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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

WolverineMike;1972928; said:
Seeing as Anderson and Leinart are not there anymore, and they have a legitimate QB in Kolb now, I'd say the chanced of Beanie having a solid year are pretty good. As long as he stays healthy. Teams are going to have to respect the passing game now.

When did Kolb become a "legitimate" QB? His career stats of 11 TDs, 14 INTs and a passer rating of 73.2 scream mediocrity. That's who he is until he proves otherwise.
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WolverineMike;1972969; said:
he's more legitimate than what Beanie has had under center in the past.

meh, 6 of one, half a dozen of the other. Just because Philly cut ties with McNabb never meant Kolb was a top flight QB. He's got potential and has looked good at times, but those times have been pretty limited.
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Pheasant;1972980; said:
meh, 6 of one, half a dozen of the other. Just because Philly cut ties with McNabb never meant Kolb was a top flight QB. He's got potential and has looked good at times, but those times have been pretty limited.

he's also never started more than 2 games in a row. Let's see what he can do with some consistency.

I think Beanie is going to break out this year.
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Wells eager to shoulder Cards' rushing load
Craig Morgan
August 24, 2011


Beanie Wells has looked healthy in the preseason after a knee injury and subsequent allergic reaction helped to limit him to 397 yards and two touchdowns in 2010. (Kyle Terada / US Presswire)

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. ? There are two settings where Beanie Wells feels especially comfortable: carrying a football and ?chilling? with his family.

The Arizona Cardinals running back didn?t do much of the former last season, but he did return to Ohio for a week of home cooking in the offseason.

?It was nuts,? he said, laughing. ?My mother was there, my father, my 11 brothers and sisters ? not to mention my kids. There?s always a ton of people there, and somebody?s always cooking.

?That?s probably the best time to be around family, when there?s some food ? especially Italian food. Whenever they?re cooking Italian you can?t go wrong.?

Nothing tasted right to Wells last season. He underwent arthroscopic surgery to repair a torn meniscus and remove loose cartilage from his right knee shortly after the team?s final preseason game against the Washington Redskins on Sept. 2. Then he had an allergic reaction in early November to a lubricant injected into his knee for the intended purpose of easing discomfort.

That injury hampered him most of the season, even in the weeks after his return when he flat-out fibbed to reporters and told them it was fine.


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Beanie Steps Up

The Cardinals need Beanie Wells to become a feature back, and at the very least Saturday was a step in the right direction.

Wells carried the ball 10 times for 63 yards, showing a good mix of power, speed and quickness.

"Beanie's running really well right now," Whisenhunt said, giving praise to the offensive line as well as the team's other backs. "Overall, once again, I was pleased with our run game."

Wells leading the charge would be a welcome sight for the Cardinals, as the former first round pick will be relied on to be a consistent threat on the ground. He seems to be getting to that point.

"I'm feeling comfortable but I know there's still a lot of stuff to clean up, there's still a lot for me to be more precise on," Wells said.

Like, for instance, breaking off a big run. Wells' longest carry against the Chargers went for 24 yards, but he said he feels like he's been close to breaking a few more.

"I think it will come along, that's what the preseason is for; to fine tune those little things," he said.


Running the ball Wells - NFL Network video
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Wells impressive in preseason performances

By BOB BAUM, AP Sports Writer

TEMPE, Ariz. (AP)?Arizona Cardinals coach Ken Whisenhunt is full of praise for running back Beanie Wells?(notes) performance in preseason games and in training camp.

Whisenhunt said Wells, elevated to the unquestioned No. 1 at his position with the trade of Tim Hightower(notes), is running the fast, powerful way he did late in his rookie season two years ago.

?Confidence in this game is a big part of it,? Whisenhunt said after practice Tuesday. ?He?s running with a lot of confidence. You know he believes he can make plays. I remember the end of his rookie year he was running the same way. He was making some of those runs.

?That?s what gets you so excited about Beanie. Part of it is he?s healthy, part of it is he is more confident.?

The coach also said Wells has worked hard to improve his pass blocking, long a weakness in the former Ohio State star?s game. It?s a necessary step in becoming an all-around back in the NFL.

?I think there?s a commitment to Beanie understanding what he needs to do to be `the? guy,? Whisenhunt said, ?and we?ve had a number of discussions about that. You always are happy when the player improves, and Beanie has done that. I?m very pleased with how he?s taken that load and worked hard to become a better back. He?s come a long way since two years ago and I respect that.?

Wells, who turned 23 on Aug. 7, has acknowledged that the knee injury he sustained in the preseason a year ago bothered him all season long, not only physically but mentally. He was not the powerhouse runner that he had been his rookie season, gaining just 397 yards and averaging 3.4 yards per carry.

This preseason, Wells has 129 yards rushing in 27 attempts, an average of 4.8 yards per carry. When the first unit played well into the third quarter of Saturday night?s 34-31 loss to San Diego, Wells gained 63 yards in 10 carries, averaging 6.3 per attempt.

?I?ve just been healthy this year,? he said. ?It?s just a matter of being healthy and confident.?

Wells said there is plenty of room for improvement.

?I expect a lot better,? he said,

Wells knows that there are critics who say he never will be sturdy enough to become one of the NFL?s elite backs.

? I?m motivated by the game of football. I love playing,? he said. ?The doubters, that?s just adding more fuel to the fire.?

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Arizona Cardinals RB Beanie Wells on the offensive
by Bob McManaman - Sept. 3, 2011
The Arizona Republic


Emmanuel Lozano/The Arizona Republic
Cardinals running back Beanie Wells says the chip on his shoulder to prove himself this season is "huge."

He looks leaner. He looks meaner.

But wait, what's that nestled firmly atop his deltoids this year? Why, is that a chip on Beanie Wells' shoulder?

"No question. No question," the Cardinals running back said, nodding twice with a scowl.

And how big is that chip?

"It's huge," Wells said. "I don't really like to say I have to go out and prove people wrong, but I have a lot of people saying what I can't do and who I'm not, so I'm going to go out there and play football and enjoy it."

Just don't get in his way, because Beanie looks and sounds like he really means it. After two generally nondescript seasons in the NFL, it's time.

If Wells ever is going to live up to the expectations that come with being a first-round pick, it's probably now or never.

And this year, there can be no excuses. It's true that a knee injury may have left him a little skittish about hitting the hole or driving through a wall of defenders last season.


Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/sports/car...ells-eager-breakout-season.html#ixzz1WzBXMRqr
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