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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

More details on the reaction:

Watching EsPN, Herbie said he was at the walk-through just before the announcement, and he expected (through the way Beanie was acting... laughing, throwing the ball around) that Beanie was going to play. The announcement came and Herbie said he was absolutely "shocked." Asked if this was rouse, Herbie said he still has a hard time believing Beanie won't play... still. Who knows... at this point, just start the game and smack some skulls.
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i think those of you hoping for some kind of deception on Tressel's part need to stop and think about the kind of person he is. i think he made an incredibly difficult decision based on a long term versus short term benefit analysis, and to be honest, i think he made the right decision.

i'd much rather have an injured Beanie now and a playing Beanie later, rather than vice versa.
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expect anything

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

You know what, maybe this will be the tough love Todd B needs to be the one who makes a difference. I mean, I want to win in any way we can, but I am not crazy about beating them with beanie (or anyone) running the ball 39 times.....:(

I guess JT has had a lot of time to game plan for this and he certainly doesn't need any coaching advice from me.

As for Beanie, maybe it will be like Bobby carpenter against ND in the Fiesta Bowl. Suited up, pads and all, but not a single snap......

Cmon boys, let's Pistol whip 'em!!!
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Yea, I think this was a decision based on the fact that whatever is wrong with the toe/foot was inviting permanent damage if he were to suit up tomorrow night. This is a tough thing to see; however, it is the right call for Beanie's future at the next level.
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Electron Boy;1257710; said:
i think those of you hoping for some kind of deception on Tressel's part need to stop and think about the kind of person he is. i think he made an incredibly difficult decision based on a long term versus short term benefit analysis, and to be honest, i think he made the right decision.

hdcolumbus;1257714; said:
Tresselbeliever;1257715; said:
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Electron Boy;1257710; said:
i think those of you hoping for some kind of deception on Tressel's part need to stop and think about the kind of person he is. i think he made an incredibly difficult decision based on a long term versus short term benefit analysis, and to be honest, i think he made the right decision.

i'd much rather have an injured Beanie now and a playing Beanie later, rather than vice versa.

Very true, that is why I am proud that JT is our coach! Always thinking for his players.
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