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RB Brandon "Zoom" Saine (official thread)

Brandon's numbers for the first five games:

9 - 53 yds rushing
2 - 21 yds receiving

1 - 2 yds rushing
2 - 33 yds receiving

9 - 45 yds rushing
2 - 18 yds receiving

13 - 81 yds rushing
1 - 12 yds receiving

17 -113 yds rushing
2 -19 yds receiving

For the year:

Total yds rushing: 294 yds for a 6.0 ypc average

Total yds receiving: 103 yds for a 11.4 ypr average

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mooktarr;1558526; said:
I love to see our backs go over 100 yards and over 5 ypc. Great job Brandon.

Is Brandon getting better now that he is fully fit or are the O-linemen starting to get it? I think its a bit of both with Brandon Saine bulking up over the off-season without losing his shiftiness which he brought when he was first recruited. Also, there are more running lanes to be had thanks to Block-O. Last but not least the major changes in the way the offense is being run since the Illinois game which seems to suit the personnel that we have on offense.

I don't think that either Boom, Brandon or Jordan are every down sort of guys. I would personally like to see the workload shared around a bit starting with Brandon, then Boom followed by Jordan or perhaps a fully fit Jamaal Berry.
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Taosman;1558787; said:
I think we have found the "power" component for goal line situations.
I want Zoom in at the goal line even if Boom gets the start.

Agreed...Zoom weighs approx 25 lbs more than Boom which should be used and will help in goal line situations. I also like Zoom's greater propensity to bounce outside if need be. Boom seems to be more of a "follow my assignment" sort of guy with less of the "it" factor that Zoom has.
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Taosman;1558787; said:
I think we have found the "power" component for goal line situations.
I want Zoom in at the goal line even if Boom gets the start.

Zoom is amazing at his ability to somehow always fall forward a few yards. Even if the momentum has him falling back he always finds a way to fall forward.
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Saine makes statement in Buckeyes 33-14 romp

By The Associated Press | The Tribune
Originally published 03:24 a.m., October 7, 2009
Updated 03:24 a.m., October 7, 2009
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. ? Ohio State knew Brandon Saine could run fast.
Against Indiana, he showed he could run strong, too.
Saine proved he was more than a capable replacement for the injured Dan Herron on Saturday, finishing with a career-high 113 yards in a 33-14 victory over the Hoosiers and perhaps putting his college career back on track after a discouraging sophomore season.
??I?m just out there having fun, really,?? he said. ??We?re on a little bit of a roll right now and it feels really good.??
Anything would be better than 2008, when a hamstring injury limited Saine in fall camp and essentially cost him the backup job to Beanie Wells. He wound up with only 26 carries and three receptions. Then, just when Saine was getting healthy, Saine sprained his ankle before the Buckeyes bowl game.
For Saine, Ohio?s 2006 Mr. Football, it was essentially a lost season.
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Brandon's numbers for the first six games:

9 - 53 yds rushing
2 - 21 yds receiving

1 - 2 yds rushing
2 - 33 yds receiving

9 - 45 yds rushing
2 - 18 yds receiving

13 - 81 yds rushing
1 - 12 yds receiving

17 -113 yds rushing
2 -19 yds receiving

14 - 55
No receptions

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I think Saine has progressed through out the season. He is now noticeably our number one back. The only thing I can see him excel on is hitting the hole. There were a few times in the Wiscy game where he hesitated. Other than that I've been impressed with his power and speed combination.
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