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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

Arizona Cardinals training camp: Beanie Wells has opportunity to lock up starting job
PUBLISHED Wednesday, Aug 3, 2011
Kent Somers Sporting News

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. ? The starting running back?s job is Beanie Wells? to lose. That hasn?t been the case the previous two years for the 2009 first-round draft pick. Wells could never overtake Tim Hightower, who was more durable and a better blocker.

Wells struggled with injuries, too, suffering a severe ankle sprain as a rookie and torn meniscus last season. Hightower was traded to the Redskins earlier this week, and Wells is clearly ahead of rookie Ryan Williams, a second-round pick. Coach Ken Whisenhunt believes firmly in using several running backs. So Williams will see action, and coaches would like to use LaRod Stephens-Howling more, also.


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQu0HLLOx3o"]‪"Exclusive" Interview w/ Beanie Wells - The Real Robinson Report‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
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Hopefully their O line can step up, plus the addition of Kolb certainly doesn't hurt. Hopefully Beanie has a big year. He's definitely one of my all time favorite Buckeyes......

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f718Ei0TAck"]‪Chris "Beanie" Wells Stiff Arm Video‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
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MD Buckeye;1964581; said:
Hopefully their O line can step up, plus the addition of Kolb certainly doesn't hurt. Hopefully Beanie has a big year. He's definitely one of my all time favorite Buckeyes......

‪Chris "Beanie" Wells Stiff Arm Video‬‏ - YouTube

Awesome stuff - there aren't many highlights that are more physically impressive than the LSU stiffarm and the wisky one where he carries the kid to the endzone with him...

This video also shows what can be done when you combine freakish strength and speed with someone who really hates to be hit :lol:
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Cardinals RB Beanie Wells looks to solidify role as starter
Second-round pick Ryan Williams challenging Wells for starting tailback spot
by Kent Somers - Aug. 6, 2011
The Arizona Republic


FLAGSTAFF - When Friday's practice ended, Cardinals running-backs coach Tommie Robinson gathered his players at the north end of the field for some final words. Robinson walked away, but the group stayed.

slideshow Profiles: Beanie Wells | slideshow Ryan Williams | slideshow Cardinals camp

Beanie Wells had something to say.

For anyone who has followed Wells' first two seasons in the NFL, it was a unique moment that could mean nothing. Or everything.

This was the guy who was so homesick as a rookie that coach Ken Whisenhunt allowed him to visit family in Ohio during the season.

This was the player who struggled through a knee injury and surgery last season, and made it clear he didn't think he was getting the ball enough.

Wells turns 23 Sunday, and the Cardinals aren't sure what they have in him. Is he the punishing, talented runner they saw in the second half of his rookie season? Or is a gifted athlete, who will always shrink from adversity, as the Cardinals thought he did last season?

"What Beanie's had to learn is you have to adapt to whatever you're faced with," Whisenhunt said. "It seems like Beanie's always been a very good football player, and it seems like dealing with adversity is not something he probably had done a lot of.

"It's not easy, and when you have to do it for the first time as a young back in a town that's unfamiliar to you, it's tough. Especially with as important as family is to him and they are not all out here (in Arizona)."


Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/sports/car...beanie-wells-ryan-williams.html#ixzz1UNFLjknB
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It's time for Arizona Cardinals' Beanie Wells to step up
Running back has rare mix of power, speed that needs to be put to use in 2011
by Paola Boivin, columnist - Aug. 13, 2011
The Arizona Republic

It's time for Beanie Wells to stiff-arm talk about potential and deliver on the promise that made him a first-round draft pick.

slideshow Profile: Beanie Wells | NFL preseason scores

The Cardinals open the regular season against Carolina on Sept. 11. They need Wells. Quarterback Kevin Kolb's development behind center depends on it, and this offense would benefit from a running back who is perceived a threat every time he touches the ball.

I'm impressed by Ryan Williams and have great respect for LaRod Stephens-Howling, but Wells has the greatest upside. He has a rare mix of power and speed and at his best can disarm a defense.

"This is my time," he said. "This is when I show what I can do."

Wells, 23, showed promise as a rookie but was slowed last season by a torn meniscus, feeding the skeptics who questioned his toughness and durability out of Ohio State. It's the biggest reason the 6-foot-2, 229-pound back didn't go higher than 31st in the first round of the 2009 draft.


Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/sports/car...inals-beanie-wells-step-up.html#ixzz1V0FtnJdj
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Whisenhunt said he was ?pleased? with the work he has seen from starting running back Beanie Wells thus far, seeing an improvement in pass protection, probably Wells? biggest issue.

?We are still working with him running with his pads down a little bit, which is natural when you haven?t had a lot of contact,? Whisenhunt said. ?But I have been very pleased with Beanie?s approach.?

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GeorgiaBuck2;1970753; said:
Maybe if they ran it more than 3 times a game he could show what he can do.

Last year they had no QB and he was battling injuries all season.

This year, Kolb needs to be a credible threat to pass, Beanie has stay healthy and they have to give him 20 shots a game.
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WolverineMike;1970790; said:
Is this the year he finally has some fantasy value? That's the all important question as my draft approaches

I did my first draft last weekend and took Beanie with the 11th pick in the 9th round. Interestingly, Ryan Williams went 2 picks before me.
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Jake;1970816; said:
I did my first draft last weekend and took Beanie with the 11th pick in the 9th round. Interestingly, Ryan Williams went 2 picks before me.

Understandable. Beanie is a volatile pick in my opinion. Very risky in that his touches may be limited (although he is said to be "the guy" now) because of the scheme, and the injuries. He's also had a fumble issue, albeit minor.

I would love to see him go for 1200 a turn the corner in his career. We all know he is more than capable of it. This is a guy with the talent to be a top 3 RB in the league.
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