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RB Jaamal Berry (Transfer to Murray State)

Interesting that you mention Stedman Bailey. He has an Illinois offer. I am assuming Berry has one as well or will have one since the Illini coach(es?) visited and he is so good. Both of them don't have OSU offers so both should just come to Illinois.:) I'm kidding (Not really) but Berry is a heck of a player. Not to hijack the thread but could you give some more insight on Bailey? He looks like a pretty good prospect. Do you know if Illinois is in the thick of it?
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ThaKid101;1163592; said:
Interesting that you mention Stedman Bailey. He has an Illinois offer. I am assuming Berry has one as well or will have one since the Illini coach(es?) visited and he is so good. Both of them don't have OSU offers so both should just come to Illinois.:) I'm kidding (Not really) but Berry is a heck of a player. Not to hijack the thread but could you give some more insight on Bailey? He looks like a pretty good prospect. Do you know if Illinois is in the thick of it?

PM him. :wink:
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ThaKid101;1163592; said:
Interesting that you mention Stedman Bailey. He has an Illinois offer. I am assuming Berry has one as well or will have one since the Illini coach(es?) visited and he is so good. Both of them don't have OSU offers so both should just come to Illinois.:) I'm kidding (Not really) but Berry is a heck of a player. Not to hijack the thread but could you give some more insight on Bailey? He looks like a pretty good prospect. Do you know if Illinois is in the thick of it?

[hijack]Stedman Bailey is a name that nevada dropped a while back that the OSU staff was looking at...and was possibly on the verge of blowing up (this was a few months ago). Apparently he had a great showing down in Miami at the Miami Scout combine. 2nd team All-Broward as a junior is fairly impressive. It appears OSU targeted other WRs and basically has made it pretty clear if/when Carter jumps on board they are looking at taking one of Evans/Debose/Brown/Boyd...but Bailey is still an impressive talent. Word is he has great hands and can play flanker or can run in the slot...but is especially great at running the deeper routes.[/hijack]

Back to Berry...
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wadc45;1163645; said:
[hijack]Stedman Bailey is a name that nevada dropped a while back that the OSU staff was looking at...and was possibly on the verge of blowing up (this was a few months ago). Apparently he had a great showing down in Miami at the Miami Scout combine. 2nd team All-Broward as a junior is fairly impressive. It appears OSU targeted other WRs and basically has made it pretty clear if/when Carter jumps on board they are looking at taking one of Evans/Debose/Brown/Boyd...but Bailey is still an impressive talent. Word is he has great hands and can play flanker or can run in the slot...but is especially great at running the deeper routes.[/hijack]

Back to Berry...

Thanks wad. Bailey sounds like he would be an amazing grab...right though, back to Berry. If Illinois could someway find their way into it (VERY VERY VERY wishful thinking I guess), I would be very happy. I think he's the top RB in the country. JMO...
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alpo;1162981; said:
Great first post, welcome aboard, and you couldn't have picked a better subject, thank you very much. Look forward to more of these sort of reports!! Please forgive me for asking, but may I ask under what circumstances, or in what capacity you were able to be meet and evaluate Jaamal and the other phenoms...to put into perspective? Thank you.

I am an Asst. QB coach at a private H.S. school (not to be named) in S. FL. I do it mostly for the joy of seeing these kids get into college and get an education. There are several other players in S. FL that OSU should look at as well.... I would say Gore from Columbus H.S. in 10' but it is pretty much a lock that he will follow in his cousin Frank's footsteps and go to UM... Plantation H.S. and Mirramar H.S. both have outstanding quarterbacks also that are 09' class. I first noticed Jaamal when he was in city league football when he was 14 or 15. he was a standout then. I can't believe that UM missed this kid in their own backyard even with Bryce Brown.... no one ever heard of Willis at UM until Gore got hurt... he turned out to be a stud. Berry was only on a few radar's last year because his team did not have a great record... but when you look at tape it is clear that his line probably averages 235-250 lbs when there are other lines in 6A Miami like Southridge which average 280-300 lbs.... The rumor is that OSU is one of his top picks... It is down to OSU, Florida, LSU, Alabama, Michigan, USC (Cal.), Notre Dame and WV... At least that is the rumor.. but he has been quoted in several local interviews stating that OSU wasin his top 2...

Also Berry was recently updated to a 5 star rating... I have no doubt that he will have a break out season this year and should probably end up in the top 15 players in the country and ranked 2nd RB behind Brown in the last ranking of the year.

With regards to Bailey at WR.... if you can get ahold of the UF tape of this kid he blows away his coverman with his first move and his hands must have glue on them.... he is way underated... he should be a 4 star player...
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crazybuckfan40;1164263; said:
Great post, I just can't see Berry rated ahead of Cierre Wood...I think he is a top 5 player in the country and top RB IMHO...

I do think that Berry is in the conversation, but I just can't put him up there, with film that I have seen...

I agree...Wood is the best RB in the country hands down imo. However, Berry is a legit 5 star talent and I think he and Bryce Brown are 2a. and 2b. Berry will need one heck of a senior season to contend with Wood for the top RB.
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RB07OSU;1164344; said:
I agree...Wood is the best RB in the country hands down imo. However, Berry is a legit 5 star talent and I think he and Bryce Brown are 2a. and 2b. Berry will need one heck of a senior season to contend with Wood for the top RB.
Was looking at a pic of Berry in the second page of this thread. Wondering what people think his frame can carry? Does Jaamal get to 205 pounds by the time he's a sophomore?
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matcar;1164524; said:
Was looking at a pic of Berry in the second page of this thread. Wondering what people think his frame can carry? Does Jaamal get to 205 pounds by the time he's a sophomore?

Same. He looked pretty filled out at the Miami scout.com combine and he weighed in at 181 there. 205 is probably a good guess.
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ThaKid101;1164143; said:
Thanks wad. Bailey sounds like he would be an amazing grab...right though, back to Berry. If Illinois could someway find their way into it (VERY VERY VERY wishful thinking I guess), I would be very happy. I think he's the top RB in the country. JMO...

Not likely...current top 5 is Ohio State (leader...as stated in the summary of the most recent BN article [as well as a little behind the scenes info :biggrin:]) followed by Florida, LSU, Michigan and Auburn...
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wadc45;1165957; said:
Not likely...current top 5 is Ohio State (leader...as stated in the summary of the most recent BN article [as well as a little behind the scenes info :biggrin:]) followed by Florida, LSU, Michigan and Auburn...

I love "behind the scenes info".....although I don't know what you're talking about I take that as a BIG positive for the Buckeyes. :biggrin:
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