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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

Jake;1257863; said:
I disagree that this game is our national championship. It's September. I know we're not going to get the benefit of the doubt from the voters if we lose tomorrow, but they didn't want to put us in last year's NC game, either.

A lot can, and probably will, happen after tomorrow's game. Win or lose, this team can still secure a BCS bid by winning the conference then see what happens everywhere else. Our chances of doing that are enhanced with a healthy Beanie. I'm more concerned with having him for the last 9 games than I am with having him for tomorrow night.

I disagree that you disagree that this game is our national championship. Tressel has said on more than one occasion that if you want you play for a national title, you better win all your games. This is especially true this season as it has been hammered home that the voters are not allowing a one loss OSU squad into the national title game. No chance. It's win em all or a shot at the Rose Bowl. Every game is a national championship, YSU, OU, USC, etc. etc. That's why college football has the greatest reg. season in all of sports. After reading your comments I thought Ohio State and Beanie were playing in the AFC North.
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Buckeye_in_Cali;1257986; said:
I disagree that you disagree that this game is our national championship. Tressel has said on more than one occasion that if you want you play for a national title, you better win all your games. This is especially true this season as it has been hammered home that the voters are not allowing a one loss OSU squad into the national title game. No chance. It's win em all or a shot at the Rose Bowl. Every game is a national championship, YSU, OU, USC, etc. etc. That's why college football has the greatest reg. season in all of sports. After reading your comments I thought Ohio State and Beanie were playing in the AFC North.

If you look at it like that, then yes, this is our national championship.

But if we lose to USC without Beanie, and take care of business and take care of it easily for the rest of the year, there's no question that we'll be in the discussion. Unless it is clear who deserves to be in.
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I feel absolutely terrible for Beanie. Such a great kid and player. That being said, I'll believe it when I don't see him on the field.....not that I don't trust Tressel, but something just doesn't seem right. Either way, I'll be glued to the TV and GO BUCKS!!!!
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osugrad21;1258005; said:
No idea what changed...everything we had all day said he would play.

No clue.

I know that Tressel wouldn't flat out make that up, but everyone who knows something about anything has been saying this. It makes me wonder, then I stop immediately because it's JT.

Hopefully something drastically changes again tomorrow.
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Look at it this way: what is more demoralizing? 1. you allow Beanie to suit up, on his second carry he's back down on the ground in front of 93,000 in the biggest game of the year - reinjured the foot... BAD. or... 2. knowing he'd take a beating and most likely re-injure the foot, you keep him out of the game completely - team is forced to fight on without him.

This was a calculated and properly made move by Tressel. It's clear to me that the medical staff gave him enough information to indicate that a re-injury/further injury was HIGHLY likely. Tressel also mentioned days ago that Beanie wouldn't play unless he was effective. An effective Beanie against USC is a 30 carry Beanie, minimum. I just don't think the foot is at that point yet, so he's not playing.

Now a 30 carry Boom Herron, that I'd like to see, but only as long as 10 of those carries are option pitches from TP.
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I just cannot, cannot, cannot see Jim Tressel changing his mind according to what he said tonight.

It just doesn't seem like JT. Is is wrong if he goes against his "words"*? No not at all, I don't find anything wrong with coaches playing media games in order to gain an "advantage."

*I say "words" because I have yet to read through an exact transcript of what was said (just some small snippets from ESPN article). I know it may be looking to deeply into it, but Tressel usually has a way with words that would allow him to come back and say "I never really said that." He's a senator.

Is there a way he said something tonight that would still leave the door open for Beanie to play tomorrow and not go entirely against his "word"?

Maybe tonight he's "out" because of a coach's decision, but on gameday it comes down to Beanie's decision. Or if it's just a medical issue (not cleared, yet) then maybe he gets cleared tomorrow night and Tressel can say "he was listed as "out" based on the medical report at the time."

Just thoughts as I lie awake less than 20 hours before kickoff.
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Not going to lie we'll see what's going to happen here... I don't think he'll play because tressel has never hidden anything really like this before from the public, but if for example Beanie comes jogging out in uniform and in cleats... OH BOY.

All's I know is if I was one of USC's linebackers although they believe they can stop beanie I'd have to believe they'd be thinking "what the hell I thought he wasn't playing"

and then the shot in the arm our team would get when its "hey actually he is playing" The intensity and excitement of our group would be NUTS.

All's I know is if Beanie wants to play then why stop him? I don't think it'd be wise to make him carry it 20+ times but situationaly we could really use his power on the short yard situations as well as goal line.

As for this game defining our season and our championship hopes... Yeah I think this game is everything. If we lose and win out then NO I don't believe that's good enogh for the BCS game. Give it to some of the other 1 loss teams who haven't had a shot yet. We've had our shot and unfortunately couldn't get the job done. Pit us in a BCS game if we win out and make us PROVE that we can defeat someone liek Georgia, Oregon, or maybe a rematch with USC. Then if we defeat them in the Rose bowl or something I think we'll deserve a shot the following year. The worst case scenerio would be us losing to USC and then getting to lets say the Rose Bowl and then having to play like ECU or something stupid. If we play a non BCS opponent if we're lucky enough to get to a BCS bowl that'll do us NO GOOD.

I mean lets just win the USC game so we can avoid that mess though.
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I'm not sure why there are so many conspiracy theories going on right now. I see that a lot of people are commenting on the way that it's been handled by JT, ie his daily updates and whatnot. When is the last time we had one of the star players, a face for the team, go down before such a big game? Of course there will be daily updates, if it weren't regarding Beanie then it would be about how our waterboy benches more than USC's waterboy (which I don't doubt).

Perhaps Beanie has been telling JT how great he feels during the week, and when JT sat down with the medical team he realized what was really at stake--a young man's health and future successes.
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Kirk just made a comment on ESPN that I didn't like.. he said he was waiting for tomorrow to see if Beanie tells JT that he is ready to go. Then he said "I think we'll find out how much Beanie Wells really wants to play in this game."

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