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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

DaddyBigBucks;1270553; said:
Did you forget the sarcarsm font? I can't tell.

If you're serious: I'm aware he's "probable" for Saturday. My point was that he is "pass-the-bong-if-you-think-so" for Next Year.

Oh, I'm sorry that I could not recognize the brilliant sarcasm font you had there. :)

But yeah, he's probable, which I almost never seen anyone that didn't play after being labeled probable.

I just want to see Beanie run in my first OSU game with my fiancee this Saturday. I'm driving up from South Carolina (8 hours drive).

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Wells still on pace to play

9/24/2008, 7:06 p.m. EDT
The Associated Press

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) ? What's brewing today with the 2008 Ohio State Buckeyes ...
BUCKEYES BUZZ:@ Each of the past two weeks, TB Chris "Beanie" Wells has tried to practice on Monday and Tuesday, but then has had a setback when he was stiff and sore on Wednesday.
That does not appear to be a problem this week.
According to reports out of Ohio State's practices, which are closed to the public and media, Wells is still on schedule to play Saturday against Minnesota (noon start). He hasn't played since hurting his right foot during the season opening victory over Youngstown State.

Running backs coach Dick Tressel said Wednesday that Wells had done everything that had been asked of him in practice this week.
"Beanie keeps getting better every day," Tressel said. "We didn't want to put him or the team in a situation that doesn't allow him to perform and help the team as much as he wants to."
Tressel said Wells showed no lingering problems with the foot or with the mental aspects of the injury.

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Wells on track for Buckeyes
RB looks impressive in practice
COLUMBUS ? There?s Ramadan, the phases of the moon, Advent, and the saga of Chris ?Beanie? Wells and his injured foot ? all of them take about a month to play out.

Only the Wells epic has no clear established tradition or historical record to back it up. Since he got hurt in the first game of the season, the 6-1, 237-pound running back has been listed as day-to-day, doubtful, questionable, and out.

On Monday, OSU coach Jim Tressel upgraded Wells to ?probable? for tomorrow?s Big Ten opener against Minnesota.

After several rounds of fairly intense practice this week, the report from the doctor is that Wells is on track to play against the Golden Gophers. That observation came not from Wells? attending physician or even an M.D. but from Doc Tressel, Ohio State?s running backs coach and the older brother of the head coach. But he is indeed a doctor, since the elder Tressel holds a PhD from this week?s opponent ? Minnesota.
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Silent Nature;1270575; said:
Oh, I'm sorry that I could not recognize the brilliant sarcasm font you had there. :)

But yeah, he's probable, which I almost never seen anyone that didn't play after being labeled probable.

I just want to see Beanie run in my first OSU game with my fiancee this Saturday. I'm driving up from South Carolina (8 hours drive).


I know exactly how you feel. We got tickets for the Troy game hoping to see Beanie play and he ended up not playing. Not that the 9 hour drive wasn't worth it. You will still have a ton of fun and enjoy the game regardless if Beanie plays! Hell we even got lost trying to walk back to the Crew parking lot after the game and it was still great!
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CentralMOBuck;1272536; said:
I know exactly how you feel. We got tickets for the Troy game hoping to see Beanie play and he ended up not playing. Not that the 9 hour drive wasn't worth it. You will still have a ton of fun and enjoy the game regardless if Beanie plays! Hell we even got lost trying to walk back to the Crew parking lot after the game and it was still great!

Crew Stadium?! That's like three miles away.
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If your going to park that far away, you might as well park on Summitt...there is always tons of parking around there on game day. Just remember where you parked. I usually can also find a spot on Patterson up until maybe an hour before the game. But Crew stadium? Why?

Although I'd walk further than that to see Beanie play. Hopefully Beanie runs for about the distance between Crew Stadium and The 'Shoe tomorrow!
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?If you?d have seen him today, you?d have thought nothing had happened to him,? Ohio State senior offensive tackle Alex Boone said following practice on Tuesday.

?He was running all over the place. He looked great ? 100 percent ready to go.?
The Buckeyes? head coach, who calls the offensive plays, also sounded anxious to have Wells back in the mix.

I was holdng some reservations seeing as how things had gone the past couple weeks. But now, it's Beanie's turn for a 4 TD game.

:oh::io: :beer::cheers::groove2:
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