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QB Antonio Henton (transfer to Ga. Southern and FT. Valley St.)

MililaniBuckeye;941757; said:
1. None of us has played QB at The Ohio State University, which
2. Most certainly give us the right to bust his balls for doing something stupid

When you're in such a position, young or not, you need to realize that your every move is scrutinized. Can't stand the heat? GTFOTK...


You are vet on these boards bro and the majority of the posts you make are excellent and informative about tOSU. BUT I truly thought that you would be one of the first to say, "you screwed up kid now let's get your shit together and move on." From the rumblings I hear about Antonio down here in GA is that he is a good kid, does well in school and not to bad a football player to boot. He made a mistake. Let's correct it and move on. Learn and grow from your mistakes, do not let them hold you down. I will not make any excuse for anyone that breaks the law. But I do understand that young men do screw up. So give the kid words of encouragement and support him if your in the position to do so.
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I posted this earlier today on another forum, so rather than recompose it, I'm including it here, FWIW:

Look, he violated a statute, albeit at the misdemeanor level. It is at that level for a reason. He did not beat or rob anyone, steal their money or livlihood, slander or libel anyone, conspire with them to do serious evil, or any of the other crimes that statutes classify as more than misdemeanors. And, except in the football/sports sense I doubt that he did serious damage to the University's reputation.

And even then, it is not the kind of thing that is going to add much to any rogue tag in the big picture nationally. Just as many of the somewhat more serious transgressions of dozens of other school's athletes do not. They are frowned upon at the time, and then it passes in the short attention span of the public's mind.

But, at the same time he DID violate the law (although I think it is interesting that he chose to plead not guilty... perhaps he and his legal advisor(s)see something mitigating in the circumstances) and if found guilty will pay a price. And he should. One specified by the statute. And he is already paying a sports price. The initial suspension is surely the tip of the iceberg within the program. We may never know the full extent of his punishment therein.

While the reputation of the team and of my alma mater is very important to me, I think we have to be careful not to blow such a situation out of proportion. Indeed the punishment should fit the crime, and in the big picture of "crime" in our society, this one simply does not meet the standard of a huge deal, no matter the sensibilities of those whose moral code is highly offended by this kind of offense.

I do agree that if he gets arrested again, then he should be out. Live and learn, or else. But let's allow the relative gravity of this situation to play out and then move on.

Go Bucks!
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Before we start dumping on the kid, it might behoove us to recall the Albert Dukes incident of 2004.

The case was dropped, right? Henton has pleaded "not guilty", right? Usually, the course of action is to wait and see how it plays out in the legal system.

Anyway, "second chances" is JT's middle name, as history has borne out.

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ytownbuckeye;941949; said:
boys will be boys. he'll be back. not like he was riding around with a bullet proof vest and getting his goose on.

At least he was thinking with his little head but, needs to use the bigger head from now on to stay on the team.
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notfadeaway;941712; said:
fREAKING HILARIOUS!:biggrin::oh:
ArmyVet83;941788; said:

You are vet on these boards bro and the majority of the posts you make are excellent and informative about tOSU. BUT I truly thought that you would be one of the first to say, "you screwed up kid now let's get your shit together and move on." From the rumblings I hear about Antonio down here in GA is that he is a good kid, does well in school and not to bad a football player to boot. He made a mistake. Let's correct it and move on. Learn and grow from your mistakes, do not let them hold you down. I will not make any excuse for anyone that breaks the law. But I do understand that young men do screw up. So give the kid words of encouragement and support him if your in the position to do so.

