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QB Kirk Herbstreit (Frosted Quips)

greyscarlet;1839899; said:
What happened to being mr objective. If you can't praise your allegences, you probably should be at the front of the line with a pitchfork and flames. He is the modern Brutus.

I agree that he should be objective in general.

But in this situation I think they were looking to him because of his relations to Ohio State. And really, aside from him naming the wrong people, which is ridiculously irresponsible, he didn't say anything that wasn't outrageous.
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DaveyBoy;1839873; said:
Herbstreit sounded off today because he had 2 motives:

1. gain stature in the world of CFB
2. get even with Pryor in their little cat fight

I don't disagree with much of what Herbstreit said. But he has been remarkably quiet about REggie Bush and Cam Newton. Why the imbalance in coverage of the different scandals ?
Exactly correct. I had very little respect for e!spn's ken doll before...I have none now.
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Herbie is why the players shouldn't jeopardize their college career over a 100 hand shake or selling 1000 dollars of mementos. If you keep your nose clean and are well groomed you can parlay a mediocre college careeer into millions of dollars. Whether you ever play in the NFL or not being a former tOSU football player can open up a lot of doors and put you ahead of the normal student with a degree. From coaching to sales being an ex tOSU player will give you advantages.
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I agree he should be unbiased, and that is what he should stand on. I feel that he bashes tOSU on some occasions so people "unmistakeably" take him as unbiased, when technically he is being biased against tOSU. Or maybe he wrongly feels that badly about tOSU.
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DaveyBoy;1839873; said:
Trust me.....Ohio State has come off looking worse than ever. One side thinks Ohio State is the epitome of fat-cat NCAA system schools. The other side thinks Ohio State is a cesspool of rampant cheating.

Not as a result of what Herbstreit said, though, but rather because many fans of most other programs have serious Little Dick Syndrome about our football program. tOSU is a huge name in football, and when something like this comes out it gets more publicity than virtually any other program. It also gives those LDS fans false justification that tOSU isn't really all that, when deep down inside they are still envious as all hell...
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NFBuck;1839567; said:
I don't have as big an issue with what he said today as with the bullshit he pulled last night. That shit was inexcusable regardless of who else was saying it. Naming names based on speculation is crap. Especially when a few of them ended up not involved.

"Les Miles to Michigan!"
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Although I can't be certain, I also think it's likely that Herbstreit did get the names from the sportsbybroooks website and/or other websites that copied that list of names that day. I was following the story closely all day, and I only saw that same list of names that had originated with the site showing pictures of guys with tattoos. Seeing the same list of names that's been copied from one website to another isn't mutliple sources for a story.

I realize that he can't be successfully sued for defamation and/or slander because of protection commonly called (if not always legally correct) 'absence of malice'.

But I also lost a good deal of respect for Herbstreit due to his naming players that weren't involved. I didn't give him grief for the Les Miles story/fiasco - I believe his information came from legitimate sources and was probably correct as of that Saturday morning - it changed when WVU and MIzzou lost and LSU rose up to BCS #2.

But I'm waiting for a public apology in a forum that is at least at public as the national TV broadcast the other night.

I'm also waiting for a report from the ESPN ombudsman regarding the matter. If Herbie is going to 'break' stories, he needs to function with better journalistic ethics - whether he's talking about players/coaches from tOSU, LSU, USC, Georgia, or Slippery Rock.

I realize that I may may be waiting for a long time.
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Onebuckfan;1840141; said:
Herbie is why the players shouldn't jeopardize their college career over a 100 hand shake or selling 1000 dollars of mementos. If you keep your nose clean and are well groomed you can parlay a mediocre college careeer into millions of dollars. Whether you ever play in the NFL or not being a former tOSU football player can open up a lot of doors and put you ahead of the normal student with a degree. From coaching to sales being an ex tOSU player will give you advantages.

See Craig James and Mark May! (maybe)
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Tanner;1842919; said:
I'm a Herbstreit fan

Give it time... Personally, I was a fan for a while too. Now I'm sitting here waiting with 73.

At the end of the day it's one thing to be a journalist, which KH is not, and another thing to be a media personality, which KH clearly is. In so long as the media personalities continue to act as journalists they should hold themselves to the same standards as journalists. Frankly the American public isn't smart enough to understand the difference between the two; they will continue to rely on someone who looks good on the screen as being a signaling mechanism for credibility. Honestly, there are a number of people within this community who have significantly greater credibility than most media personalities... regardless of how they clean up. :paranoid:
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A Penn State nobody QB takes issue with Herbie's comments and talks smack about him - the next thing you know they are having tea and crumpets and becoming best buds. Herbie's own school's QB takes issue with Herbie's comments and talks smack about him - next thing you know Herbie's saying OSU will be better off without Pryor, Pryor should just leave, Pryor chose OSU for the wrong reasons...

If he wants to take issue with what the tat guys did and what sold that is entirely fine. If he wants to vent to the Dispatch as a former player, I would have been fine with it. People defend his statements as an ESPN employee because he needs to come off as impartial. And I agree with that, until he uses his position at ESPN to take a personal shot at a Buckeye on College Football Live or whatever show it was on that p.o.s. network. He had a chance to take a higher road but didn't take it.
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