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QB Cardale '12 Gauge' Jones (B1G Champion, National Champion)

Jaxbuck;1864231; said:
Which, if this final two is true, then is essentially saying OSU if I get in, Toledo if I dont. No?

I think it likely comes down to "OSU if I feel like taking a gray shirt and jumping through some academic hoops, Toledo if I don't, we'll see what Tressel and company have to say about gray shirting this weekend."
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  1. No way Jones grayshirts. This is not a scenario that happens often, mostly because it is a commitment to pay for a year of school. Almost any player with other big time offers will take four or five free years at a decent school, over paying a year here. Especially when you consider that most don't have a money tree in their back yard. I sometimes feel like this is thrown around as a viable option, ever since Boeckman did it...that is an "almost never happens" deal. I'd be surprised if I see it again in the next 10 years.
  2. The battle here is grades. The answer isn't Ohio State or Toledo...it's Toledo or JC with a CHANCE to go to Ohio State, someday.
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OilerBuck;1864695; said:
  1. No way Jones grayshirts. This is not a scenario that happens often, mostly because it is a commitment to pay for a year of school. Almost any player with other big time offers will take four or five free years at a decent school, over paying a year here. Especially when you consider that most don't have a money tree in their back yard. I sometimes feel like this is thrown around as a viable option, ever since Boeckman did it...that is an "almost never happens" deal. I'd be surprised if I see it again in the next 10 years.
  2. The battle here is grades. The answer isn't Ohio State or Toledo...it's Toledo or JC with a CHANCE to go to Ohio State, someday.

Definitely agree with #2. I wouldn't mind seeing a "Carlos Hyde" type of deal here where he heads off to JUCO for a year and then re-committs next year. It's kind of a quasi-Boeckman deal in that he could red-shirt the year after his JUCO and get a 2 year separation between he and Miller.

Looking forward to see what happens.
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OilerBuck;1864695; said:
  1. No way Jones grayshirts. This is not a scenario that happens often, mostly because it is a commitment to pay for a year of school. Almost any player with other big time offers will take four or five free years at a decent school, over paying a year here. Especially when you consider that most don't have a money tree in their back yard. I sometimes feel like this is thrown around as a viable option, ever since Boeckman did it...that is an "almost never happens" deal. I'd be surprised if I see it again in the next 10 years.
  2. The battle here is grades. The answer isn't Ohio State or Toledo...it's Toledo or JC with a CHANCE to go to Ohio State, someday.

I agree with your logic on why Jones wouldn't greyshirt, I'm not sold on that logic coming from an 18 year-old's perspective. If he wants to be at Ohio State and only has to be off-scholarship for one year, then why not take it. The degree alone compared with Toledo will pay for that one year, plus an Ohio State athlete will almost always have it made in Ohio.

There are enough athletes that go the greyshirt route around the country that I'm not sure it's NOT a viable option. Perhaps the question ought to be, where does he think he'll end up happier? How much does that happiness mean/cost to him?
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Diego-Bucks;1864999; said:
If he wants to be at Ohio State and only has to be off-scholarship for one year, then why not take it.
There really is the possibility that one full year of college is beyond the purse of his family.

(Don't know anything about the Jones' circumstances - but it seems that could be a rational concern).
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Someone correct me if I'm wrong. If he comes to OSU and greyshirts, he cannot be a full time student. Right? So why couldn't he get grants or loans and take just one class per quarter? That way he doesn't spend a whole lot and get into a hole?

If I remember correctly, we don't start semesters until 2012.
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sandgk;1865008; said:
There really is the possibility that one full year of college is beyond the purse of his family.

(Don't know anything about the Jones' circumstances - but it seems that could be a rational concern).

Seems like some needs based assistance wouldn't be too difficult to set up if that was the case. Particularly since the admission department's top dogs would be on it (presumably at least).
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sandgk;1865008; said:
There really is the possibility that one full year of college is beyond the purse of his family.

(Don't know anything about the Jones' circumstances - but it seems that could be a rational concern).

I wouldn't know the circumstances, but I paid for my own California in-state tuition out of pocket and with FAFSA student loans. There are countless ways to pay for college and when an athlete like Jones has the backing of the AD, I am certain they could find enough scholarships, grants and friendly loans to make it affordable.

Like you, I don't know their circumstances, and paying for college should definitely be a concern. But there are ways around that for athletes and other highly-wanted students.
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Why would he ever want to come to Ohio State since we have Braxton? If Braxton is not redshirted than Jones might start his Senior year. We dont want a dual QB thing going again. Jones is great he played against my former HS (Hiliard Davidson), in 2009 in the state finals. He was great that game but nothing like when I went and watched Braxton dismantle our defense in the final 4 this year. The kid on Cleveland Glenville who I think is amazing is Shane Wynn. He has the speed of a CJ and is 5,6 which can be good or bad.
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TROYsSMITH 10;1865042; said:
Why would he ever want to come to Ohio State since we have Braxton?
If Ohio State is truly where he wants to be, than Braxton being here doesn't matter

TROYsSMITH 10;1865042; said:
If Braxton is not redshirted than Jones might start his Senior year.
Cardale doesn't currently hold an Ohio State Offer, so in order to even get to Ohio State he'd have to go the JUCO/Prep School route. This would create a 2 year separation from Braxton.

If he wants to go the JUCO/Prep School route, improve academically and earn his way to Ohio State, then all the power to him and I'm sure all Buckeye fans would support him. I'd love to see him become a Buckeye.
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MD Buckeye;1865044; said:
If Ohio State is truly where he wants to be, than Braxton being here doesn't matter

Cardale doesn't currently hold an Ohio State Offer, so in order to even get to Ohio State he'd have to go the JUCO/Prep School route. This would create a 2 year separation from Braxton.

If he wants to go the JUCO/Prep School route, improve academically and earn his way to Ohio State, then all the power to him and I'm sure all Buckeye fans would support him. I'd love to see him become a Buckeye.

Thanks for the response. Yeah I would love to have him here but I do not know if thats the best for him. But him and Shane Wynn could be the next Smith and Ginn. Both great players, both from Glenville.
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