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RB Jaamal Berry (Transfer to Murray State)

Muck;1190649; said:
From the Scout Recruiting front page:


Wow, Hyde and Berry together would be some serious Thunder and Lightning. Very exciting to think about the way they'd complement each other.
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Ya I agree with everyone else, he is the player I am most looking forward to being a buckeye, I just keep thinking of all of the possibilities with Pryor. But ya anyone have a ball park estimate of a time table for Berry? Like where all and when is he visiting schools?
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Buckin Crazy;1191162; said:
But ya anyone have a ball park estimate of a time table for Berry? Like where all and when is he visiting schools?
Jaamal supposedly has the following official visits scheduled: LSU, October 25th (versus Georgia); Ohio State, November 22nd (versus Michigan).
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Landfill: What's a VJ?

Barry Badrinath: If you have to ask - you can't afford it, my man.

Edit: My apologies. Yes, Jaamal is very fast. This number was published a while ago though. In fact, once it came out, his scholarship total jumped, and Scout, IIRC, gave him his 5th star.[/quote]

Vertical jump seems to make sense from the mark.
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LordJeffBuck;1191207; said:
Jaamal supposedly has the following official visits scheduled: LSU, October 25th (versus Georgia); Ohio State, November 22nd (versus Michigan).

Was Jaamal supposed to be coming to OSU with Vlad in the next few weeks, or am I just crazy? Could've sworn he was coming soon, as well as Vlad.
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3074326;1191279; said:
Was Jaamal supposed to be coming to OSU with Vlad in the next few weeks, or am I just crazy? Could've sworn he was coming soon, as well as Vlad.

The visit with Vlad is a non-official visit.
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