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RB Ezekiel Elliott (All B1G, All-American, National Champion, Pro Bowl, All Pro, Dallas Cowboys)

It says a lot when he was the first RB off the bench after Hyde. Does anyone know of hall was injured? It seemed like they got as many players as possible carries. EzE is just getting better the more reps he sees. He sets himself up well as his career continues. Love it when he sees the field because he's great blend of being able to run and catch the ball. Complete RB, I like the comparison to Arian foster.
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It says a lot when he was the first RB off the bench after Hyde. Does anyone know of hall was injured? It seemed like they got as many players as possible carries. EzE is just getting better the more reps he sees. He sets himself up well as his career continues. Love it when he sees the field because he's great blend of being able to run and catch the ball. Complete RB, I like the comparison to Arian foster.

The radio broadcast reported Hall was in street clothes with ice on his knees. I wonder if he got hurt in warmups or something.

Good to see EzE playing and playing well. Had some good special teams plays as well.
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Great stiff arm on an 8yd gain in the 3rd quarter as well. Should've had a loss and turned it into a first down

Possibly this one?

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