I read somewhere around here that you NEVER leave a Buckeye hanging. Never. Sheesh.
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I used to believe that a person could go too far in their criticisms of student athletes. The key words here: used to. Gundy sort of changed all of that. What Antonio Henton did was stupid. Not only was it stupid, it is below the standards we should have for our student athletes at The Ohio State University. He may be a fantastic kid, he may have great grades, and he may even spend the majority of his free time doing charity work. However, he broke the law. He broke the law in the same manner that we have criticized Robert Downey Jr. for and many others. These kids act naive, but they know what they are getting in to when they take a full ride to a premiere University. They love the attention, they bask in it when recruiters are regaling them and at their beck and call. I agree with Forde when he talked about Gundy, it is a double standard to lift these guys on a pedestal and then act as though they're as fragile as glass when they screw up. I know that he has not been convicted of anything, but those of us that are familiar with the law know that these charges--even if dropped--are rarely bogus. I'm disappointed in him and I think every fan should be. He can redeem himself, but for now I will criticize him.

On the Gundy issue: he acted like a buffoon. It is admirable to defend your athletes but he couldn't even coherently make sense of his arguments. It was just a lot of emotional jibjab. He may be 40, but he should know by now that if there is undesirable behavior the best way to handle it is ignore it. He can't control journalists and whether or not their statements are true or false. Now Ok. St. athletes are going to be under microscopes by more than just local reporters. Gundy will also have a reputation for acting completely nuts whenever somebody prints bad press.
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kn1f3party - it is your right to criticize if you so choose, but I hope to God you never make a mistake and people take it upon themselves to criticize you. Criticism stems from one person's opinion - and we all know what opinions are like. So Antonio broke the law - you act as if tOSU students are saints. None of us were there that night, and frankly it is none of your business. Guilty or not. He's not sponsoring dog fighting rings or carrying dope around in a water bottle - he hasn't stomped another player in the head or been in any bar room shootings.

You don't know Antonio - how do you know what he basks in, do you know from what kind of life he came? Do you know that getting to Ohio is probably one of the only times he was ever even able to get out of Fort Valley except for away high school football games? Why would you presume he is acting naive? You don't know anything about him - except how he has performed on the field, which is really the only thing that concerns you. You compare him to Robert Downey Jr? You serious? That is a man who has made the choice to live a life in the public - Antonio is guilty of taking a college scholarship and getting an education. Had he not been afforded this opportunity, he'd be working behind the Dairy Queen counter - kids from Fort Valley, especially from his background, aren't expected to do much more. Damn man - even speeding is breaking the law - we should all aspire to be as flawless as you present yourself to be. You accuse him of basking in his position - you know nothing about him. He is a young man, one of God's most vulnerable creatures, and he made a mistake. I personally know how grounded he is, and I know how disappointed he is in himself - he comes from the most well behaved and mannered family I have ever met. Yeah, what he did was stupid, but if doing something stupid is below the "standards we should have for our student athletes at The Ohio State University", then just tell me who in the hell could meet such high standards? It might not reach the news, but I guaran-damn-tee you more than one student has not met your expectations yet it didn't reach this level of publicity. Antonio will learn from this and will redeem himself, but he'll do it for himself first, his team, but least of all does he have to redeem himself to you. You can sit in judgment of others all you want - you can throw out presumptions of what you think another person is thinking or feeling - but for you to put yourself in such a high position to even presume you have the right to do so is sheer hypocrisy. Antonio represents tOSU on the field and to an extent off as well, but he also has a right to his privacy. He has a right to screw up and learn from it. He also has the right to tell you where you can put your criticisms of him or anyone else, and if he ever reads this form, I hope he exercises that right. tOSU should remain damn proud to have such an outstanding young man on their campus. I am sorry only now are you realizing he is only human. I do not condone what he did, it was a stupid decision, but I do believe in him.
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peachtrojanfan;942206; said:
kn1f3party - it is your right to criticize if you so choose, but I hope to God you never make a mistake and people take it upon themselves to criticize you. Criticism stems from one person's opinion - and we all know what opinions are like. So Antonio broke the law - you act as if tOSU students are saints. None of us were there that night, and frankly it is none of your business. Guilty or not. He's not sponsoring dog fighting rings or carrying dope around in a water bottle - he hasn't stomped another player in the head or been in any bar room shootings.

