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RB Chris "Beanie" Wells (All B1G, All-American)

Very sad for Beanie that he will miss this game, the memory of missing this game will be with him forever. That being said, this is another reason I love having JT as our coach, he does not put the game and the team above his players health and future. Beanies star is too bright to see it burned out in LA just in the hope of one game. (Besides this game will not be won or lost on whether Beanie plays)

Keep your head up Beanie, your day is coming.
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Poe McKnoe;1258208; said:
College Gameday

Erin Andrews says she talked to Jim Tressel and she reported that if Beanie were to come up to Tressel and want to be in the game, he would put him in.

Just reporting the news...
Honestly, that's what I've been thinking since last night. He stays in Tressel's ear piece for a quarter, JT will put him in just so he doesn't have to listen to him anymore. :p
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you guys do realize that in the event that Beanie does play in this game and if we come out with a w. He will go down as a legend forever not just to the buckeyes but to everyone across the nation from years from now will know about it. An amazing feeling to think that that really could happen today.
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bucknutt76;1258219; said:
you guys do realize that in the event that Beanie does play in this game and if we come out with a w. He will go down as a legend forever not just to the buckeyes but to everyone across the nation from years from now will know about it. An amazing feeling to think that that really could happen today.

Love your spirit, but he will be playing football, not inventing a cure for AIDS.
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Hey guys stuiped question but if you go to espn.com and click on college football in the video off to the right. That jacket or track suit beanie is wearing, does anyone know where I can get that, I am in san diego so I cant go to buckeye corner I checked there website and nothing thanks.
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bucknutt76;1258230; said:
Hey guys stuiped question but if you go to espn.com and click on college football in the video off to the right. That jacket or track suit beanie is wearing, does anyone know where I can get that, I am in san diego so I cant go to buckeye corner I checked there website and nothing thanks.

Send me three installments of $79.99 and I'll see that you get one. :wink2:
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