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RB Brandon "Zoom" Saine (official thread)

ant80;1553877; said:
I really think people need to stop referring to Brandon Saine as 'BS'. :(

HAHA I think with the O-line improving the way they are we can see both backs average 80+ like the did last week. Boom Need to work on picking up his feet and Saine needs to work on hitting straight through a whole instead of looking for cutbacks.(he doesnt do it all the time but a little). As the Great Lou Holtz said we are a young talented team who is improving every week and is starting to find an identity.

At least thats what I think He Said??? :tongue2:
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It appears to me that there is not a hole to bust through, so he is looking for a seam. If he can't find a seam he then puts his head down. There where several long runs last week where he cut back and gain yardage. Its not going to work everytime..I am hoping he gets one of those Beannie Wells holes so he can show everyone his speed.
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"Zoom" does sound a bit Batman comic-bookish. "BS" has it's obvious drawbacks as well. So I shall combine the two somewhat and henceforth refer to Brandon as "Z!".

And as far as Z! goes, he is light years ahead of his injury-marred running ability of last year, and I only expect him to get better an better with each game (based both on his own improvements and that of the continued improvements / gelling with the o-line).

I don't expect either B! or Z! to "take over" the starting spot from the other unless an injury is involved, but I do expect each of them to continue to improve with each week, which makes me smile to think of that combination toward the later half of the season. :)

(throw in our 2 Freshman and it could get downright 'unfair' :biggrin:)
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Regarding the nickname, this was from JT's presser on Tuesday:

Offensively, our staff had a little bit of a difficult decision trying to decide between Boom Herron and Brandon Saine, so they decided to name Boom and Zoom as the offensive players of the week and I think they combined for over 150 yards rushing and took care of the football.
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I'd like to suggest that those who believe all Buckeyes need unique fan-selected nicknames do this: take a picture of the Buckeye jersey, make it black ('cause, that would look super cool!), and then put your preferred nickname for each Buckeye starter on the back, where currently the last name of the player is printed. Then post the result here.

Maybe we can convince Tressel to use this new jersey format next season.

He will likely assign the implementation of this task to his new Offensive Coordinator.
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