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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

Yertle;1244311; said:
As someone else pointed out, turf toe varies greatly in its severity, and it tends to be a more gradual injury - not really like what we saw Saturday. With Beanie going down in a heap like that, I thought it was a knee or ankle for sure. The fact that those have been denied is a huge plus for his speedy recovery.

However, turf toe can also feel as if your foot was punctured with a large spike and the pain shoots hard and fast straight up the leg...the reaction yesterday could have been as much shock/fear as anything else.
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Update on Buckeyes RB Wells likely will wait until Monday
Associated Press
Updated: August 31, 2008, 1:20 PM ET

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The Beanie watch is on for the Buckeyes.

A day after Ohio State star Chris "Beanie" Wells fell back in a heap with an injured right foot, the second-ranked Buckeyes could do nothing but wait and hope that their Heisman Trophy contender would be quick to recover.

Wells went down early in the third quarter of a 43-0 victory Saturday against overmatched Youngstown State.

Ohio State tailback Chris "Beanie" Wells is helped off the field Saturday during the third quarter against Youngstown State.

Ohio State spokeswoman Shelly Poe sent an e-mail to reporters Sunday, restating that Wells had no broken bones.

"It's not likely that there will be any update until probably [Monday] after some initial treatments and therapy," she wrote.

ESPN - Update on Buckeyes RB Wells likely will wait until Monday - College Football
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Man, I hope that Beanie is ok. It's almost as if someone took a pin and popped the happy balloon that was Ohio Stadium yesterday when #28 went down. It made me sick, honestly. A guy like him has so much more riding on football then most others........millions and millions more. Glad to hear that things are not as bad as they originally looked.
Yes it did, but this team is more than just one player...a lot more. I felt like the excitement came right back when Pryor came back out there, and you saw that the Buckeyes didn't lose a step without Beanie. Kirk Herbstreet equated it to the Patriots losing Tom Brady, or the Colts losing Peyton Mannning. I just don't agree. This is one of the most balanced and complete teams I've ever seen. With Beanie or not, it's still the Buckeyes, it's still the best defense in the country, and it's still the most experienced, and with Pryor, one of the most dynamic, offenses in the country. This offensive line is amazing!!! It's not like were are Hawaii and just lost Colt Brennan.
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Thunder Dan;1244370; said:
Ted Ginn played all of 2006 with turf toe
Eddie George rushed for 1,509 yards and made the Pro Bowl in 2000 with turf-toe.

However, playing on the injury and subsequent off-season surgery took a couple years off his career as he developed ankle problems from altering his stride to compensate for the toe.
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Thunder Dan;1244370; said:
Ted Ginn played all of 2006 with turf toe

I was diagnosed with turf toe last summer. After chasing my 3 year old up a very step incline in sandals at the rest area in WV along I-79.

Swelled up really bad! I thought it was broken. I had it wrapped for about 3 weeks and then got informed to buy better shoes :biggrin: It still from time to time bothers me, like yesterday when I was standing on it a lot in bare feet. Needless to say I have still be chasing my now 4 year old and 2 year old around since that time and just deal with it. :)
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