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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

Updated: November 17, 2010
Beanie Wells expects to play vs. Chiefs

TEMPE, Ariz. -- This was supposed to be Beanie Wells' breakout season. Breakdown is more like it.

A knee injury in the final preseason contest has caused him to miss three games and have just one carry (for minus-two yards) in another.

Wells said Wednesday that he's healthy for the first time since he was hurt and ready to finally show what he can do, and do consistently. The big running back was listed as limited in practice but said he went through a full workout and expects to play Sunday at Kansas City Chiefs.

"I want to go out there and be productive for this football team," he said. "You want to go out there and be the spark that gets us to a victory."

Critics who have questioned Wells' durability "can say what they want to say," he said. "The injury that I had there was nothing I could do to avoid it."

The Cardinals first called the injury a sprain but finally, after reporters noticed the incision marks, acknowledged that Wells had undergone arthroscopic surgery, causing him to miss the first two games.

Then on Nov. 8, he had an allergic reaction to an injection intended to lubricate his still-bothersome knee. That limited him to one carry at Minnesota, then he sat out Sunday's 36-18 loss to Seattle.

"I haven't been fully healthy all year since the surgery," he said. "Even after the surgery it was a little shaky. Now it feels great."

The durability issue dates to his days at Ohio State, although he missed just two games in his final season with a foot injury. The label carried over to last year, when he sprained an ankle in his first NFL training camp practice.

But the 31st overall selection in the 2009 draft played in every game as a rookie. He was brought along slowly by the coaching staff but came on strong at the end of the season.

Wells rushed for 110 yards on 17 carries in a late-season victory at Detroit and had 91 yards on 14 carries in Arizona's memorable 51-45 overtime win over Green Bay in the first round of the playoffs. Although he started behind Tim Hightower, Wells led Arizona in rushing with 793 yards on 176 carries (4.5 per attempt).

That set the high expectations for his second NFL season.

"I think we've seen signs of what he can be, and that's what's exciting," coach Ken Whisenhunt said. "We all thought coming into this season it was going to be a big year, but obviously there's been a number of reasons, not necessarily just Beanie, that we haven't had as big a year as we would have liked."

Wells has rushed for 231 yards on 70 carries, an average of just 3.3 per attempt.

Asked if the team missed Wells, quarterback Derek Anderson said, "We haven't really had him, so I don't know if we can say we miss him.

"But I think he is a special back and something that can help us."


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40GElZg5-WI"]YouTube - Cardinals practice: The Kansas City Chiefs[/ame]
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Arizona Cardinals' Beanie Wells eager to perform
by Kent Somers - Nov. 18, 2010
The Arizona Republic

Cardinals running back Beanie Wells has heard the whispers, detected the innuendo - he's soft. He won't play hurt. He's not passionate about football.

Wells knows fighting the perception with words is useless. Would it change any minds if he bought ads that said: "I am hurt. Really. Please believe me"?

So Wells smiles and tries to avoid anger. "People can say what they want to say, voice their opinion however they want," he says. "But the injuries I've had, there's nothing I can do to avoid them."

Sustained production is the only way to quiet the whispers, to change opinions. And Wells says he is in the physical condition to do it for the first time this season.

He's over a knee injury that required surgery and limited him to 70 carries for 231 yards this season. The team's first-round pick in 2009, Wells was supposed to have a breakout season, yet he believes fans in Arizona have yet to see him at 100 percent.

"Definitely not," he says. "I still feel like I have a lot of room for improvement. It's only my second year."

The Cardinals (3-6) could use the infusion of talent. They have lost four consecutive games and their offense is next to last in the NFL in total yards.

The Cardinals think they know how Wells can help. Like everyone else, they haven't seen it.

"We haven't really had him, so I can't really say that we miss him," quarterback Derek Anderson says. "We don't know what he can do. I think he's a special back and someone that can help us."

Wells' short career has been hampered by injuries. As a rookie, he suffered an ankle sprain in his first practice after signing his contract and missed important time in the preseason.

He improved as the year progressed, and he finished his first season with a flourish, raising expectations for this season. He became the Cardinals' featured back in the latter half of the season, finishing with 793 yards and a per-carry average of 4.5 yards.

But Wells suffered a knee injury in the preseason, underwent surgery to repair torn meniscus, and missed the first two games.

Aided by Tim Hightower's fumbling problem, Wells became the starter in the seventh game, gaining 50 yards on 16 carries in a loss to Tampa Bay.

But the next day, he had an adverse reaction to an injection designed to provide lubrication in the joint. He barely played two weeks ago against the Vikings and sat out last week's game against the Seahawks.

