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RB Maurice Wells (Official Thread)

Only bad play I saw by Mo today was on the goal line early. Instead of lowering his shoulder and bulling in for the TD he was too high and the DB knocked him backwards. Should've had a TD there also.
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Only bad play I saw by Mo today was on the goal line early. Instead of lowering his shoulder and bulling in for the TD he was too high and the DB knocked him backwards. Should've had a TD there also.
he did a good job picking up five yards tho. He'll learn to lower his shoulder better with time. Next year is gonna be filthy with Pittman, Wells, Wells and Haw.
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Wells seems to be really coming on as of late. I love the fact that they run sweeps when he is in the game, because with his speed he can hit the hole and be 15 yards up the field before you know it.

He reminds me a bit of Butler Bynote. I think that will be his major role here.
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I really thought Haw had good vision, speed , and power. I wish he would stop pissing the coaches off so that he culd see the field more.

Wells is really improving and is seeing the field better wiht each game, but damn! Haw looked a step faster and way more powerful. Hope he gets out of the doghouse totally for next year - what a 4-headed monster we will have!
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Only bad play I saw by Mo today was on the goal line early. Instead of lowering his shoulder and bulling in for the TD he was too high and the DB knocked him backwards. Should've had a TD there also.

I'd give that play to the SS who made a fantastic play stuffing the hole. MoW thought he wa home free...then the kid took an excellent angle and closed it quickly. Next time, MoW will have that pad level lowered to bull throgh.
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getting some pub for his success last game


7 of 21

(10) Ohio State 48, (25) Northwestern 7
Maurice Wells (34) ran for 70 yards and a touchdown as the Buckeyes had no trouble with the Wildcats at the Horseshoe.
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Muahahaha said:
Running backs to come out of Ohio State. I would like to see him used more. He is a Fred Taylor, Ladalian Tomelson type of runner. He can change direction and create.

What do you think?:drunks:
Used more? I think he is getting PLEANTY of playing time...considering we have the best running back in the big 10 that doesn't go to Minnesota. I want to see Pittman out there as much as possible...the guy is a workhorse. Not that I don't like Wells...I just love Antonio Pittman!
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Pittman has the staring position locked down for now, and with Chris Wells coming in next year, Maurice may not get a whole lot of carries. MoW has a lot of potential, but we'll have a ton of talent in the backfield for the next few years.
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