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QB Kirk Herbstreit (Frosted Quips)

Fake Buckeye indeed. I have a feeling there are several Buckeyes who wouldn't be seen on the sidelines of a championship game in 2022, let alone cheering like this

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Incognito;1848052; said:
Fake Buckeye indeed. I have a feeling there are several Buckeyes who wouldn't be seen on the sidelines of a championship game in 2022, let alone cheering like this


Even the most marginal of Buckeye fans will jump up and down when you are about to win a national title...

I think Herbstreit crossed the line with how he has approached the suspensions of the Pryor, Adams, etc. folk and I also think that he has demonstrated a bad habit of continuing to attack Pryor as a person.

KH seems to have taken his power as a sports analyst and what should be his professional discussion of college athletes and their suspensions, good/bad play on the field and what not, and turned it into his own personal feud with a non-professional college student-athlete who has not even committed a crime.

And whats more, its his own Alma Mater. If Herbie were talking in the same tone and indignity about Matt Barkley or Landry Jones he would still be in the wrong here. It simply hurts more that KH cannot find the strength to hold back the venom especially when it regards tOSU.
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Diego-Bucks;1848066; said:
And whats more, its his own Alma Mater. If Herbie were talking in the same tone and indignity about Matt Barkley or Landry Jones he would still be in the wrong here. It simply hurts more that KH cannot find the strength to hold back the venom especially when it regards tOSU.

Here is where I would argue that it is because of his Alma Mater that he's being so hard on TP. As fans, we probably know just a fraction of what goes on behind closed doors at the WHAC. I would guess that Herbie knows a little more than a typical fan does because it is his job to 365 days a year. I do not consider Herbie's opinion to be gospel but I do take note when someone in the media (other than Mark May) calls out an athlete when there is already a lot of smoke.

What's more telling to me is the lack of support from anyone in the Columbus media, athletic offices, or anyone else outside of TP's high school coach. Again, just to play devils advocate, Herbie may be saying the same things quite a few alums would be saying if armed with the same information.
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Diego-Bucks;1848066; said:
Even the most marginal of Buckeye fans will jump up and down when you are about to win a national title...

I think Herbstreit crossed the line with how he has approached the suspensions of the Pryor, Adams, etc. folk and I also think that he has demonstrated a bad habit of continuing to attack Pryor as a person.

KH seems to have taken his power as a sports analyst and what should be his professional discussion of college athletes and their suspensions, good/bad play on the field and what not, and turned it into his own personal feud with a non-professional college student-athlete who has not even committed a crime.

And whats more, its his own Alma Mater. If Herbie were talking in the same tone and indignity about Matt Barkley or Landry Jones he would still be in the wrong here. It simply hurts more that KH cannot find the strength to hold back the venom especially when it regards tOSU.

#1. I have yet to see any inappropriate quote from Herbie about TP. His criticism after the suspensions have been entirely appropriate. Did he say anything last year after the Purdue game? Several morons were talking about ending TP's QB career, but I don't remember Herbie being one of them.

#2. Herbie has made no personal attacks on TP. None. Not sure where anybody is getting that info, because it's completely wrong/mistaken

#3. TP has made this personal with his "fake Buckeye" crap. The funny thing is when he tweeted it, he knew that he was the one who sold his Buckeye awards. Fake, indeed. The other funny thing is that TP knew Herbie's UM record. That's funny because I'm sure he looked it up (herbie was before TP's time). Being that obsessed with a media member is not good.
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Incognito;1848086; said:
#1. I have yet to see any inappropriate quote from Herbie about TP. His criticism after the suspensions have been entirely appropriate. Did he say anything last year after the Purdue game? Several morons were talking about ending TP's QB career, but I don't remember Herbie being one of them.

#2. Herbie has made no personal attacks on TP. None. Not sure where anybody is getting that info, because it's completely wrong/mistaken

#3. TP has made this personal with his "fake Buckeye" crap. The funny thing is when he tweeted it, he knew that he was the one who sold his Buckeye awards. Fake, indeed. The other funny thing is that TP knew Herbie's UM record. That's funny because I'm sure he looked it up (herbie was before TP's time). Being that obsessed with a media member is not good.

