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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

Best I could find. Players react to Jim Tressel leaving

"Do they not understand that only society will suffer more not having a Jim tressel around! He's more than a coach to alot of guys !"

"Alot of the players that came thru OSU are like myself and don't come from the ideal situation and when u have a guy like tress that steps in as a father, mentor, friend and teacher! It only helps the maturation process from a boy to man! And that alone is worth more than winnin Any football games!"
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Beanie: "I Think He Did a Great Thing"
By Brandon Castel

COLUMBUS, Ohio ? The names Maurice Clarett, Troy Smith and Terrelle Pryor have been linked by common off-the-field controversy, but they were also three of the biggest names ever signed by former Ohio State coach Jim Tressel.

During his high school career, Chris ?Beanie? Wells was one of the most highly-sought after prospects in the country. His status as an Army All-American rivaled that of even Pryor, though his recruitment lacked the national attention and drama.

In three seasons at Ohio State, Wells became one of the most productive running backs in school history. He led the Buckeyes in rushing from 2007-08, amassing 3,382 yards and 30 touchdowns while wearing No. 28 in scarlet and gray.

If anyone knows what it?s like to be a star athlete in Columbus, Ohio, it?s Beanie, who understands why Tressel did what he did.

?It was a tough decision, I think he did what was best for those kids,? Wells said during an interview on ESPN.

?Tressel is a father figure to a lot of players. I knew he was facing a tough decision when he had to decide whether to protect his guys or tell what they received and what happened.?


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Beanie: ?I?m definitely not striking out?
Posted by Darren Urban on June 16, 2011

Running back Beanie Wells was on ?The Chuck and Vince Live? show this morning on The Fan AM 1060, and while he?s obviously going to portray confidence, he also made it clear he understands his opportunities to show something ? at least in Arizona ? are probably dwindling.

?This is definitely going to be my year without a doubt,? Wells said. ?This is my third year and three strikes and you?re out, and I?m definitely not striking out. I am ready to tear it up. It?s my time and I am ready to go out and prove that.?

The funny thing is, Beanie getting off-track is really confined just to last season. He played well as a rookie and was clearly improving as the 2009 season went along. It was hard to think of him as anything but a potential breakout star as the Cards went to training camp last season. Then came the preseason knee injury in the fourth preseason game, and with the overall issues on offense all the way around, no offensive player had the kind of year they wanted to in 2010. Does Beanie take more criticism because of his high-profile and draft status? Probably. That?s how it work, however.

Like everyone else, though, Wells admitted he was ?surprised? and thought it was ?shocking? when the Cards took running back Ryan Williams with their second-round pick.

?I didn?t think we really needed a running back, especially in the second round,? Wells said. ?But obviously they did. I just take it on as more competition and prepare the same way.? Later he added, ?I wasn?t angry. You know the ins and outs of the business. If they don?t like the production at a position, they?re probably going to get another one. this game is like a candy store ? if you don?t like the candy you taste, you get another piece.?


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Sort out the RB situation ? If health doesn?t become an issue, the Cardinals are overstocked. There aren?t enough roles for Tim Hightower, Beanie Wells, Ryan Williams and LaRod Stephens-Howling. Hightower, Wells and Williams are the types of backs who want the majority of carries, while Stephens-Howling is a situational contributor. It wouldn?t be a surprise if Hightower or Wells is traded before the season starts.

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Coach Whiz: Beanie Wells is clear starter

Coach Ken Whisenhunt indicated that Beanie Wells is the clear starter in the Cardinals backfield following the Tim Hightower trade.

"To say this is a make or break season is a little premature," said Whiz. "But this is what he wanted. Clearly he's the guy." It doesn't get more clean-cut than that. As we suspected, Wells will take over as the lead back with rookie Ryan Williams as the passing-down specialist. As long as his knee is 100 percent, Wells absolutely has the talent to keep the job on early downs. He's a high-upside RB2 in standard scoring leagues following this news.

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