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RB Brandon "Zoom" Saine (official thread)

MaxBuck;1555058; said:
I'd like to suggest that those who believe all Buckeyes need unique fan-selected nicknames do this: take a picture of the Buckeye jersey, make it black ('cause, that would look super cool!), and then put your preferred nickname for each Buckeye starter on the back, where currently the last name of the player is printed. Then post the result here.

Maybe we can convince Tressel to use this new jersey format next season.

He will likely assign the implementation of this task to his new Offensive Coordinator.
Only if the leaves on the helemets are red and we get cool wings on our sleeves like the Ducks
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NateG;1555503; said:
I'm pretty sure I just heard Tress say on his call-in show that Saine was starting on Saturday.

coryhulbert;1555505; said:
If I heard Tressel right, he just said on his call-in show that Saine will start Saturday night.

ysubuck;1555558; said:
Just heard on 97.1 here in Columbus that Saine is starting ...
Hey, guys! Just heard that BSaine is starting against the Hoosiers!
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I'm liking the group style of running backs that we have this year, it creates a lot better feeling when someone gets banged up and there's a couple of other guys equally ready to step in. I like that a lot more than the "Ah fuck Beanie is hurt and now we're fucked" feeling of the past couple of seasons.
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Here's the news from a reputable :tongue2: news source... ESPN
Ohio State junior running back Brandon Saine will make his first career start Saturday at Indiana as teammate Dan Herron battles a sprained ankle.

Herron started the first four games for No. 9 Ohio State and leads the team with five rushing touchdowns.

He sustained the injury on a third-quarter touchdown run last week against Illinois. Buckeyes head coach Jim Tressel told reporters Thursday that Herron is about 85 percent healthy and could play more against the Hoosiers depending on how he progresses in the next two days.

Saine has arguably been Ohio State's most effective runner this season, averaging 5.7 yards on 32 carries. He and freshman Jordan Hall will get the bulk of the work if Herron can't play Saturday.

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