30 tomorrow...
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With what happened against scUM...I think Mo Wells might have lost a little confidence in himself. I'm not as impressed with Wells as I thought I would be. He has struggled being consistent, and granted this is his first year, I still think I'd like to see some better decision making when he is running the ball. He has the tools...but I just don't see the solid running back Ohio State needs in Wells.

I don't think he will ever get much of a chance at tOSU to be honest. Pittman is obviously the real deal, and he's going to be our feature back for the next two years. Even with his problems, I still like Eric Haw, and with Chris Wells coming in next year...Maurice Wells might start next year as the #2 running back, but I think he's more likely to slip down the depth chart.

We are deep at RB. Next year we will have 4 running backs that have the potential to be great. Personally I see Mo Wells as being the odd guy out. This isn't bashing Wells. He's got the potential to be a great back, but right now I don't think it's likely he will. I don't think he showed enough this year to solidify himself behind Pittman.

Any thoughts?
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in 04, antonio pittman did little to solidify himself as a good back in the eyes of many buckeye critics. He was barely used in The Game, even when we struggled to run the ball between the 30 yard markers. he also had trouble following his blockers, and holding onto the ball.

I agree Mo has a lot more competition next year than Pitt had this year, but I think you're making a few too many assumptions. Haw is not on the field due to struggles picking up blitzes apparently. He also has not had meaningful carries to distance himself from Mo at all.

Chris should be fantastic, but he may also be a frosh who needs time to adjust to big ten play. I see Haw and Chris as completely untested... therefore I'm not sure you can be sure that Mo is up against it yet.

I think that Mo will have a decent shot at reps in 06, maybe less than he will in 07.
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It all depends on how much he wants it. Pittman took a huge step last year and i think MoWells could do the same. He needs to live in the weight room though...

We are going to have a ton a good backs though. Nothing bad about that.
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With what happened against scUM...I think Mo Wells might have lost a little confidence in himself. I'm not as impressed with Wells as I thought I would be. He has struggled being consistent, and granted this is his first year, I still think I'd like to see some better decision making when he is running the ball. He has the tools...but I just don't see the solid running back Ohio State needs in Wells.

I don't think he will ever get much of a chance at tOSU to be honest. Pittman is obviously the real deal, and he's going to be our feature back for the next two years. Even with his problems, I still like Eric Haw, and with Chris Wells coming in next year...Maurice Wells might start next year as the #2 running back, but I think he's more likely to slip down the depth chart.

We are deep at RB. Next year we will have 4 running backs that have the potential to be great. Personally I see Mo Wells as being the odd guy out. This isn't bashing Wells. He's got the potential to be a great back, but right now I don't think it's likely he will. I don't think he showed enough this year to solidify himself behind Pittman.

Any thoughts?

People were saying the same about Pittman this time last year. It takes kids a while, M Wells is as talented as anyone and once he figures out what he's doing and starts playing as fast as he really is he'll be a weapon.

Also, I know c wells is uber heralded coming out of HS, but I cringe when people start penciling the HS kid in next years 2 deep and writing off a kid who just finished his true freshman season.

Patience. If all goes as it should we will have a true stable of running backs for the first time in a long time come 2006. I personally get excited when I think of JT being able to rely on a big time running game to help break in new defensive players.
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not sure where to put this...but i think it'd be kinda cool to have 2 backs next year play...that way we could use someone like MoWells with his speed on screens and stuff and we could use a pittman/beanie guy to pound it out and they would have no idea who was going to get it...that along witha spread offense could be very effective
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I disagree with him living in the weightroom.

He needs to get stronger, but hopefully they won't do anything to mess with his speed.

Mo Hall got bigger and lost any speed he had. Lydell Ross got bigger, but I'm not sure how much speed he actually lost. He was just a bad RB.

Don't mess with what makes Mo Wells special.
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ysubuck said:
I disagree with him living in the weightroom.

He needs to get stronger, but hopefully they won't do anything to mess with his speed.

Mo Hall got bigger and lost any speed he had. Lydell Ross got bigger, but I'm not sure how much speed he actually lost. He was just a bad RB.

Don't mess with what makes Mo Wells special.
mo hall two or three knee surgeries too...
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lydell never had "it"... extra weight didn't make him run fullspeed into the back of the OL. Mo Hall blew out both knees.

Pittman put on 10 lbs and is just as fast IMO.

Mo Wells could put on 5-10 lbs and still keep up his speed. The biggest thing is for him to have aother ear. More film study, more reps against huge OSU defenders, more practice staying low.
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