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QB Cardale '12 Gauge' Jones (B1G Champion, National Champion)

Scout $ - Glenville Star QB Still Undecided


Video by The Bank....Talks about the expectations of his upcoming Senior year and what he wants to improve on. Says he is up to around 12 or 13 offers & plans on setting up his official visits towards the end of his season. Visited Ohio University this past weekend and talks about his interest in the Bobcats, along with his interest in West Virginia, Iowa & Michigan. Says he still keeps in contact with the Ohio State staff.
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QB Jones' last-minute heroics push Glenville to opening victory

Nat Newell, Special to The Plain Dealer, August 28, 2010 11:38 p.m.

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. -- On fourth-and-17 with 53 seconds left in a one-point game, Glenville High School quarterback Cardale Jones converted with a 31-yard pass.

On third-and-10 from the 15, Jones delivered another first-down throw.

On second-and-goal from the 2 with 11.9 seconds left, the 6-5, 225-pound Jones rolled around left end and bulled into the end zone to give the Tarblooders, ranked first by The Plain Dealer in Northeast Ohio and 22nd in the nation by USA Today, a 28-21 victory over No. 23 Indianapolis Warren Central on Saturday night.

"It was pressure, but it's a privilege to be pressured," said Jones, who completed 20 of 36 passes for 250 yards and two touchdowns. "My coach put the game in my hands and that's what I want."

QB Jones' last-minute heroics push Glenville to opening victory - cleveland.com
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Two players that have not been offered that could be are Glenville's Cardale Jones and Andre Sturdivant. I think we see Jones in a Buckeye uniform should he get himself qualified. At this point he is not. I think there are a couple of reasons why he is a Buckeye if qualfied. I think the staff is afraid of what he can be. His upside is tremendous. To let a Glenville kid get to another Big Ten school and become the player he can be would be a huge blow. A player we could have had who comes from a pipeline school comes back and beats us hurts us on the field and in public relations. The other reason I think a qualified Jones gets an offer is some are questioning Braxton Millers durability. He has been hurt alot. He is going to get hit by bigger and faster people in college. I think it is too early to say he is injury prone but you have to have your head in the sand to not take notice of the fact that he has been hurt a good bit.
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Warren G. Harding @ Glenville Academic Campus - Football - cleveland.com

After V'Angelo Bentley's 85-yard touchdown scamper was nullified by an unsportsmanlike-conduct penalty, Robert Walton Jr.'s 2-yard touchdown run capped a 7-play, 85-yard drive which was sparked by quarterback Cardale Jones' 22-yard completion to Evonte Dunn.

Jones then found Nicholas Davis for a 15-yard scoring toss on the sixth and final play of a 35-yard drive that put Glenville ahead, 21-0, with 6:37 left in the first half.

The Tarblooders went ahead, 27-0, a minute later when Jones scored from 20 yards on a 4-play, 33-yard march that was set up by an Antwan Crutcher interception.

Jones exited the game after the touchdown with a hip injury but returned in the second half. He was eventually replaced by sophomore Christopher Overton but not before completing 10 of 15 passes for 183 yards.

"I think [Jones] has a hip-pointer but he should be ready to go next week," said Tarblooders coach Ted Ginn Sr.
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