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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

Really??? Alexander seemed like a pansie who always ran out of bounds. Where beanie liked to punish defenders with his vicious beard powered stiff arm.
beanie didnt run out of bounds? i seem to remember him stepping out more than once, in the michigan game alone...
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jimotis4heisman;1443153; said:
beanie didnt run out of bounds? i seem to remember him stepping out more than once, in the michigan game alone...

Beanie ran out only when he was injured and was trying to avoid defenders diving at his feet. Shaun ran out just to avoid contact, healthy or not.

I liked Shaun and he did a good job preserving his body, but he and Beanie are two different backs in many ways.
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Beanie ran out only when he was injured and was trying to avoid defenders diving at his feet. Shaun ran out just to avoid contact, healthy or not.

I liked Shaun and he did a good job preserving his body, but he and Beanie are two different backs in many ways.
19thoverall pick from bama
nfl career
2,187 attempts
9,453 yards
4.3 avg rushing
100tds rushing
5-1,000+ yard rushing seasons
215 catches
1,520 yards rec
12 tds
5 consecutive years with 15+ tds first in nfl history
2005-nfl mvp
one of four backs with consecutive 20+ td seasons
total yards 10,973 yards 112 tds.

if beanie has a career like that, ill be more than happy.
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jimotis4heisman;1443189; said:
19thoverall pick from bama
nfl career
2,187 attempts
9,453 yards
4.3 avg rushing
100tds rushing
5-1,000+ yard rushing seasons
215 catches
1,520 yards rec
12 tds
5 consecutive years with 15+ tds first in nfl history
2005-nfl mvp
one of four backs with consecutive 20+ td seasons
total yards 10,973 yards 112 tds.

if beanie has a career like that, ill be more than happy.

You could make a case that SA was one of the top 10 or so backs in college football history.

Wells is a stud in a different sense though. I don't really think him and SA have a lot in common personally.
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jimotis4heisman;1443189; said:
19thoverall pick from bama
nfl career
2,187 attempts
9,453 yards
4.3 avg rushing
100tds rushing
5-1,000+ yard rushing seasons
215 catches
1,520 yards rec
12 tds
5 consecutive years with 15+ tds first in nfl history
2005-nfl mvp
one of four backs with consecutive 20+ td seasons
total yards 10,973 yards 112 tds.

if beanie has a career like that, ill be more than happy.

No doubt. And I hope it's with the Seahawks too. :wink:
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You could make a case that SA was one of the top 10 or so backs in college football history.

Wells is a stud in a different sense though. I don't really think him and SA have a lot in common personally.
alexander circa 2004 was a tough tough back. he had decent speed, some power, good vision. at the pro level thats what youll see from beanie.

i dont think youll see beanie delivery blows, you cant in sunday play. you have to save some of the tread on the tires or youll be on ir by october. 16 games+ of the banging and beating.
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powerlifter;1443192; said:
You could make a case that SA was one of the top 10 or so backs in college football history.

Wells is a stud in a different sense though. I don't really think him and SA have a lot in common personally.

If "or so" means the next best 200 backs, then yea, I'll agree with this. If not, then..:huh:

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