I agree with the majority of your points but I believe that Herbie did say something about "addition by subtraction" in regards to TP. That was the quote that hit me. It made me believe there are multiple truths to this things.
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Basebuck;1848082; said:
Here is where I would argue that it is because of his Alma Mater that he's being so hard on TP. As fans, we probably know just a fraction of what goes on behind closed doors at the WHAC. I would guess that Herbie knows a little more than a typical fan does because it is his job to 365 days a year. I do not consider Herbie's opinion to be gospel but I do take note when someone in the media (other than Mark May) calls out an athlete when there is already a lot of smoke.

Agree with this 100%. Face it, there is a reason Dane Sanzenbacher was voted MVP by his own teammates over some other candidates. Dane had a great year, but 9 times out of 10, when a QB puts up the stats that TP did, it's pretty much a given he would be MVP.
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Incognito;1848086; said:
#1. I have yet to see any inappropriate quote from Herbie about TP. His criticism after the suspensions have been entirely appropriate. Did he say anything last year after the Purdue game? Several morons were talking about ending TP's QB career, but I don't remember Herbie being one of them.

#2. Herbie has made no personal attacks on TP. None. Not sure where anybody is getting that info, because it's completely wrong/mistaken

#3. TP has made this personal with his "fake Buckeye" crap. The funny thing is when he tweeted it, he knew that he was the one who sold his Buckeye awards. Fake, indeed. The other funny thing is that TP knew Herbie's UM record. That's funny because I'm sure he looked it up (herbie was before TP's time). Being that obsessed with a media member is not good.

Huge +1
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he's back said:
#1. I have yet to see any inappropriate quote from Herbie about TP.
Two parts were pretty inexcusable, but completely predictable from that tabloid network (how many times did they shove the coaching future down Stanford's throat last night after being told to shut up? Five? Seven? More?):
herbie said:
"You wonder how much involvement he had in this, if he was the ringleader in this."
Classless and stupid statement. How exactly was he a ringleader? This is not what you expect out of your quarterback, but what is with this garbage? Yeah, Pryor was the mastermind behind the entire mistake, Herbie. Either that or they just sold some stuff like a LOT of players do, got caught, and now have to face the consequences.
herbie said:
This is a selfish act by Pryor and the other players, in my opinions this is addition by subtraction for 2011
OSU does not get better without Pryor, Boom, Posey, Adams & Thomas. Even if Pryor is the destructive & corrupting "ringleader" that Herbie is selling here, they still do not get better without him in there.

They have a far better shot against MSU & Nebraska with him than without him.
#2. Herbie has made no personal attacks on TP. None. Not sure where anybody is getting that info, because it's completely wrong/mistaken
Addition by subtraction was a pretty low blow, as was never apologizing for wrongly incriminating multiple players. The guy bent over backwards to apologize for calling McGloin a handoff quarterback (which most PSU fans also thought), but not a peep over that huge mistake.

I agree Pryor needs to stop the attacks and grow thicker skin towards the media. I disagree that Herbie handled it properly.
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jwinslow;1848125; said:
I disagree that Herbie handled it properly.

I don't think he was saying that Herbie handled it properly. What it sounded like to me was that he was simply clarifying that while Herbie is a dumbass (not going to debate that one) he has not done anything worthy of the lynching most are willing to bestow upon him. This situation included, Kirk has held true to his persona regarding Ohio State football. He swings so far the other way that regardless of what his true intentions are he comes across as a hater and an instigator. Part of that, to me, seems like a compensation for the fact that he is one of the central figures in college football and because his job is dependent upon him driving ratings and peddling bullshit he prioritizes that before any personal feelings he may have toward his alma mater.

That's a dead horse that's not worth beating however.

Kirk said some more stupid bullshit in relation to his "job", but there's no way in hell anyone can convince me that he's intentionally and maliciously throwing pot shots at the university or any of its players. He's just doing his job, no matter how piss-poor he is at it.
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jwinslow;1848125; said:
I agree Pryor needs to stop the attacks and grow thicker skin towards the media. I disagree that Herbie handled it properly.

Bingo. Both acted in the wrong, IMO. I guess of the two, I'm more inclined to give Pryor a pass because he's 21 and Herbie's 41. Plus, Herbie's personally profiting based, in part, on making those comments.
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