You don't know Antonio - how do you know what he basks in, do you know from what kind of life he came? Do you know that getting to Ohio is probably one of the only times he was ever even able to get out of Fort Valley except for away high school football games? Why would you presume he is acting naive? You don't know anything about him - except how he has performed on the field, which is really the only thing that concerns you. You compare him to Robert Downey Jr? You serious? That is a man who has made the choice to live a life in the public - Antonio is guilty of taking a college scholarship and getting an education. Had he not been afforded this opportunity, he'd be working behind the Dairy Queen counter - kids from Fort Valley, especially from his background, aren't expected to do much more. Damn man - even speeding is breaking the law - we should all aspire to be as flawless as you present yourself to be. You accuse him of basking in his position - you know nothing about him. He is a young man, one of God's most vulnerable creatures, and he made a mistake. I personally know how grounded he is, and I know how disappointed he is in himself - he comes from the most well behaved and mannered family I have ever met. Yeah, what he did was stupid, but if doing something stupid is below the "standards we should have for our student athletes at The Ohio State University", then just tell me who in the hell could meet such high standards? It might not reach the news, but I guaran-damn-tee you more than one student has not met your expectations yet it didn't reach this level of publicity. Antonio will learn from this and will redeem himself, but he'll do it for himself first, his team, but least of all does he have to redeem himself to you. You can sit in judgment of others all you want - you can throw out presumptions of what you think another person is thinking or feeling - but for you to put yourself in such a high position to even presume you have the right to do so is sheer hypocrisy. Antonio represents tOSU on the field and to an extent off as well, but he also has a right to his privacy. He has a right to screw up and learn from it. He also has the right to tell you where you can put your criticisms of him or anyone else, and if he ever reads this form, I hope he exercises that right. tOSU should remain damn proud to have such an outstanding young man on their campus. I am sorry only now are you realizing he is only human. I do not condone what he did, it was a stupid decision, but I do believe in him.

Well said!
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kn1f3party;942107; said:
I used to believe that a person could go too far in their criticisms of student athletes. The key words here: used to. Gundy sort of changed all of that.
This makes zero sense. If it's wrong, it's wrong... regardless of an emotional response by a coach, who responded to a classless attack.
These kids act naive, but they know what they are getting in to when they take a full ride to a premiere University. They love the attention, they bask in it when recruiters are regaling them and at their beck and call.
No, every kid doesn't... and pretending like every kid is the same and starved for attention is reckless and ignorant.
On the Gundy issue: he acted like a buffoon. It is admirable to defend your athletes but he couldn't even coherently make sense of his arguments. It was just a lot of emotional jibjab. He may be 40, but he should know by now that if there is undesirable behavior the best way to handle it is ignore it. He can't control journalists and whether or not their statements are true or false. Now Ok. St. athletes are going to be under microscopes by more than just local reporters. Gundy will also have a reputation for acting completely nuts whenever somebody prints bad press.
The gundy issue continues to be irrelevant to this topic. If you want to write a novella, try doing so in the gundy thread.
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peachtrojanfan;942206; said:
kn1f3party - it is your right to criticize if you so choose, but I hope to God you never make a mistake and people take it upon themselves to criticize you. Criticism stems from one person's opinion - and we all know what opinions are like. So Antonio broke the law - you act as if tOSU students are saints. None of us were there that night, and frankly it is none of your business. Guilty or not. He's not sponsoring dog fighting rings or carrying dope around in a water bottle - he hasn't stomped another player in the head or been in any bar room shootings.

