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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

Frohlich;1270276; said:
I am by no means an offensive expert but I think some people are simplyfying what an "option" offense is. It is not just running outside and having the option for the QB to pitch it out to a back or keep it and run. West Virginia and some other option teams run the inside draw option off the shotgun formation. I could easily see Beanie running this type of play where TP has to read the DE and either hand it off to beanie inside or keep it and run outside the pocket and then he can either run it or still has the option of throwing a pass. I am sure there are many other option types of play like this we could utilize as well.

I agree 100%.
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Frohlich;1270276; said:
I am by no means an offensive expert but I think some people are simplyfying what an "option" offense is. It is not just running outside and having the option for the QB to pitch it out to a back or keep it and run. West Virginia and some other option teams run the inside draw option off the shotgun formation. I could easily see Beanie running this type of play where TP has to read the DE and either hand it off to beanie inside or keep it and run outside the pocket and then he can either run it or still has the option of throwing a pass. I am sure there are many other option types of play like this we could utilize as well.

Don't forget the zone read option out of gun two back or even orbit motioning a slot for the pitch route.

Endless possibilities.
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In honor of Beanies return
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Frohlich;1270276; said:
I am by no means an offensive expert but I think some people are simplyfying what an "option" offense is. It is not just running outside and having the option for the QB to pitch it out to a back or keep it and run. West Virginia and some other option teams run the inside draw option off the shotgun formation. I could easily see Beanie running this type of play where TP has to read the DE and either hand it off to beanie inside or keep it and run outside the pocket and then he can either run it or still has the option of throwing a pass. I am sure there are many other option types of play like this we could utilize as well.

I agree with you but from what the other poster was saying I inferred that he was talking about the pitch option. I expect to see Beanie and TP run the read option 4-5 times a game, maybe more.
We usually only run the option pitch with Saine in the backfield from what I have observed this year. I don't know why that is, probably just trying to get him the ball in space. Heck, they even had Todd B running the option pitch against USC!
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With Beanie's prolonged absence this season thus far, do you guys think that it may play a part or influence Beanie's decision to return for his senior season or jump to the NFL? I mean, we all assumed that this was going to be his final season with the Buckeyes, but that assumption was based on the belief that he'd put up huge numbers, stay healthy, compete for the Heisman, etc. I know a large part of his decision making will be based upon how he finishes the year and his draft projections, but I was wondering what the people in thought on the matter- if he'll return or go?
I've already used up my weekly answer to this question this week. Check back next week for more.
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DaddyBigBucks;1270542; said:
I haven't said it lately, so I'll do it.

He. is. not. coming. back.


I choose to reject your reality, and substitute my own.

-The one guy from Mythbusters, the one with red hair, not the crazy mustache. The guy with the crazy mustache is Jamie, I think. So the readhead must be Adam? Yeah, Adam from Mythbusters.
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