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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

Please, for the love of all that's holy.... If we don't have beanie, then let's bet on the strengths of the backs that we do have. Take advantage of the aggressive U$C defense by throwing screens to the very speedy and dangerous Mo and Zoom....Throw sweeps and offtackles to Boom...but for the love of all, just don't be so predictable. If I see TP in the 5 wide, no backs, quarterback draw offense, I may burst an aneursym. Play to their strengths. Keep the D guessing... Mix it up. Our other backs are great, but we can't expect them to be Beanie and win. We have to call plays that match their abilities. The UCLA-Tennessee game proved to me that there is a lot to be said for a good offensive coordinator. I only worry that if we had a true offensive genius calling plays that we would be more productive. Losing one guy does not lose us a game...hell we won a NC with Rydell 3 yd loss in the backfield when Mo couldn't go. GO defense!! GO good offensive playcalling...but most of all, give um hell BUCKS! Never surrender!!!:oh:
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Brandon;1257702; said:
I am stunned, absolutely stunned.

Why? He went down without being touched and was carted to the locker room 13 days ago. The likelihood that he would be fully healed by now was slim and none. Looks like Slim went back to the frat house.

Win or lose, tomorrow isn't our season. IF we lose, get Beanie healthy, take care of business in the Big Ten, get the BCS bid and see what happens. After what we saw last year, a lot can happen, win or lose tomorrow.
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I'm sad for Beanie. Can't imagine how hard this must be for him.

Having said that... This will be a good test for the team and its other leaders. The adversity this brings will help us A LOT down the road.

Can't wait to see them take the field tomorrow. Would have been exhilarating to see Beanie out there, but the fact that that's not going to happen has not dampened ANY of my enthusiasm and excitement looking forward to the battle tomorrow.

Go Bucks!
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no sense in watchin the game now sinec we were gonna lose it by 30 anyways with beanie. might as well just give the national championshop to usc cuz theyre gonna beat us by 230

I feel really bad for Beanie. Not only does this have a big impact on the game, it hurts his Heisman chances tremendously. I would definitely not be surprised to see him come back next season after this. Get well, Beanie. Your teammates will leave it all on the field for you.

I guess this throws a bit of a curveball at USC.. but they're probably relieved in a sense.
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shetuck;1257739; said:
I'm sad for Beanie. Can't imagine how hard this must be for him.

Having said that... This will be a good test for the team and its other leaders. The adversity this brings will help us A LOT down the road.

Can't wait to see them take the field tomorrow. Would have been exhilarating to see Beanie out there, but the fact that that's not going to happen has not dampened ANY of my enthusiasm and excitement looking forward to the battle tomorrow.

Go Bucks!

Great post!

There are 69 other players on the traveling squad, and none of them went out there to lose.

Go Bucks!
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NJ-Buckeye;1257753; said:
Not sure what some of you are doing for brain cells... but to think ANYONE can outscore this team by 30.. is ludicrous.. even without Beanie...

Hope you enjoy watching ND-vs-scUM instead :evil: :pissed:

Hehe, calm down, he was being sarcastic based on the crap ESPIN is shoveling.
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NJ-Buckeye;1257753; said:
Not sure what some of you are doing for brain cells... but to think ANYONE can outscore this team by 30.. is ludicrous.. even without Beanie...

Hope you enjoy watching ND-vs-scUM instead :evil: :pissed:

I was kidding, tried to show that by not using grammar in the first part of the post. :tongue2:
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I trust that if Beanie is not playing then there is something seriously wrong with his foot.
This game is our National Championship, so I am sure there is no one more upset over this than Beanie himself.
That said, I just hope that the old adage "defense wins championships" rings true tomorrow night!
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Here is the only thing I don't understand about all of this. The week after the injury happened Tressell went so far as to not allow Beanie to speak with the media leading up to the OU game, and very little information was forthcoming. What was reported was sketchy at best and what little was from Tressell was vague at best, now all of the sudden we are getting daily updates from Tressell himself? It just doesn't make sense and seems very out of character for the coaching staff. And since it had already been reported as a gametime decision why the need to get in front of a camera and say that he is out? It wasn't necessary to make it public in order for the team to find out, and it would be highly unlikely that it would get leaked from the locker room in the next 20 hours since the players and coaches are restricted from the media now until after the game. I just have a hard time understanding the timing of the announcement.

Coach had to make a tough decision, but we all need to remember when he sits in a players living room with him and his parents he makes a promise to the parents to take care of their son and to always put their well being first. 18-22 year old kids don't always make good decisions, as evidenced by all of the off field problems that plague many other Universities. I know Beanie wants to play, but if he is risking a far worse injury it is JT's responsibility to make him do what is right. Not because it could jeopardize millions at the next level, but because it could cause Beanie to have to deal with pain for the rest of his life. No game, no matter how big in our eyes, is worth that.
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NJ-Buckeye;1257753; said:
Not sure what some of you are doing for brain cells... but to think ANYONE can outscore this team by 30.. is ludicrous.. even without Beanie...

Hope you enjoy watching ND-vs-scUM instead :evil: :pissed:

Instead? Hell, I plan on watching both games. :biggrin:

Lousy weather tomorrow, but the football sked looks very interesting.
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Here's how I see it:

1. Beanie plays, doesn't do any more damage, we win the game, all is well heading to the NC.

2. Beanie plays, makes the injury worse, struggle through the B10, outside shot at winning the conference and heading to a BCS game.

3. Beanie sits and heals, we win the game, all is well heading to the NC.

4. Beanie sits and heals, we lose the game, run the conference, head back to a BCS and maybe the NC for a rematch vs. USC.

I agree with the previous posters that I just do not see Coach trying to pull one over on anyone. Short of Saban, I do not know another college coach who would outright lie about such an important issue. I think he is looking at the long-term picture, both for Beanie and the team.

Options 1 and 2 are out. I'm hoping for 3, but know no matter what we control our own destiny. 4 is always in play.
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strohs;1257819; said:
I trust that if Beanie is not playing then there is something seriously wrong with his foot.
This game is our National Championship, so I am sure there is no one more upset over this than Beanie himself.
That said, I just hope that the old adage "defense wins championships" rings true tomorrow night!

I disagree that this game is our national championship. It's September. I know we're not going to get the benefit of the doubt from the voters if we lose tomorrow, but they didn't want to put us in last year's NC game, either.

A lot can, and probably will, happen after tomorrow's game. Win or lose, this team can still secure a BCS bid by winning the conference then see what happens everywhere else. Our chances of doing that are enhanced with a healthy Beanie. I'm more concerned with having him for the last 9 games than I am with having him for tomorrow night.
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