You don't know Antonio - how do you know what he basks in, do you know from what kind of life he came? Do you know that getting to Ohio is probably one of the only times he was ever even able to get out of Fort Valley except for away high school football games? Why would you presume he is acting naive? You don't know anything about him - except how he has performed on the field, which is really the only thing that concerns you. You compare him to Robert Downey Jr? You serious? That is a man who has made the choice to live a life in the public - Antonio is guilty of taking a college scholarship and getting an education. Had he not been afforded this opportunity, he'd be working behind the Dairy Queen counter - kids from Fort Valley, especially from his background, aren't expected to do much more. Damn man - even speeding is breaking the law - we should all aspire to be as flawless as you present yourself to be. You accuse him of basking in his position - you know nothing about him. He is a young man, one of God's most vulnerable creatures, and he made a mistake. I personally know how grounded he is, and I know how disappointed he is in himself - he comes from the most well behaved and mannered family I have ever met. Yeah, what he did was stupid, but if doing something stupid is below the "standards we should have for our student athletes at The Ohio State University", then just tell me who in the hell could meet such high standards? It might not reach the news, but I guaran-damn-tee you more than one student has not met your expectations yet it didn't reach this level of publicity. Antonio will learn from this and will redeem himself, but he'll do it for himself first, his team, but least of all does he have to redeem himself to you. You can sit in judgment of others all you want - you can throw out presumptions of what you think another person is thinking or feeling - but for you to put yourself in such a high position to even presume you have the right to do so is sheer hypocrisy. Antonio represents tOSU on the field and to an extent off as well, but he also has a right to his privacy. He has a right to screw up and learn from it. He also has the right to tell you where you can put your criticisms of him or anyone else, and if he ever reads this form, I hope he exercises that right. tOSU should remain damn proud to have such an outstanding young man on their campus. I am sorry only now are you realizing he is only human. I do not condone what he did, it was a stupid decision, but I do believe in him.

WOW, Great post!!
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peachtrojanfan;942206; said:
kn1f3party - it is your right to criticize if you so choose, but I hope to God you never make a mistake and people take it upon themselves to criticize you. Criticism stems from one person's opinion - and we all know what opinions are like. So Antonio broke the law - you act as if tOSU students are saints. None of us were there that night, and frankly it is none of your business. Guilty or not. He's not sponsoring dog fighting rings or carrying dope around in a water bottle - he hasn't stomped another player in the head or been in any bar room shootings.

You don't know Antonio - how do you know what he basks in, do you know from what kind of life he came? Do you know that getting to Ohio is probably one of the only times he was ever even able to get out of Fort Valley except for away high school football games? Why would you presume he is acting naive? You don't know anything about him - except how he has performed on the field, which is really the only thing that concerns you. You compare him to Robert Downey Jr? You serious? That is a man who has made the choice to live a life in the public - Antonio is guilty of taking a college scholarship and getting an education. Had he not been afforded this opportunity, he'd be working behind the Dairy Queen counter - kids from Fort Valley, especially from his background, aren't expected to do much more. Damn man - even speeding is breaking the law - we should all aspire to be as flawless as you present yourself to be. You accuse him of basking in his position - you know nothing about him. He is a young man, one of God's most vulnerable creatures, and he made a mistake. I personally know how grounded he is, and I know how disappointed he is in himself - he comes from the most well behaved and mannered family I have ever met. Yeah, what he did was stupid, but if doing something stupid is below the "standards we should have for our student athletes at The Ohio State University", then just tell me who in the hell could meet such high standards? It might not reach the news, but I guaran-damn-tee you more than one student has not met your expectations yet it didn't reach this level of publicity. Antonio will learn from this and will redeem himself, but he'll do it for himself first, his team, but least of all does he have to redeem himself to you. You can sit in judgment of others all you want - you can throw out presumptions of what you think another person is thinking or feeling - but for you to put yourself in such a high position to even presume you have the right to do so is sheer hypocrisy. Antonio represents tOSU on the field and to an extent off as well, but he also has a right to his privacy. He has a right to screw up and learn from it. He also has the right to tell you where you can put your criticisms of him or anyone else, and if he ever reads this form, I hope he exercises that right. tOSU should remain damn proud to have such an outstanding young man on their campus. I am sorry only now are you realizing he is only human. I do not condone what he did, it was a stupid decision, but I do believe in him.


some buckeye fans had their bachelor party at a church :biggrin:
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