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RB Maurice Wells (Official Thread)

omitting Smith from that list of stats is a big oversight.

Agree, but with Sutton you have Basanez at 268 and 5 TDs.
With Ringer add Stanton at 147 and 2 (despite al the sacks), Caulcrick @ 391 and 6 and Teague @ 321 and 3.
With Russell you have Maroney a@ 1133 and 8.

Smith is at 353 and 8.

While I agree with you to not start thumping our chest yet, I think these are reasons to be optimistic.

I am always the optimist. But at the risk of turning this into another offense bashing thread I would be more confident had we not moved to the spread last year when we could not make a running game work and now find ourselves moving back to a traditional running game because we can't make a spread work.

The proble with our offensive coaching is - execution.
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The proble with our offensive coaching is - execution.

true. however, my position regarding osu's offense has been and will continue to be the following:

there are two parts to executing the offense. the first part is the player going out and doing his job each play. the second part is the coaches devising a scheme and calling certain plays in certain circumstances that are conducive to allowing players to execute their assignments.

you can line up in the power i and run an iso, but if the defense has 9 guys in the box keying on the run, the play wont work. the coaches can say, look the guys didnt execute that play, but the players werent put in a position conducive to executing the play.

i think what we're seeing is the staff realizing that smith generally operates better under center with fewer reads. we are also seeing a better variety of routes, such as holmes' 3 slants and his slow drag route over the middle and underneath the coverage. small steps, but progress all the same.

as for mo wells, we finally got to see what the coaches liked about him. he hits the LOS hard, and if he gets through, he certainly turns on the jets. hopefully we'll see more of him in the next few weeks.<!-- / message -->
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I'm excited about Wells and I love Pittman, and I thought I would be the LAST person to post something like this, but here are some numbers before we get too excited about OSUs running game:

Pittman: 699 yards at 5.1 per carry with zero TDs
Wells: 103 yards at 3.4 with zero TDs

Keep in mind that nearly all of Wells' carries had come in garbage time when the opposition knew we were going to run to kill the clock, and we called running plays straight into the OL. Indiana was the first time I can recall Wells coming in "early" and thus the first time he wasn't stuck in a clock-kill mode. The result? Five carries for 50 yards (10 ypc). Take away the 25-yard jaunt and he still went four carries for 25 yards (6.25 ypc). His carries were 5, 25, 2, 14, and 4 yards.

Remember all those times in garbage time he kept getting caught in the backfield because the defense was flooding the run? That's why his season YPC prior to this past weekend was crap. Well, now that he didn't have to face four guys in his backfield and got to run against a "normal scheme" defense, he tore it up. I tell you what, you give Wells a full half where he's the featured back and give him 10-15 carries, I'll all but bet the house he puts 75-100 yards up with decent blocking.
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Per the Ozone...

Tressel added that Maurice Wells is also making progress, but most of the progress Wells needed to make was off the field, not on, but that he doing what he needs to do, and that is being reflected in his game. That, in turn, is earning him some renewed interest by the OSU coaching staff.

"He's been in a learning process and in an earning process," said Tressel.
Tressel said Wells' impressive outing against Indiana helped his chances for more playing time as the season winds down.

"Certainly that didn't hinder it," said Tressel.

"You could see earlier that when we were able to get him the ball, that he was an explosive guy, a little different than Antonio Pittman, but explosive and there was going to be a place for him, but so many things had to go and get in a row for him to be successful.

"One of the things that is a transition period for a freshman football player at Ohio State that not everybody understands is about after game three, you've got to start going to college.

"Maurice had that first period of time and got the ball some in those first early games, then all of a sudden he's got to go to class, got to go to study table, and I think that slows him down a little bit.

"They (freshmen) don't completely lose their focus, but it splinters it a little bit and he got into that and he was a much better player the last two weeks and I think it showed up in the game. Now you're more apt to say 'Hey, get that guy in there, he's ready to roll,'" Tressel said.
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Coming in to a major D1 program, realizing the depth of talent, seeing the new schemes, and realizing how little you truly know has to be overwhelming and at times frustrating for a true freshman. Good to see MoW fighting through the troubles.
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He finally has seen some action before garbage time (when everyone loads up the box), and look how well he's doing. I doubt Sutton's gonna be talking about being sleighted anymore.
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MoW's stats vs. NW: 13 carries, 71 yards, 1 TD; 1 reception for 0 yards.

The question is not how Sutton would do in Ohio State's offense, but rather how would the faster, stronger, more athletic Wells fare in Northwestern's offense getting 25 touches per game....
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Well, we've now seen what Mo can do when he's playing in game circumstances rather than in clock-killing run-up-the-middle mode. Should Pittman become unavailable, I'm not too worried about having Wells and Haw fill in.
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nice game today, the thing i loved was a run in the 3rd qtr where he got to the sideline and decided to go north hard and drove forward for 4 more yards. doc most have gotten to him about the ability to gain extra yards if you use your mo correctly.

also haw didnt look bad as mili mentioned
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