When and how the incident happened should be considered into his penalty from the program. Who is going to draw a harsher sentence, someone who runs their own car into a telephone pole while drunk, or someone who runs into another car killing a young pregnant mother while drunk?
It's the same act, the same negligence, just with two different results. And no, I'm not comparing him taking money to drinking and driving. I am merely illustrating that in order for justice to be served, sometimes you have to reach past the act itself, and consider the consequences of their actions as well. A guy robbing a store shoots his gun into the ceiling to scare people into submission. No one is hurt. In a different reality, the same guy shoots his gun into the air, not realizing there is an apartment overhead, and kills a teen who was watching tv. Same crime, different consequences.
What Troy did, in of itself, isn't the end of the world. Taking money is a pretty serious mistake, but it's one that would normally just reflect on himself.
However, because of the timing of MoC's (his friend) accusations, it's damning for the school. Troy has in effect cost us at least one recruit, forced Geiger into retirement, put the very program itself under an ever harsher spotlight, and who knows what else. He showed a blatant disregard for the team, his coaches, and the institution.
You know, I've convinced myself here. I started typing this thinking I'm fine with a 2 game suspension, but I realize I'm not. Someone has to be made into an example. If Troy is that example, then he's put himself in that position. I can honestly say that, right now, I'd like to see Troy off the team. Bear in mind I basically never say that. I didn't say it about Izzy, Chattams, Arden or even MoC (at first). On the contrary, I usually argue against it because I feel strongly that these student-athletes should be learning, and they'll learn more having to work through the consequences of their own actions, than they will just getting booted out and end up playing with a new team. However, and I allow that I could be too swayed by the damage he's done, right now I don't want him back at all. Maybe that will change. I'm lucky in the sense that I'm realistic about how little my opinion matters. I still have absolute confidence in Geiger and Tressel. That will allow me to be comfortable with whatever they do with Troy, because I believe in their sense of justice, and ability to consider all the facts. So two games or a boot, I'm on board with the program, as insignificant my 'sponsorship' of their decision means.
It's all a lose-lose proposition. Kick Troy, bring him back, whatever. Nobody wins. We've already lost, he's already lost, the program certainly has.
I fear that we haven't seen the worst of any of this yet. And that's just a miserable thought.
"Other kids are doing it/Other teams" is a reality, but not an excuse. People drive drunk all the time without killing themselves or others. That doesn't make it okay for you to get in a car and do it yourself. It's tantamount to saying that your convenience carries the weight of greater importance than the lives of other people out on the road. Troy fucked up, there is NO excuse that can defend his actions. I don't think it makes him a bad kid. If he never plays another down for tOSU, I will always associate him at least in part with his stunning performance against the Weasels. Unfortunately, I will also remember him for being the proverbial straw that broke the program's back.