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RB Ezekiel Elliott (All B1G, All-American, National Champion, Pro Bowl, All Pro, Dallas Cowboys)

EzE is definitely looking like our next starting RB, and I wouldn't rule out any of the backups transferring, including Rod smith. I would never want that to happen, but sometimes kids get impatient, and it's understandable. But Eze's success will be based on the success of the O line. Hyde is having a great year, based on his own talents, but also due to having one of the top 5 O lines in the nation. They will be our biggest loss going into next year, even more of a loss than the majority of our front 7 being lost from last year going into this year. We will need to find a solid O line and fast after the end of this season or EzE AND Braxton will be running for their lives.
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You think Rod would rather go Div 2 than possibly be a starter or more likely split duties or be an injury away from starting? I don't think it'll cross his mind for a second.

In a word, yes! Stranger things have happened at high profile schools, and we don't know how kids think and who's in their ear. If rod wants a shot at the NFL, starting for a team anywhere would mean more than possibly starting. Maybe not though. I'm not trying to push the kid out, but I wouldn't rule it out. Especially with him being asked to transfer when urban first got to Osu, and him having a suspension and being in the doghouse to start the season.
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Seriously guys, we consider it borderline here to discuss rumors of players transferring even in the rumor mill, let alone sheer speculation in player's threads. To talk about the potential depth chart next year is one thing, but talking about guys leaving who are currently hard working Buckeyes is completely another. For example, EzE is my odds on favorite for most carries next year but I think Rod will get plenty of carries, with Dunn and Ball pushing them both.
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Very true RB, my bad. Back to EzE....
Glad to have him as a buckeye and were lucky as fans to have such a deep and talented backfield. At least we don't have scUM's backfield
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It is amazing how far the returner slides after EZ hits him.
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I think EZ-E and Dontre Wilson will combine for more touches than Hyde/Wilson had this season. I think the two of them together are going to form the best backfield tandem in Ohio Sate history over the next couple years.

I think Rod Smith, Ball, and Dunn are nice players and I love having them on the team for depth, but I also think all three are ordinary big-10 running backs. They do a fine job with the ball in their hands but aren't necessarily special. I think I see something special in EZ-E just like I saw something special in Carlos Hyde a couple years ago.
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I think EZ-E and Dontre Wilson will combine for more touches than Hyde/Wilson had this season. I think the two of them together are going to form the best backfield tandem in Ohio Sate history over the next couple years.

I think Rod Smith, Ball, and Dunn are nice players and I love having them on the team for depth, but I also think all three are ordinary big-10 running backs. They do a fine job with the ball in their hands but aren't necessarily special. I think I see something special in EZ-E just like I saw something special in Carlos Hyde a couple years ago.

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