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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

BUCKYLE;1272929; said:
At this point, I firmly believe the only way he gets back into the Heisman picture is to hurdle a defender.

What about a few more of these? Expect against Penn State & Wisky...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyIsGdu3vz0]YouTube - Chris Wells smashes defender[/ame]
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Buckeneye;1272930; said:
What about a few more of these? Expect against Penn State & Wisky...

I loved that. But no, he's going to have to literally jump over another person. Moreno has already done it. If McGuffy does a forward flip over a Wisky DB this week...Beanie may not even get invited to NY. It's all about the hops this year.
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I feel he will bring a spark to this offense that has been lacking. With him and Pryor it opens up the playbook from 2006-2007 that had TS at QB. I think if he has a few good games he gets his name right back in the mix for the Heisman. After all , the others that are being mentioned have to play their conference schedules and get beat up. Beanie will shine before the year is over and re-assert himself amognst the elite backs in college football. GO BEANIE!!!
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BUCKYLE;1272929; said:
At this point, I firmly believe the only way he gets back into the Heisman picture is to hurdle a defender.

Well since the rest of the opponents for the regular season are B10 foes, this greatly reduces Beanies chance at the Heisman. Even if he were to hurdle numerous defenders per game, the SEC faithful would remind us that it is much easier to clear a static hurdle versus a moving one.
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