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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

BuckeyeMac;1257298; said:
I mean the guy played with screwed up ankles and a broken wrist last year...like I said, unless this injury prevents him from even running, he'll be on the field

You can tape ankles and wrists, but the big toe... think about it, balance, push off, -- and to go down the way he did, literally throwing the ball away, the guy was hurting and you can say it isn't turf toe or broken all you want, there still is the issue of endema. And please, all this testrone driven BS about playing hurt and sucking it up. Pain is God's way of saying, "hey, lay off this for a while."

Am I in the state of despair as another poster suggests? No. This team can win without Beanie. But I certainly feel badly for him. He won't get another shot at Heisman unless he hangs around for his senior year.

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Official, Beanie's out...

JT said that Beanie will NOT play tomorrow. According to ESPN, JT said that Beanie has been getting treatment 15 times per day--"I guess if looks could kill, he fought me"--he's out. He felt the need to "tell the team what they should prepare for..."
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MililaniBuckeye;1257689; said:
I'll believe it when I heard it from JT's mouth...

"He (Wells) would cut his foot off for these guys, but I just don't think as I listen to the medical people it would be the right thing to do," Tressel said of playing Wells. "I'm not sure he'll ever speak to me again, but I think it's the right thing to do, so we won't have Beanie tomorrow."

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He ain't playing.

LOS ANGELES -- Ohio State running back Chris "Beanie" Wells will not play for the fifth-ranked Buckeyes against No. 1 Southern California on Saturday night.
Ohio State coach Jim Tressel made the announcement late Friday afternoon after the team went through a 40-minute walkthrough at the Los Angeles Coliseum.
"He's been getting treatment 15 times a day," Tressel told the assembled media just minutes after he told his team of the decision. "I guess if looks could kill he fought me. I just told the team because it's important our guys know what we thought we should do."
The Trojans (1-0) will be playing their first game since an impressive 52-7 victory Aug. 30 at Virginia. Ohio State (2-0) has beaten in-state opposition Youngstown State 43-0 and Ohio University 26-14.
Wells, who rushed for 1,609 yards and 15 touchdowns last season, injured his right foot in the opener and without him, the Buckeyes had to rally to beat the lightly regarded Bobcats last weekend.
Tressel said early in the week that Wells would play, but it was a different story Thursday, when he said the 6-foot-1, 237-pound junior was doubtful because of lingering soreness in his foot.
Redshirt freshman Dan Herron, sophomore Brandon Saine and senior Maurice Wells shared the carries for Ohio State against Ohio University.

ESPN - Ohio State's Wells won't play Saturday against No. 1 Trojans - College Football
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gators312414;1257694; said:
He ain't playing.

LOS ANGELES -- Ohio State running back Chris "Beanie" Wells will not play for the fifth-ranked Buckeyes against No. 1 Southern California on Saturday night.
Ohio State coach Jim Tressel made the announcement late Friday afternoon after the team went through a 40-minute walkthrough at the Los Angeles Coliseum.
"He's been getting treatment 15 times a day," Tressel told the assembled media just minutes after he told his team of the decision. "I guess if looks could kill he fought me. I just told the team because it's important our guys know what we thought we should do."
The Trojans (1-0) will be playing their first game since an impressive 52-7 victory Aug. 30 at Virginia. Ohio State (2-0) has beaten in-state opposition Youngstown State 43-0 and Ohio University 26-14.
Wells, who rushed for 1,609 yards and 15 touchdowns last season, injured his right foot in the opener and without him, the Buckeyes had to rally to beat the lightly regarded Bobcats last weekend.
Tressel said early in the week that Wells would play, but it was a different story Thursday, when he said the 6-foot-1, 237-pound junior was doubtful because of lingering soreness in his foot.
Redshirt freshman Dan Herron, sophomore Brandon Saine and senior Maurice Wells shared the carries for Ohio State against Ohio University.

ESPN - Ohio State's Wells won't play Saturday against No. 1 Trojans - College Football

I am stunned, absolutely stunned.
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