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Millennium Club
Posts: 2542
(1/5/05 6:10:29 pm)
Reply </td> <td class="m" align="left" valign="top">
Mike Nugent on WKNR today came out swinging- <hr size="1"> he said "I know for a fact Jim Tressel and Andy Geiger would never(emphasized) do anything to hurt Ohio State". He also said that the coaches grill the players on doing the right things and ALL the players are aware of the rules.He said there might be 1 or 2 % of players not doing the right thing but 98-99% of the players are doing the right things(He may be low balling that but that's obviously the way he feels).
--He also said he(and other players) saw a tape of the game and could'nt believe the things ESPN was saying about Geiger and Tressel.He said seeing that(what ESPN-May and Alberts) hurt worse than anything else and what hurts him most is that he knows Geiger and Tressel do everything they can to make sure things are run right(he mentioned the whole athletic dept). He said it's impossible for anyone to control the acts of an individual.He mentioned Coach Tressel eats meals with the team and spends tons of time with ALL the players.
--I really,really wish ESPN would have played an interview with him-This is very similiar to when the Colorado players emotionally denied the allegations at CU(in which ESPN aired BOTH sides of the story-something they have'nt done for OSU.
--I think OSU should have allowed more players to speak on this I get the feeling many,many more players would have come in to support Geiger and Tressel.
--Think about this-if players and fans were affected by what ESPN said how could 17-18 year old HS kids not be affected.ESPN did a hatchet job on OSU and unfortunately there is nothing OSU can do about it.(Except maybe the Big Ten could go somewhere else when the TV contract expires-of course money talks with that) </td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody> </table>