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RB Jaamal Berry (Transfer to Murray State)

matcar;1195724; said:
Interesting in that it differs from Jaamal's own words regarding his top 3.

I think Craig Haubert got it right when mentioning that Florida is tOSU's biggest rivals in the recruiting of Jamaal. Even in that article on Scout, Florida is mentioned as being on pretty much the same level as tOSU, Ole Miss & Michigan. I do think that it will come down to tOSU & Florida....and as of now, we are ahead by a bit.

I have my fingers crossed for a commit when he visits up here with his mom. I am hoping that the recruitment situation with Vlad does not affect his decision.....correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think it should.
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jazzman;1195883; said:
I have my fingers crossed for a commit when he visits up here on July 21st with his mom. I am hoping that the recruitment situation with Vlad does not affect his decision.....correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think it should.

That's my big question. I never thought it would be an issue until all the reports of the staff holding a spot for Banks emerged. Early on, Vlad, Berry, McGee and to a lesser extent Victor Marc were made out to be a group of Florida guys looking to go to the same school. Of course, Marc went ahead and signed with USF w/out an OSU offer, and I think most are much less confident about McGee than they once were, but what if Vlad is a no-go too? Does that affect Berry's thinking at all?
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sepia5;1195892; said:
That's my big question. I never thought it would be an issue until all the reports of the staff holding a spot for Banks emerged. Early on, Vlad, Berry, McGee and to a lesser extent Victor Marc were made out to be a group of Florida guys looking to go to the same school. Of course, Marc went ahead and signed with USF w/out an OSU offer, and I think most are much less confident about McGee than they once were, but what if Vlad is a no-go too? Does that affect Berry's thinking at all?

I don't think so. Berry still loves us. :biggrin: Chill!
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jazzman;1195883; said:
I think Craig Haubert got it right when mentioning that Florida is tOSU's biggest rivals in the recruiting of Jamaal. Even in that article on Scout, Florida is mentioned as being on pretty much the same level as tOSU, Ole Miss & Michigan. I do think that it will come down to tOSU & Florida....and as of now, we are ahead by a bit.

I have my fingers crossed for a commit when he visits up here with his mom. I am hoping that the recruitment situation with Vlad does not affect his decision.....correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think it should.

Coach Tressel should just ask Jamaal if he knows how much Florida uses their running backs. Sure they try, but Tebow and Harvin are the main assets of the Florida offense now and who's to say that it will change. Heck, their main running back was Tim Tebow in 2006.

Ohio State is obviously more dedicated to running the football. ESPN states that Jamaal makes more sense in the FLA offense, but we might want to wait to see how Chris Rainey does.
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Scout $


By Bill Greene...talks about the coaches he as spoken to since returning from Jamaica. Will be visiting Florida, Tennessee, Florida State, LSU, Auburn and South Carolina with his coach and a few other players in July. After the southern swing he will visit OSU, Michigan, Pitt and West Virginia. UF and OSU lead.
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CHU;1200710; said:
I don't know why, but I get the stupid feeling that Berry will announce either at the Under Armour game on television or on ESPNU on Signing Day.

I really hope not. Im enjoying seeing these recruits committing early, because late Sept. Im off to Balad for 120 days. Im just hoping to see the Michigan and possibly our bowl game. It would be hard to see the UA game. Maybe one of the Mods will throw the game on BP though.

C'mon Berry...ya know ya want to come here, lol.
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