That increased the Cardinals' fear that, at best, Wells might be injury prone. And it provided fuel to those who think the worst: that Wells just doesn't have the toughness needed for the position.

Coach Ken Whisenhunt admits the Cardinals don't know yet what they have in Wells, a product of Ohio State and the 31st pick in the 2009 draft.

"I think we've seen signs of what he can be and that's what's exciting," Whisenhunt says. "We all thought coming into this season it was going to be a big year. I don't think that we've seen all that we're going to see out of Beanie, and that's not necessarily a bad thing."

Wells thinks he's physically ready to deliver now. The swelling in his knee is gone, and he says he hasn't felt this good since training camp.

He practiced Wednesday and Thursday, but Whisenhunt won't say which back will start Sunday against the Chiefs. Wells will get ample carries, however, if he's ready and if the Cardinals don't fall behind.

"I'd like to think I'm a piece of puzzle in the running game, and when I'm not out there, I don't think we're running to our capabilities," Wells says. "I haven't been fully healthy all year. Now it feels great."

Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/sports/car...beanie-wells-eager-perform.html#ixzz15hG7M5hC
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Beanie Wells may finally be ready to help
Posted by Gregg Rosenthal on November 19, 2010


Cardinals running back Beanie Wells was listed as questionable on the injury report Friday with his knee injury, which has become a weekly tradition.

Coach Ken Whisenhunt says Wells ?looks like his old self,? which is a good sign for a dormant running game.

Wells has a shockingly low 231 yards this year in what was supposed to be his breakout year. He has one carry the last two weeks. A quote from quarterback Derek Anderson neatly sums up Wells? 2010 campaign.
?We haven?t really had him, so I can?t really say that we miss him,? quarterback Derek Anderson said via Kent Somers of the Arizona Republic. ?We don?t know what he can do. I think he?s a special back and someone that can help us.?

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WolverineMike;1825412; said:
oh i'm sorry, I thought this was the Beanie/Arizona Cardinals thread. Hence my comment about The Cardinals and lack of highlights.

I've made several posts today, feel free to peruse them all and continue your crusade.

:tibor:. You're the one who said that Beanie's long catch "was literally the only highlight from that game." Just pointing out your error, that's all.
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WolverineMike;1825425; said:
yeah, i'll be sure to talk about the Niners some more in the Beanie/Cardinals thread. :shake:

FYI--this isn't the "Beanie/Cardinals" thread. It's the Beanie thread. The "(Arizona Cardinals)" simply denotes the team he currently plays for. That error of yours aside, you also erred by saying Beanie's catch was "the only highlight" (the implication, of course, being that there were no other highlights in the game). Poor word choice on your part. No biggie--I was just correcting your mistake.
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buckeyesin07;1825779; said:
FYI--this isn't the "Beanie/Cardinals" thread. It's the Beanie thread. The "(Arizona Cardinals)" simply denotes the team he currently plays for. That error of yours aside, you also erred by saying Beanie's catch was "the only highlight" (the implication, of course, being that there were no other highlights in the game). Poor word choice on your part. No biggie--I was just correcting your mistake.

Geez, guys I thought THE GAME was last Saturday!! Can't we all just get along!!:biggrin: It is Bowl Season...BIG TEN!! BIG TEN!! BIG TEN!!
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I would just like to see Beanie get 25 carries in a game and be allowed to take over. He's had one game like that and we find out later that he was still hurt. This week is the perfect opportunity to try it. He's had success vs St Louis in the past and Derek Anderson is a liability. Unfortunately, its not going to happen while he's a Cardinal.

Love to see him traded to Miami. Brown and Williams are about done anyway. Feature back with a team that loves to run. Gets to play in cold weather a couple times a year, when he's at his best, imo and gets to run over Jets/Patriots twice per year. Now, doesnt that sound perfect?
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Tim v Beanie, round one
Posted by Darren Urban on December 17, 2010

A beautiful day at University of Phoenix Stadium. The sun is shining (which you can see, so it was before the Rams game a couple weeks ago) and the team?s top two running backs decide to sprint 40 yards. Side by side at the same time.

Most call this a race. Now that the ?event? has hit Youtube, not so much, at least not for Tim Hightower and Beanie Wells after Hightower nips Wells at the end.

?It wasn?t even a challenge,? Wells said. ?We were just getting warm. Running and getting warm.?

?Hey man ? we?re going to race again,? said Hightower, who said he?s seen the video. ?It was close. There?s more to come. There?s more to come.?


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bt42ezeRQV4"]YouTube - Tim Hightower vs Chris "Beanie" Wells 40 Yard Dash - Race[/ame]
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