What it does say is that Gieger and Tressel are big enough men to take the heat....
Well, that's not what it
"said". You took a shot at me and others and I answered it.
...using Troy as their scape goat....
TS is a "scapegoat"? That implies that he isn't the one to blame here. That implies that something else is the problem. That's fine if that's what you believe, but as I read that, I can't begin to see how he would be the "scapegoat" when he was the one walking out of the booster's office with an envolope full of money, knowing full well the ramifications to himself and those around him.
Tressel and Geiger and Mrs. Holbrook also realize that the Coach/Player relationship or Student/Teacher relationship is not equal. And that the "mentor" has a greater responsibility than the "protege."
I have to admit, you lost me here a little. What exactly do you think JT, AG, and KH should take responsiblity for here? To me this statement once again trys to deflect responsibility away from TS to others. We can debate all day long who is the biggest benefactor in these relationships and probably end up right back where we started.
If we presume that the University as a whole has a mission to 'better' its students, through academics, athletics, or otherwise, part of the 'greater responsibility' of the mentor has to be leave open, as much as possible, those avenues that give the University the ability to impact the lives the students.
Not at the expense of others, or the University. A saying comes to mind; "Your rights end where mine begin". Obviously I do not mean "my" rights personally, but of those around TS, particularly all his teammates who haven't done anything wrong.
Sound like a guy who's going to walk away from Troy Smith?
Sound like a guy who's going to take away the opportunity from Troy Smith to learn lessons that he's obviously struggled with?
Sound like a guy who's going to take away every opportunity for a young man to succeed?
Interesting questions that I will answer with a few of my own.
When is enough enough?
When do you preserve the 100 other kids' opportunities that are put in jeopardy because of one person?
When does the institution, having said mission, need to be protected so to continue said mission?
Even in the Maurice Clarret version of events... from his own mouth... after all the things he did and said, the door was never completely shut on him either.
An act of benevolance that was obviously wasted in hindsight. What I feel about this decision has certainly changed since when the decision was taken. I suppose I wouldn't be very objective at this point.
Once again, I didn't say there was no flexibility... didn't even use the word fexibility... As far as your statement goes.... I agree, and I have no reason to believe that all the factors weren't considered.
But that's how it read.
Troy should be dealt with according to the policies that were already laid out.
I may not have understood fully what you meant, but I read this as having very little flexability.
FKAGobucks877 said:
edit: AKAK beat me to the punch. But he can defend himself....
I not trying to make this a battle, but a little confrontation never hurt anyone.
I think we all have the same goals in mind, just some differences in how to get there.