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QB Cardale '12 Gauge' Jones (B1G Champion, National Champion)

kentuckbuck;1866187; said:
you bust georgia for not having a source but then you don't give a source or are you your own source. Maybe he is too :) Just asking as doesn't make sense to me...

Cannonball comin'...

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shetuck;1866197; said:
You didn't ask a question.

The BPRT is your *only* official friend on the recruiting forum.

I'll make a more formal inquisition next time. See, I'm learning as I go...and I have 3 BP friends now. Boom!

Does this banter constitute as "off-topic material"?
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Ohio State football: Tressel puts offer on table to another QB
Monday, January 31, 2011
By Tim May
The Columbus Dispatch

Ohio State coach Jim Tressel almost always comes up with a surprise or two the last week of the recruiting season, and this year is no exception. The Buckeyes offered a scholarship to Cleveland Glenville quarterback Cardale Jones yesterday.

"I wouldn't say I was surprised, I was just (relieved)," said Jones, a dual-threat quarterback who worked hard on the academic side the past few months to make himself more attractive.

But few expected the Buckeyes, with the state's No.1 quarterback prospect, Braxton Miller, already enrolled at OSU, to go after a second quarterback for the 2011 class. Then again, Jones didn't commit, either.

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Per chat this morning, Mike Ferrell seems to think that Cardale only comes to OSU as a 2012 recruit after Fork Union for a semester or two.

Mike Farrell:
Paul -- If Cardale is will to be placed at Fork Union for a semester (or year) and become a 2012 recruit he will pick OSU, if he wants to play right away it will be Toledo.
Monday January 31, 2011 11:54 Mike Farrell
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this is fantastic news. Its no fault of Cardale's that Braxton is in the same class. I get a feeling that the coaches may not be too wild about their chances/the potential of some of the 2012 quarterbacks. If they can bag Cardale after a semester at prep school and add a maximum of 2 years separation between him and Braxton...then that's the best possible scenario for us. Its obvious that they are high on Cardale. Best of both worlds IMO.
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