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QB Kirk Herbstreit (Frosted Quips)

woofermazing;1849799; said:
Why wasn't Herbie in the booth for the sugar bowl?

Can't say I was dissapointed about his absence though.

Todd Blackledge was, is and will be the ESPN premier booth commentator for college football.

Herby could learn from TB. i.e. offer insight that does not incite or inflame passions and which ultimately distract from the action on the field.

If the game is significantly boring, please don't resort to provacative and edge journalism to tittilate a disinterested viewership. Just let it/them go.
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gracelhink;1849983; said:
Todd Blackledge was, is and will be the ESPN premier booth commentator for college football.

Herby could learn from TB. i.e. offer insight that does not incite or inflame passions and which ultimately distract from the action on the field.

If the game is significantly boring, please don't resort to provacative and edge journalism to tittilate a disinterested viewership. Just let it/them go.
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gracelhink;1849983; said:
Todd Blackledge was, is and will be the ESPN premier booth commentator for college football.

Herby could learn from TB. i.e. offer insight that does not incite or inflame passions and which ultimately distract from the action on the field.

If the game is significantly boring, please don't resort to provacative and edge journalism to tittilate a disinterested viewership. Just let it/them go.

Well said. Blackledge is very good. Although I did find it funny when he referred to Boom as "Bam Herron" and Heyward as "Cameron Howard" (the latter might have been said by Nessler, I can't remember).
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even when he picked OSU he was real dooshey.

said something like,

osu will play with an us against the world mentality and get a "surprising win", then you will hear from a "defiant TP" in the post game interviews.

STFU Herbie.
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A friend of mine observed that Herbie has "lost a step" for the following reason:

He is stretched too thin to be on top of his game any more.

He was great on Gameday back a few years ago. He could be a great color guy. But, he can't be great at both.

In my opinion, his former analysis has given way to hyperbole and screw turning.... with the occasional axe to grind (ie mid majors). I don't believe he is a "fake buckeye" - I think he does love Ohio State. But, I also think he is completely out of touch with "buckeye nation" now and has, more or less, lost his way.
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I caught a little bit of Herbie on Mike and Mike this a.m. He was very complimentary of Pryor (I was shocked) and much more critical of Mallett. He did suggest that Pryor "must be" thinking about his future (i.e. whether to go pro). Overall it was pretty balanced as I wish it always were coming from the sports infotainment wwl.
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cincibuck;1850064; said:
I don't know how old you are, or where you grew up, but I like Herbie because he's NOT a hack for Ohio State. His love of the school still comes through, but he's a professional first -- something that has been sorely missing in Columbus media. I went to OSU during the Paul Hornung, Jimmy Crum era - two guys who couldn't say or see anything but scarlet and gray, a naseauting spew of homerisms and slanted, biased coverage. Having grow up in Dayton and experienced two excellent sports editors, Sy Burick of the Daily News and Ritter Collett of the Journal - Herald, I knew what reporters were supposed to do: call 'em as they see 'em. There was never any doubt that they covered the Buckeyes first in college football, but they had a decent eye on what was going on in the rest of the conference and the nation. When Woody did something wrong they called him on it while Hornung went reaching into his bag of excuses and "yes, buts."

Herbie may say things that some Buckeye fans don't like, but he's proven his love for the state and his school. He's put his work and his money into Ohio high school sports (not that I think that's a good idea) and his alma mater.

At the same time he has shown that he knows his job is not to be a PR machine for all things scarlet and gray. He's kept a professional distance from Ohio State football and retained an objective eye. That gives him credibility outside the state's borders and that, folks, is his job.

Cincibuck posted this in the Sugar Bowl thread, but I thought it deserved repeating here. I agree as long as he is offering his actual opinion and not just spewing the ESPiN company line.
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CookyPuss;1850075; said:
Cincibuck posted this in the Sugar Bowl thread, but I thought it deserved repeating here. I agree as long as he is offering his actual opinion and not just spewing the ESPiN company line.

That's all well and good, but I will stand by the fact that someone who "loves his state and his school" wouldn't throw multiple players under a bus on national TV with no evidence and then not apologize for it afterwards.
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Bucklion;1850082; said:
That's all well and good, but I will stand by the fact that someone who "loves his state and his school" wouldn't throw multiple players under a bus on national TV with no evidence and then not apologize for it afterwards.

I failed to mention that in my post above when I said I have no doubt he loves Ohio State and has "lost his way"

You're right, though. He owes the misidentified players an apology. That was a serious fuck up and he should own up to it. I mean - if he's going to get all pissy about tattoo gate and "responsibility" and so on....

You have to wonder, though, if Herbie is the ringleader in all this horrid sports reporting. :wink2:
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I really wish ESPN would show some of Herbie's post game thoughts. I hated how he said if tOSU one and Pryor was the MVP he would come in to the interviews with a "how do you like me now attitude." I loved the way TP handled himself in the post game interviews on ESPN. You could tell he was in a ton of pain and that he wanted to get across the message of how sorry everyone was for what they did. Now maybe Herbie can do something similar and publicly (ESPN Gameday maybe?) apologize to these players.
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Bucklion;1850082; said:
That's all well and good, but I will stand by the fact that someone who "loves his state and his school" wouldn't throw multiple players under a bus on national TV with no evidence and then not apologize for it afterwards.
Herbstreit loves Ohio State, no question. But his ego is too fragile to allow him to apologize.
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MaxBuck;1850367; said:
Herbstreit loves Ohio State, no question. But his ego is too fragile to allow him to apologize.

Then that's squarely on him. If he can't put aside his personal vagscratchery to apologize to people he slandered on TV, then people will rightly question how much he loves anything but himself.
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