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RB Brandon "Zoom" Saine (official thread)

TJB0041;1548367; said:
Against Toledo I realized why he is not the number 1 back. He lacks the killer instinct and the agressiveness to lower his shoulder and take tacklers on. Boom and Hall do a much better job finishing runs. Zoom is a much better receiver. Hopefully like you said, he can progress...I still beleive a player with his speed, and size needs to be playing more
Seriously? Saine has always had the power and he was the one out of the Zoom and Boom duo that hit the hole the hardest last weekend, the thing he lacks is the agility and vision.

Saine may be a sprint champion, but if there's one thing he's always shown besides speed its power.
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TJB0041;1548367; said:
Against Toledo I realized why he is not the number 1 back. He lacks the killer instinct and the agressiveness to lower his shoulder and take tacklers on. Boom and Hall do a much better job finishing runs. Zoom is a much better receiver. Hopefully like you said, he can progress...I still beleive a player with his speed, and size needs to be playing more

Gotta disagree with your analysis. BS moves the pile forward and is not afraid of taking a hit. Granted, Boom may run a bit harder than Zoom, but BS has been very decisive this year hitting the hole and has not displayed any of the hesitation that he has previously, which was more injury related than anything else.

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scarletngray;1548164; said:
Brandon's numbers for the first three games:

9 - 53 yds rushing
2 - 21 yds receiving

1 - 2 yds rushing
2 - 33 yds receiving

9 - 45 yds rushing
2 - 18 yds receiving

Interesting that Brandon has two receptions for each game averaging 12 yds per reception. With the exception of the USC game where he only ran the ball once, he's getting 9 carries per game for an average of 5.4 yds per carry.

Brandon is proving to be very productive with the opportunities that have come his way this year. He is showing his versitily playing both RB and FB, and has also proven to be a valuable kick off returner with his reverse run against Navy.

I'm looking forward to his continued progress and contribution throughout the season and have a feeling he's going to have a big game against the Illini.


Not sure what Brandon's final numbers were but last I saw he was averaging about 9 yds a carry against the Illini. So happy for BS. Boom and Zoom make a very effective RB tandem.
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scarletngray;1552023; said:
Not sure what Brandon's final numbers were but last I saw he was averaging about 9 yds a carry against the Illini. So happy for BS. Boom and Zoom make a very effective RB tandem.

Saine had 13 carries for 81 yards (6.2 ypc). I've been saying for a long time that if/when Saine got back to his full health, he'll be a very good back. Looks like he indeed may be finally back at 100%, both physically and mentally (confidence-wise). I would not be surprised to see him supplant Herron as the #1 TB by the end of the season.
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No offense to Boom, but Saine should be seriously considered to be put in the starting lineup. He seems to have more of a spark when he gets in the game. I know these guys split carries, and would still be equal, but Saine seems like with 2-3 more carries he might break for a big gain, just don't see that ability with Boom.
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pnuts34;1553118; said:
No offense to Boom, but Saine should be seriously considered to be put in the starting lineup. He seems to have more of a spark when he gets in the game. I know these guys split carries, and would still be equal, but Saine seems like with 2-3 more carries he might break for a big gain, just don't see that ability with Boom.

If he quits trying to cut everything back, he might
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