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RB Ezekiel Elliott (All B1G, All-American, National Champion, Pro Bowl, All Pro, Dallas Cowboys)

I thought crossed my mind while watching EzE play so well Saturday, could he be a better fit for the so-called Percy Harvin Hybrid position than Wilson? Not criticizing Wilson in any way, but man, EzE's bigger body combined with his great speed seem to give him a near perfect profile for the position.
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I thought crossed my mind while watching EzE play so well Saturday, could he be a better fit for the so-called Percy Harvin Hybrid position than Wilson? Not criticizing Wilson in any way, but man, EzE's bigger body combined with his great speed seem to give him a near perfect profile for the position.
If Elliott isn't the first-string running back next season, it'll be a reflection on his off-season work ethic. He's clearly next up after El Guapo.

It will be interesting to see if Rod Smith is still in Columbus next year. Same could possibly be said about Dunn and Ball.
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I thought crossed my mind while watching EzE play so well Saturday, could he be a better fit for the so-called Percy Harvin Hybrid position than Wilson? Not criticizing Wilson in any way, but man, EzE's bigger body combined with his great speed seem to give him a near perfect profile for the position.

Nah....Wilson is the Percy Harvin type. Once he gets a year into the S&C program, you'll see a huge improvement.

EzE/Smith/Dunn/Ball are going to be in a dogfight next year for the starting RB spot. It really wouldn't surprise me to see EzE and Rod Smith being 1a and 1b going into the opener next year.
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If Elliott isn't the first-string running back next season, it'll be a reflection on his off-season work ethic. He's clearly next up after El Guapo.

It will be interesting to see if Rod Smith is still in Columbus next year. Same could possibly be said about Dunn and Ball.

Rod Smith will be there next year for sure, he would have to transfer down from a D-1 program because he only has one year left of eligibility. He will also still have a CHANCE at being the starter for this team and worst case scenario he will likely get an increased workload and an injury away form being the starter. Too talented of a player to not rant the 5th year of eligibility to given the loss of Hyde and Hall.
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If Elliott isn't the first-string running back next season, it'll be a reflection on his off-season work ethic. He's clearly next up after El Guapo.

It will be interesting to see if Rod Smith is still in Columbus next year. Same could possibly be said about Dunn and Ball.

I agree. He's definitely Hyde's heir apparent. As for Smith, Dunn & Ball, stranger things have happened, especially with Wilson on board and Campbell on his way. Poor UFM.....would that I had problems like that!

GO BUCKS!!!! :urban1::urban2:
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The best part is the reverse angle in the Come on Man video that MD posted. The expression on the Purdue cheerleader's face was awesome lol.
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Elliott is the man next year unless he sh*ts the bed this spring and summer (unlikely to occur given the progress he's made this year). He seems to have whatever ethic Urban's looking for in addition to obvious physical talent. Smith dropped the ball (yes, intended) and let a younger, hungrier back pass him. He had a chance to grab the position and make it his like Hyde did last year but didn't do it.
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