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RB Jaamal Berry (Transfer to Murray State)

jazzman;1166005; said:
I love "behind the scenes info".....although I don't know what you're talking about I take that as a BIG positive for the Buckeyes. :biggrin:

Guy's if we wind up getting Berry too commit to tOSU this will be one of the best recruiting classes yet . Add Hyde in their and we are Nat. Championship bound .Boy it don't get no better being a Buckeye fan .
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From the OSU site...talks about his summer workout plans...has OSU and Florida on top, but admits those are the only two schools he's seen. Talks about why he has OSU as his leader and talks about how he is approaching the recruiting process.
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The Charleston (WV) Gazette

There are at least four viable candidates interested in West Virginia. Four very highly rated candidates.
Like speedster Jaamal Berry of Palmetto (Fla.) High.
Berry is recognized as the best tailback prospect in south Florida at 5-foot-11, 185 pounds. He has 25 to 30 offers from schools like Florida, Florida State and LSU. But WVU is also in there pitching.
"West Virginia was down the third or fourth day of spring drills," said Berry's high school coach, Larry Coffey. "[The Mountaineer coaches] have as much of a shot as anybody. They just have to present themselves well to him. He's open.''
Coffey certainly won't shut the door on Stewart. See, the Palmetto coach is a West Virginia Conference legend. He rushed for 3,035 yards for West Virginia Wesleyan and was all-conference in 1978, '79 and '80. He's a member of the Wesleyan athletic hall of fame.
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'Florida poised to produce RBs in record numbers' by Jamie Newberg. Jaamal is now considered the top back in South Florida and possibly the entire state.
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By Bill "Bank" Greene at the Ohio State site. Interview with Berry's mother who talks about how proud she is of her son. She will visit Ohio State with Vlad Emilien and his mother soon. Florida and Ohio State are his top schools, and while she favors Florida, her son favors Ohio State.
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By Ryan Moss of GatorCountry....talks about his goals for the 2008 season...says OSU and Miami having RBs committed already won't affect his decision (if they did their homework they'd know Hall is a RB/WR)...talks about his interest in the Gators.
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HotMic;1170650; said:
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By Bill "Bank" Greene at the Ohio State site. Interview with Berry's mother who talks about how proud she is of her son. She will visit Ohio State with Vlad Emilien and his mother soon. Florida and Ohio State are his top schools, and while she favors Florida, her son favors Ohio State.

Time for Tressel to work his magic.
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Palmetto running back Jaamal Berry, rated Miami-Dade's best '09 prospect and 37th nationally by rivals.com, said he is surprised UM hasn't offered him a scholarship. ''I grew up a UM fan. I guess they don't want me,'' he said. UM instead offered a scholarship to Killian running back Lamar Miller (ranked 80th and undecided) and has an oral commitment from Wichita (Kansas) RB Bryce Brown (ranked ninth in the country and UM linebacker Arthur Brown's brother).

If Jason Taylor goes, Dolphins face 'a hodgepodge' - 05/27/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
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Posted on Mon, Jun. 02, 2008
[email protected]

Jaamal Berry was watching Columbus High's spring intrasquad scrimmage two weeks ago when he ran into Miami-Dade County's all-time leading rusher Frank Gore.

It didn't take long for Berry, one of the nation's premier running backs in the Class of 2009, to challenge the former Coral Gables High and University of Miami grad with a friendly wager.

''I didn't tell him I was going to go after his record,'' said Berry, a 5-11, 193-pound running back from Palmetto Senior High who heads into his senior season with a list of 25 scholarship offers.

``I just told that I was going to have more yards than his cousin [Columbus High 2010 standout Jakhari Gore] and [Killian's] Lamar Miller and that I'd was going to lead Dade in rushing this year. We had some fun joking about it. But I know deep down inside we all seriously want to win it.''

Berry, who ran for 1,033 yards and 14 touchdowns on 140 carries as a junior, will need to do a little better than he did last year if he wants to win that bet.

After receiving just one scholarship offer (from Mississippi) during his junior season, Berry said he picked up six (Florida, Florida State, LSU and Ohio State) the week he ran a 4.43 at the Nike Combine and a ''ton more'' after running the 4.31.

Berry said his mother, Eartha, has kept all of the written scholarship offers for him and said she plans to put a few of them up in frames in his room by the end of the summer.

Even if the Hurricanes don't offer, Berry still has plenty of suitors. His Top 10 list includes Ohio State, Florida, Florida State, Michigan, Mississippi, Auburn, Clemson, LSU, West Virginia and Boston College. He says he really likes Ohio State a lot -- especially after taking an unofficial trip to watch the Buckeyes' spring game with several other local highly-touted 2009 recruits.

''We really had a great time,'' Berry said. ``I went up there with [Plantation defensive backs] Brandon McGee, Vlad Emielen, [St. Thomas receiver] Duron Carter and [Hallandale quarterback] Victor Marc. The campus was great. I loved the whole atmosphere. You could see the coaches and the players are real straight-forward people.''

Berry considering offers -- including FSU, UF - 06/02/2008 - MiamiHerald.com
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