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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

Williams' injury could leave Cardinals thin at running back

Arizona Cardinals rookie running back Ryan Williams could be out for the season after being carted off the field Friday night following an injury to his lower right knee and leg early in a preseason loss at Green Bay.

Coach Ken Whisenhunt feared a ruptured patella tendon, which would require season-ending surgery. It will also hurt the Cardinals' depth at the position.
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Pheasant;1972444; said:
Williams' injury could leave Cardinals thin at running back

Williams' loss is Beanie's gain. Here is his chance to be THE man in the backfield. If he doesn't take advantage of it, he'll likely be playing somewhere else next season. If he can stay reasonably healthy I think he'll do well.
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Jake;1972803; said:
Williams' loss is Beanie's gain. Here is his chance to be THE man in the backfield. If he doesn't take advantage of it, he'll likely be playing somewhere else next season. If he can stay reasonably healthy I think he'll do well.

Might be worth tanking the season so he can go to a team that is built to run the ball. Although with Anderson and Leinart, it doesn't look like they have been too focused on passing the ball recently, either.
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Seeing as Anderson and Leinart are not there anymore, and they have a legitimate QB in Kolb now, I'd say the chanced of Beanie having a solid year are pretty good. As long as he stays healthy. Teams are going to have to respect the passing game now.
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WolverineMike;1972928; said:
Seeing as Anderson and Leinart are not there anymore, and they have a legitimate QB in Kolb now, I'd say the chanced of Beanie having a solid year are pretty good. As long as he stays healthy. Teams are going to have to respect the passing game now.

I would say Kolb has the tools to be a legitimate QB, but I don't think he's proved he is one yet.

Back to Beanie, I hope he can finally stay healthy for an entire year and have success.
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sammyjenkis;1972922; said:
Might be worth tanking the season so he can go to a team that is built to run the ball. Although with Anderson and Leinart, it doesn't look like they have been too focused on passing the ball recently, either.

He had 397 yards rushing with 2 TD's and a fumble last season. I think tanking the season on purpose would probably be the dumbest thing he could possibly do outside of eating a bullet or killing his ex-wife and her boyfriend with a butcher knife.
Great post, though.
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sammyjenkis;1972922; said:
Might be worth tanking the season so he can go to a team that is built to run the ball.

Given his lack of consistent NFL production to this point I don't think "tanking" the season before his free agent year is the best idea, to say the least.
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