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RB Jaamal Berry (Transfer to Murray State)

One of BP's unofficial rules is that profile pages are very unreliable in that there is no telling when and how well they are updated. Recruiting sites are great for the networking and articles, not their profile hierarchy. Berry's interest has been high for some time.
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From GBW.....says the Buckeyes & Gators are out in front. He is planning on visiting five schools including one visit up to Ann Arbor. Says his mom is playing a huge role in the recruiting process. He is looking at colleges with tradition, education, a winning football team, atmosphere, coaching, fans, etc.
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Scout.com: "It Was Crazy." (free)

By Allen Wallace
National Recruiting Editor
Posted Jun 8, 2008

Ohio State is recruiting Jaamal Berry the hardest. "I love the atmosphere there," Berry said. "The players are great and the whole town there is about football. I went there for the spring game and they had like 60,000 people show up and it was raining. It was crazy. I think I like my opportunity to play there too. They have like two running backs coming back, so it's just gonna be a battle..."


Article says OSU leads...but you knew that already...:wink:
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Rivals $


From the WVU site....Jaamal's highschool coach talks about Jaamal's growth at Miami Palmetto. Article says that Ohio State & Florida remain his leaders.
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Scout $


By M Bakas. Berry will take unofficials to Florida, Clemson, South Carolina, Tennessee and Auburn. He will take his official visits to Ohio State, LSU, Ole Miss and Michigan and decide after them. Ohio State is his favorite.
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OSUBuckeye4Life;1181933; said:
Hey may or may not decide when he comes up with his mother (and the "Emeliens"). Take solice in the fact we lead and MAY get his verbal sooner rather than later.

Agreed! I don't think that we could be in a better position with Jamaal as the one we are in right now. However, I am still expecting Vlad to pull the trigger and commit on that visit. You never know.....just maybe Jamaal does the same! :biggrin:
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