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QB Cardale '12 Gauge' Jones (B1G Champion, National Champion)

I thought I remember a policy from years ago where they do not bring in a recruit on an official visit unless he is qualified. Which I know is different than being admitted to tOSU, but that still leads me to believe that he is should at least pass the clearinghouse. Am I imagining this as at least an informal policy?
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stowfan;1866420; said:
Funny thing is, the best Ohio high school QB I ever saw, was a guy named Joe Pickens ('89 Cleveland St Ignatius), and he turned out to be a college bust.
he was another QB as the best from Ohio. Every few years the next great QB from Ohio is coming..,,,,,, Rotlisberger might win the luckies QB from Ohio. Only starting his SENIOR YEAR , cause, the head coaches son graduated. Just imagine if they, were the same age. :(
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matcar;1866733; said:
The same bill Burke throwing to Plaxico against the good guys in 1998 I presume.

I played with Bill Burke his senior year in HS (in practice lol), I was a freshman. I still sometimes think about what could have been... The 1998 season for the bucks, darn.
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Hodgepodge;1866336; said:
Led Dawson, Roger Staubach, and Art Schlichter would like to discuss this bit of hyperbole with you, Duane.

When Duane's said things like that in the past he's always qualified it with something like "since I've been following recruiting", meaning the last 20 years or so I believe. He didn't say that this time but I bet that's what he meant.
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Roll of the dice
Ohio State has seen some can't-miss recruits fail, while less-heralded prospects sometimes become stars
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
By Tim May

Cardale Jones hasn't said he's going to sign with Ohio State, and even if he does pick the Buckeyes, there's a good chance the Cleveland Glenville quarterback might be asked to be a "grayshirt," delaying his enrollment so he counts against the 2012 class.

But if he does pick Ohio State tonight, Jones won't be deterred by the fact that Braxton Miller - a quarterback the Buckeyes identified as their No.1 prospect for 2011 two years ago - is already enrolled in school. Recruiting irony, Jones said, could still be on his side because he's from the same school that produced Troy Smith.

"We both wear No.10, and we were both in the same predicament when it comes to Ohio State, getting that offer at the last minute," Jones said. "It might be clich, but history does repeat itself. I might not have gotten as many offers as Troy did, but as far as getting the offer I really wanted, I just did.

"And I might be going to the school where it looks like they got the quarterback they wanted, Braxton Miller, who is a great quarterback in my eyes."

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