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QB Kirk Herbstreit (Frosted Quips)

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1839350; said:
ring?lead?er (r
r)n. A person who leads others, especially in illicit or informal activities.

And.... don't leaders have followers who are seeking to obtain a common objective?

The word "ring leader" is a stupid and reckless use of the word in this circumstance.

Disagree. It's just a term to suggest the leader of a group...and these were essentially illicit activities for their current "line of business". Point is, it's a fair question to ask...is TP leading this group. He might not have been, but it wouldn't surprise if he was.
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NFBuck;1839340; said:
From memory: Michael Brewster, Jordan Hall, Chris Fields. All three ended up being innocent parties. That's three too many. Naming names without proof is way over any line of decency when you're dealing with college athletes. Talk about the investigation. Talk about what is being investigated and by whom. Leave names out of it until you have proof. Anything beyond that is a ratings grab and wholly irresponsible amateur bull[censored].

i dont disagree, yet im not sure that the demarcation of "innocent" and "guilty" have been drawn. one may wonder if more is to come?

secondly herbie only mentioned it upon brents request of the stories coming out of columbus, he kept what he said limited to what the nbc/cbs/abc/fox news stations were reporting, along with the local paper (dispatch) and radio (espn, am stations, etc) were reporting. could he have been more selective with names? maybe. but im pretty sure no one is talking about chris fields today...

Gatorubet;1839358; said:
I guess I see it in simpler terms.

TP is either a team leader or he is not. I don't know how he gets to be the team leader only when his actions are beneficial to tOSU and to him - and NOT be the leader when his actions help create a huge problem.

To the extent he is supposed to be the team leader, and to the extent that TP accepts and does not correct anyone calling him the team leader the rest of the season, I think in that context "ringleader" is not totally inappropriate.
agreed. then again anyone who thinks/feels what theyve seen on saturdays from said person is leadership should spend sometime with buckeyekick"scalia"butt and his dictionary... that said, i cannot comment on much of his off the field activity, practice habits, etc...
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It is irresponsible to call him a ringleader though. He is the leader of the team yes but that has nothing to do with the idea that he was leading them in this activity. Unless he sold his stuff there and told the other guys hey if you need a little extra cash go sell your OSU paraphernalia he was not a ringleader in any shape or form and to imply he is in national media based on nothing other then speculation is irresponsible and reckless.
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Herbie is going to do what it takes to get ratings, if that means blindly accusing and criticizing kids half his age on the national stage, so be it.

The public outside of Ohio loves it when the media rips us up, at the end of the day he is going to do what helps his career.
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dragurd;1839380; said:
It is irresponsible to call him a ringleader though. He is the leader of the team yes but that has nothing to do with the idea that he was leading them in this activity. Unless he sold his stuff there and told the other guys hey if you need a little extra cash go sell your OSU paraphernalia he was not a ringleader in any shape or form and to imply he is in national media based on nothing other then speculation is irresponsible and reckless.

He's asking the same question I'm asking. It DOES make you wonder. I don't think it's reckless to ask that.

Again, he may well have done a hatchet job on TP, and if so, I don't condone that, but I don't have a problem with that question because I have the same one and I wouldn't have a problem with any national pundit familiar with Buckeye football asking the same. Based upon behavior, it makes you wonder if there is some entitlement issue with TP. And based upon that, it wouldn't surprise if he wasn't at the forefront of this.
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matcar;1839327; said:
Just out of curiosity, do you not wonder if Pryor was the ringleader? I do.

Don't want to pile on in response to your question. NFBuck and bkb said what I would have said.

No, I don't wonder or even care. It's absolutely ridiculous that some people (not you) get so upset and go off on an internet message board, like a few folks are doing today.

For them, I suggest that they get down on their knees and pray that they get what they really need this Christmas: a life.

I mean that really. In just the next 24 hours,

  • 36,000 people around the world will be kidnapped into human trafficking.
  • More than 8,000 will die from HIV/AIDS.
  • More than 5,000 will die from TB.
  • Another 2,250 will die from malaria.
  • More than 2,000 will die in armed conflicts, and
  • More than 100,000 people, including some of those counted above, will die from starvation.
In comparison, some 3,000 people died in the cowardly attack on the World Trade Center.

I love The Ohio State University and passionately follow Ohio State sports. I'm deeply disappointed at this news, but folks, there's a whole helluva lot more to get excited about in the world than five kids taking a $1000 or so for selling some trinkets that we all put a lot of meaning and value on.

If you really are all that excited about this then I respectfully ask you to think a bit harder about your priorities in life.
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I guess I'm one of the few people that have met Terrelle Pryor in real life and talked to him about his tats.

I had to go to Ohio on business for a quick, no notice trip, and was in a local Columbus eatery when I had to go to the bathroom. Well, I stood at my urinal and who walks in and stands next to me? Terrelle Pryor himself. He's a huge guy.

Well - and no homo - I noticed as he went to pee that his unit was tatooed with capital letter "TP".

"Wow", I thought to myself, getting your dick tatooed meant he was a tough dude - so I spoke to him and said, "Man Mr. Pryor, I'm sorry for even mentioning this, and I'm not gay or anything, but I noticed that you had your initials tatooed on your penis."

