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QB Kirk Herbstreit (Frosted Quips)

Gatorubet;1839391; said:
I guess I'm one of the few people that have met Terrelle Pryor in real life and talked to him about his tats.

I had to go to Ohio on business for a quick, no notice trip, and was in a local Columbus eatery when I had to go to the bathroom. Well, I stood at my urinal and who walks in and stands next to me? Terrelle Pryor himself. He's a huge guy.

Well - and no homo - I noticed as he went to pee that his unit was tatooed with capital letter "TP".

"Wow", I thought to myself, getting your dick tatooed meant he was a tough dude - so I spoke to him and said, "Man Mr. Pryor, I'm sorry for even mentioning this, and I'm not gay or anything, but I noticed that you had your initials tatooed on your penis."

He looked startled for a second, and then said, "Nah man....I got some ink done that says "THIS IS OHIO STATE, AND LIKE A GREAT MAN SAID, IF I NEED GAS IN M*CH*G*N I DON'T EVEN STOP"

I got out of there as quickly as I could...

Funniest thing I've read all day. :slappy:
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osugrad21;1839454; said:
I have zero issue with what Herbie said today. In fact, I agree with most of it.

I'm with Capo. I listened to the audio synopsis played by ESPN, and while Herbstreit ripped Pryor pretty good, he was spot on with what he said. In fact, he put the Ohio State program as whole in a very good light.
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MililaniBuckeye;1839563; said:
I'm with Capo. I listened to the audio synopsis played by ESPN, and while Herbstreit ripped Pryor pretty good, he was spot on with what he said. In fact, he put the Ohio State program as whole in a very good light.
I don't have as big an issue with what he said today as with the bullshit he pulled last night. That shit was inexcusable regardless of who else was saying it. Naming names based on speculation is crap. Especially when a few of them ended up not involved.
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NFBuck;1839567; said:
I don't have as big an issue with what he said today as with the bull[censored] he pulled last night. That [censored] was inexcusable regardless of who else was saying it. Naming names based on speculation is crap. Especially when a few of them ended up not involved.
No, it's not. Journalists do not have to be 100% right - or right at all. If he had two credible sources that told him some names, then it is not only right to put that out there, but it is the norm, and I suspect within the ethical standards taught at tOSU college of journalism. The fact that the information may not have been 100% accurate does not make him putting it out there "speculation" or "crap" unless you can tell me that he was aware that his sources were unreliable.
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osugrad21;1839454; said:
I have zero issue with what Herbie said today. In fact, I agree with most of it.


I said it earlier and I wanna say it again just for the record. I completely agree with what Herbie said today. I don't know if he should have done it on National Radio but whatever doesn't bother me; it's time for TP to step up. If he said that to me walking down the street I would agree wholeheartedly.
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Gatorubet;1839573; said:
No, it's not. Journalists do not have to be 100% right - or right at all. If he had two credible sources that told him some names, then it is not only right to put that out there, but it is the norm, and I suspect within the ethical standards taught at tOSU college of journalism. The fact that the information may not have been 100% accurate does not make him putting it out there "speculation" or "crap" unless you can tell me that he was aware that his sources were unreliable.
Yeah, well...that's like your opinion, man.

These are college kids. Not professional athletes. Throwing names out as the story is just breaking without concrete evidence is reckless and wrong IMO. Especially when it's your alma mater. Talk about the investigation. Talk about what is alleged to have been done. Express your disappointment in the players involved. Leave the fucking names out of it until you have absolute proof. Michael Brewster, Jordan Hall and Chris Fields' names are left hanging out there in a lot of people's minds and that's bullshit. BTW, my ire isn't saved just for Herbert, anybody that was publishing names before anything absolute was known is a piece of shit in my mind.
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Gatorubet;1839573; said:
No, it's not. Journalists do not have to be 100% right - or right at all. If he had two credible sources that told him some names, then it is not only right to put that out there, but it is the norm, and I suspect within the ethical standards taught at tOSU college of journalism. The fact that the information may not have been 100% accurate does not make him putting it out there "speculation" or "crap" unless you can tell me that he was aware that his sources were unreliable.

I had to laugh at this because those sources were not so credible regarding the players who have not been implicated.
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NFBuck;1839585; said:
Yeah, well...that's like your opinion, man.

These are college kids. Not professional athletes. Throwing names out as the story is just breaking without concrete evidence is reckless and wrong IMO. Especially when it's your alma mater. Talk about the investigation. Talk about what is alleged to have been done. Express your disappointment in the players involved. Leave the [censored]ing names out of it until you have absolute proof. Michael Brewster, Jordan Hall and Chris Fields' names are left hanging out there in a lot of people's minds and that's bull[censored].
I hear you man, but that is not so much my opinion of the standard, as what I understand the standard is throughout the country. I would love to hear from some jouralism grads about the propriety of what Herbie did citing names, getting his info from other sources.

As a parent - and as a rabid fan of a college program - I can appreciate the "NFBuck standard". But I have to think that you getting mad at a person whose job description falls within the ambit of "sports news" - all because he followed industry standards on reporting breaking stories - won't get much traction.

If you could not print a story until you had it all worked out and 100% verified, then Nixon would have served his second term out.
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Cincinnatibuck;1839590; said:
I had to laugh at this because those sources were not so credible regarding the players who have not been implicated.
And he was excoriated for bringing it up last night by people on here who said that he had "no proof" of any tattoo scandal, and he was just passing on hurtful stuff.

He may not have gotten it all right, but he sure was not completely off base when he brought it up last night. And I still say that saying nothing about it until it is 100% verified as absolute truth is not the standard.

Hell, why is everybody always mad at the press??? Because they seldom get it all right. We shrug that off most days, but get [censored]ed when it is a little closer to home.
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Gatorubet;1839592; said:
I hear you man, but that is not so much my opinion of the standard, as what I understand the standard is throughout the country. I would love to hear from some jouralism grads about the propriety of what Herbie did citing names, getting his info from other sources.

As a parent - and as a rabid fan of a college program - I can appreciate the "NFBuck standard". But I have to think that you getting mad at a person whose job description falls within the ambit of "sports news" - all because he followed industry standards on reporting breaking stories - won't get much traction.

If you could not print a story until you had it all worked out and 100% verified, then Nixon would have served his second term out.
I understand that my standard isn't e!spn's or the CPD or Joe Blogger's...I get that. But, Kirk Herbstreit is supposedly a Buckeye. At some point, put aside your need to be e!spn's fucking golden boy and be a goddamned Buckeye. You don't need to name names. It's disgusting and shows just the kind of guy he is IMO. Talk about it, show outrage, but leave names out of it. Be a fucking Buckeye, not an e!spn drone for once in your broadcasting life. I've read many times that Herbie isn't very popular around the WHAC, I hope this makes him persona non grata permanently.
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As a parent - and as a rabid fan of a college program - I can appreciate the "NFBuck standard". But I have to think that you getting mad at a person whose job description falls within the ambit of "sports news" - all because he followed industry standards on reporting breaking stories - won't get much traction.
I think it would get under our skin less if people didn't misinterpret these entertainment show "reports" as news.
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