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QB Kirk Herbstreit (Frosted Quips)

I don't know. I saw the game when he named the players. He was very careful in saying that it was just rumors at that point and that he was repeating the reports that were "out there" at the time. I know it is only an excuse, but he wasn't the source of the names but was repeating reports from others. Now, it's one thing if the players themselves felt hurt by the report and asked for an apology. Otherwise, I doubt if anyone outside of a few hardcore fans even noticed this.

I would have had more of a problem if he was the one breaking the story, but he was just repeating what was already out there. And, he gave the appropriate caveats to his report. Unfortunately, it's pretty standard these days in all forms of journalism to emphasize getting the story out rather than verifying all of the facts.
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Bucklion;1850369; said:
Then that's squarely on him. If he can't put aside his personal vagscratchery to apologize to people he slandered on TV, then people will rightly question how much he loves anything but himself.
It's on Herbie? Unquestionably. And I've lost much, if not most, of my respect for him over this. I just think those who believe Herbie lacks love for Ohio State are missing the point - he's flawed, just not in the way they think.
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CookyPuss;1850387; said:
I don't know. I saw the game when he named the players. He was very careful in saying that it was just rumors at that point and that he was repeating the reports that were "out there" at the time. I know it is only an excuse, but he wasn't the source of the names but was repeating reports from others. Now, it's one thing if the players themselves felt hurt by the report and asked for an apology. Otherwise, I doubt if anyone outside of a few hardcore fans even noticed this.

I would have had more of a problem if he was the one breaking the story, but he was just repeating what was already out there. And, he gave the appropriate caveats to his report. Unfortunately, it's pretty standard these days in all forms of journalism to emphasize getting the story out rather than verifying all of the facts.
Rich Rod FIRED!

No... wait... the meeting isn't over yet...

Rich Rod and Brandon to meet tomorrow!

Rich Rod Fired!

- Freep.
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MaxBuck;1850390; said:
It's on Herbie? Unquestionably. And I've lost much, if not most, of my respect for him over this. I just think those who believe Herbie lacks love for Ohio State are missing the point - he's flawed, just not in the way they think.

Oh definitely. I think we agree here.
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CookyPuss;1850387; said:
I don't know. I saw the game when he named the players. He was very careful in saying that it was just rumors at that point and that he was repeating the reports that were "out there" at the time. I know it is only an excuse, but he wasn't the source of the names but was repeating reports from others. Now, it's one thing if the players themselves felt hurt by the report and asked for an apology. Otherwise, I doubt if anyone outside of a few hardcore fans even noticed this.

I would have had more of a problem if he was the one breaking the story, but he was just repeating what was already out there. And, he gave the appropriate caveats to his report. Unfortunately, it's pretty standard these days in all forms of journalism to emphasize getting the story out rather than verifying all of the facts.

Yep, sure is, and despite all the other stuff I can easily let slide, I draw a significant line there...

??? I think almost everyone noticed it...it was on national TV? Certainly all the OSU folks I talk to have opinions about it.
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Frankly, I missed what he said but about the suspensions and it seems like some have different opinions on how he handled it.

My thoughts on the now overly controversial Kirk Herbstreit is this.

Before anyone goes nuts this is my theory only a theory....I believe Herbie is very clever and tries to motivate the Buckeyes in many different ways. Sometimes pissing them off or trying to make the other team overconfident. A lot of times he'll say things that I wish I could say to the staff and coincidentally more often than not the comments find there mark. He loves his alma mater, his state and our football program that he played for! If anyone questions his love for Ohio State you really are losing it. I'm not sure how he handles the bias/ non-bias thing working for the SEC/ESPN but I'm certain that he cares about the Buckeyes more than anyone not named Speilman that works for that company.

Someone did make a comment about him being stretched too thin with the Gameday and Color Commentary which I would agree with but I think he will adjust and handle it better in years to come.

Again My Theory is only a Theory and that's it.

Overall I hope fans ease up on Herbie! He not Cowturd or Desmond or "Bitch Tits" May or Todd McShay whom I personally for some odd reason want to Bitch Slap.....

Go Bucks!

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Regardless of where he went to school or where his "loyalties" should or should not be, the comments that he's slipping and not particularly good at his job anymore are accurate, IMO.

I rarely (ie. never) learn anything from him during a game broadcast, and his "opinions" are more often than not incorrect and based on faulty assumptions and reasoning. I won't even touch his attempts at reporting "news". Erin Andrews provides more usable content in broadcasts than Herbstreit. He's not yet entered the realm of Trev Alberts or Mark May levels of douchebaggery, but he can see it from where he is.

It smacks of ESPN trying to build an on-air "star" out of a guy who doesn't have the talent or intellect to handle the workload. They have a lot of talent in their other broadcast teams who are going to continue to push him for slots in the big games.

Personally, I'd like to see him improve and become a great broadcaster, but I think he's hit his talent ceiling. You've got to do more than bring the female demographic, and that seems to be all he's capable of at this point.
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Captain Hindsight;1850465; said:
What about Mel Kiper, Jr.? :lol:

Ah, good old Mel Diaper Jr. I think he and McShay should get into a one fall cage match, the stipulation being that the only way to win is to cut the nuts off of the opponent...they will then be fighting forever...
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BrutusBobcat;1850470; said:
Regardless of where he went to school or where his "loyalties" should or should not be, the comments that he's slipping and not particularly good at his job anymore are accurate, IMO.

I rarely (ie. never) learn anything from him during a game broadcast, and his "opinions" are more often than not incorrect and based on faulty assumptions and reasoning. I won't even touch his attempts at reporting "news". Erin Andrews provides more usable content in broadcasts than Herbstreit. He's not yet entered the realm of Trev Alberts or Mark May levels of douchebaggery, but he can see it from where he is.

It smacks of ESPN trying to build an on-air "star" out of a guy who doesn't have the talent or intellect to handle the workload. They have a lot of talent in their other broadcast teams who are going to continue to push him for slots in the big games.

Personally, I'd like to see him improve and become a great broadcaster, but I think he's hit his talent ceiling. You've got to do more than bring the female demographic, and that seems to be all he's capable of at this point.

A lot of people are starting to say he and Andrews are Barbie and Ken, and not much more than that. As you say, I don't think it's reached that pitch yet, but there is definitely a ceiling in play here it appears...
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I'm a Herbie fan.. but his commentary just before the Sugar Bowl bothered me... I don't agree with how he is handling things right now... Even if he's trying to show impartiality, his comments are close to damaging... and acerbic

It's easy to put him on a pedastool... but Herbie could be dealing with this spat he's having with a 19 yr old boy (TP) in a MUCH classier manner.. He would NEVER do this with ANY other student athlete in the nation... He's using his pulpit to be a bully
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