He looked startled for a second, and then said, "Nah man....I got some ink done that says "THIS IS OHIO STATE, AND LIKE A GREAT MAN SAID, IF I NEED GAS IN M*CH*G*N I DON'T EVEN STOP"

I got out of there as quickly as I could...
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Steve19;1839389; said:
Don't want to pile on in response to your question. NFBuck and bkb said what I would have said.

No, I don't wonder or even care. It's absolutely ridiculous that some people (not you) get so upset and go off on an internet message board, like a few folks are doing today.

For them, I suggest that they get down on their knees and pray that they get what they really need this Christmas: a life.

I mean that really. In just the next 24 hours,

  • 36,000 people around the world will be kidnapped into human trafficking.
  • More than 8,000 will die from HIV/AIDS.
  • More than 5,000 will die from TB.
  • Another 2,250 will die from malaria.
  • More than 2,000 will die in armed conflicts, and
  • More than 100,000 people, including some of those counted above, will die from starvation.
In comparison, some 3,000 people died in the cowardly attack on the World Trade Center.

I love The Ohio State University and passionately follow Ohio State sports. I'm deeply disappointed at this news, but folks, there's a whole helluva lot more to get excited about in the world than five kids taking a $1000 or so for selling some trinkets that we all put a lot of meaning and value on.

If you really are all that excited about this then I respectfully ask you to think a bit harder about your priorities in life.

All true. Except that any fan (myself included) willing to pop down $100 for seats to games obviously gets excited about CFB a great deal. $100 isn't chump change, so obviously CFB and the Buckeyes in particular are a priority for many of us as a hobby. If not, there would be no BP.

Am I outraged by any of this? Nope. Do I really care if they sold Gold Pants...nope, other than the fact that it's against the rules. Am I outraged by KH talking about it? Nope. As I mentioned in the Sugar Bowl thread, for me it just sours things as a lead-up to the game. Heading down to Nawlins won't be quite the same now. That might make you feel that my priorities are out of whack. If you feel that way, so be it.
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Gatorubet;1839391; said:
I guess I'm one of the few people that have met Terrelle Pryor in real life and talked to him about his tats.

I had to go to Ohio on business for a quick, no notice trip, and was in a local Columbus eatery when I had to go to the bathroom. Well, I stood at my urinal and who walks in and stands next to me? Terrelle Pryor himself. He's a huge guy.

Well - and no homo - I noticed as he went to pee that his unit was tatooed with capital letter "TP".

"Wow", I thought to myself, getting your dick tatooed meant he was a tough dude - so I spoke to him and said, "Man Mr. Pryor, I'm sorry for even mentioning this, and I'm not gay or anything, but I noticed that you had your initials tatooed on your penis."

He looked startled for a second, and then said, "Nah man....I got some ink done that says "THIS IS OHIO STATE, AND LIKE A GREAT MAN SAID, IF I NEED GAS IN M*CH*G*N I DON'T EVEN STOP"

I got out of there as quickly as I could...

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I guess I'm one of the few people that have met Terrelle Pryor in real life and talked to him about his tats.

I had to go to Ohio on business for a quick, no notice trip, and was in a local Columbus eatery when I had to go to the bathroom. Well, I stood at my urinal and who walks in and stands next to me? Terrelle Pryor himself. He's a huge guy.

Well - and no homo - I noticed as he went to pee that his unit was tatooed with capital letter "TP".

"Wow", I thought to myself, getting your dick tatooed meant he was a tough dude - so I spoke to him and said, "Man Mr. Pryor, I'm sorry for even mentioning this, and I'm not gay or anything, but I noticed that you had your initials tatooed on your penis."

He looked startled for a second, and then said, "Nah man....I got some ink done that says "THIS IS OHIO STATE, AND LIKE A GREAT MAN SAID, IF I NEED GAS IN M*CH*G*N I DON'T EVEN STOP"

I got out of there as quickly as I could...
This needs rep. Seriously.

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Gatorubet;1839358; said:
I guess I see it in simpler terms.

TP is either a team leader or he is not. I don't know how he gets to be the team leader only when his actions are beneficial to tOSU and to him - and NOT be the leader when his actions help create a huge problem.

To the extent he is supposed to be the team leader, and to the extent that TP accepts and does not correct anyone calling him the team leader the rest of the season, I think in that context "ringleader" is not totally inappropriate.

Questioning TP's leadership after this is one thing. "Ringleader" brings connotations with it which sound in criminal conduct. Pryor broke and NCAA bylaw, he did not commit a crime. (Couldn't you see a case where Cecil Newton committed attempted extortion?)

Two separate things.

And - regarding leadership..... the problem sales, as I understand it, were from 2008. That the "hold up" in time was that it was only learned by OSU brass recently. In 2008 Pryor, and several other of the players now in trouble, was a freshman. He was not leading a "ring" The "togetherness" the word Ring implies compels that there be a common purpose of this group. Now, one could say that purpose was to profit off their trinkets and signatures or what have you. And that's fair - but... as individuals not some "ring"

Terrelle Pryor may be a lot of things. But, he's not a "ringleader" The situation doesn't call for one in the first instance (This is not the circus, and there has been no crime), and the time period belies the assertion "ringleader" connotes.
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